# vim:ft=yaml ############################################################################# # # This file is first parsed by erb # # - (http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/erb/rdoc/classes/ERB.html) # # Then it is interpreted as a yaml file # # - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML # ############################################################################# <% ######################################################################### # ADAPT THE FOLLOWING LINES TO YOU NEEDS ######################################################################### # qt installation directory QTDIR = "/opt/qt/master" # kdesupport and 3rd party installation directory EXTRADIR = "/opt/kde/trunk/extra" # kde installation directory KDEDIR = "/opt/kde/trunk/kde" # kde svn server # KDESVNSERVER = "svn+ssh://@svn.kde.org/home" KDESVNSERVER = "svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde" # gitorius server. qt is hosted there ( http://qt.gitorious.org ) GITORIOUS = "git://gitorious.org" # The build directory # /src/... The checkouts # /bld/... The out of place builds # /log/... The logfiles WORK_DIRECTORY = "~/kde/trunk" # The c++ compile flags to use CXXFLAGS= "-Wall -pipe -O0" ######################################################################### # YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CHANGE THE NEXT LINES ######################################################################### # Provided to kde packages when configuring KDEDIRS = "#{EXTRADIR}:#{KDEDIR}" %> ############################ # GLOBAL CONFIGURATION # ############################ - :global: !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ApplicationConfiguration workdir: <%= WORK_DIRECTORY %> ############################ # MAKE # ############################ - :make: !michael-jansen.biz,2009/MakeConfiguration # executable: "/usr/bin/make" options: "-j16" ############################ # CTAGS - # ############################ - :tags: !michael-jansen.biz,2009/CTagsConfiguration # executable: "/usr/bin/ctags" options: "--exclude=$HOME/.grepexclude --exclude=*.html" ############################ # Packages # ############################ # # A package defines a name for a configurable set of modules. Specifying # modules is possible using: # # - -> The module # # - : -> The modules from package # # - / -> All modules named / in the same # order defined in this logfile # - :tags: !michael-jansen.biz,2009/Packages - default: kdelibs kdepimlibs kdebase/ kdepim - plasma: playground/nepomuk-kde kdeplasma-addons playground/plasma-applets - devel: kdesdk kdev/ - graphics: extra/lensfun kdegraphics extragear/graphics/ - multimedia: kdemultimedia qtscriptgenerator amarok - other: kdeedu kdenetwork kdegames koffice - qt: qtmaster qca qimageblitz - all: :default :plasma :graphics :multimedia kdenetwork extragear/amarok - complete: :default ############################ # YAML CONSTANTS # ############################ # # Some convenience yaml constants. Mix them into the module definition with # - * # - &sshkey - ssh-file: ~/.ssh/id_dsa - ssh-key: "1024 aa:8b:12:f4:67:8d:c4:6d:4d:d3:1d:cc:15:ee:ce:e8" - &env - env: - PATH: <%= "#{QTDIR}:#{KDEDIRS}".split(":").collect { |d| d+"/bin" }.join(":")%>:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/bin:/bin - KDEDIRS: <%= KDEDIRS %> - &qt - *env - *sshkey - prefix: <%= QTDIR %> - &kde - *env - *sshkey - repository: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/trunk - prefix: <%= KDEDIR %> - build-system: - name: cmake - options: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DLIB_SUFFIX=64 -DCMAKE_CXXFLAGS='<%=CXXFLAGS%>'" - cmake-prefix-path: "<%= QTDIR %>:<%= KDEDIRS %>:<%= EXTRADIR %>" ############################ # MODULE DEFINITIONS # ############################ # - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration # # The module name. # - name: kdesupport/automoc # # Some example constants # - *env # - *sshkey # # The repository to fetch from. # - repository: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/trunk # # The remote directory for fetch from relative to repository # - remote-path: kdesupport/automoc # # The installation directory # - prefix: <%= EXTRADIR %> # # The ssh key needed to talk to the repository (optional). Will be # # loaded with ssh-add if necessary. Make sure ssh-agent is running # - ssh-file: ~/.ssh/id_dsa # - ssh-key: "1024 aa:8b:12:f4:67:8d:c4:6d:4d:d3:1d:cc:15:ee:ce:e8" # # Whatever environment variables should be set before the configuration # # script is run. # - env: # - PATH: <%= "#{QTDIR}:#{KDEDIRS}".split(":").collect { |d| d+"/bin" }.join(":")%>:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/bin:/bin # - KDEDIRS: <%= KDEDIRS %> # # The version controls system to use. Currently svn, git and git-svn are # # supported # - vcs: (git|svn|git-svn) # # It's also possible to specify some more options to the vcs system. # - vcs # # The build system to use # - name: git-svn # # Fetch some externals # - externals: # - kget/transfer-plugins/bittorrent/libbtcore: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/branches/stable/extragear-kde4/network/ktorrent/libbtcore # # The build system to use. Currently autoconf(partially), cmake, qmake are # # supported # - build-system: (cmake|qmake|autoconf) # # It's also possible to specify some more options to the build system. # - build-system # # The build system to use # - name: cmake # # Make an in source build (ALL) # - inplace: true # # Options to supply to the configuration script (ALL) # - options: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DLIB_SUFFIX=64 -DCMAKE_CXXFLAGS='<%=CXXFLAGS%>'" # - options: "--enable-debug" # # CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (CMAKE) # - cmake-prefix-path: /my/local/install # # Build-tool knows how to use autogen.sh. Supply some options (AUTOCONF) # - autogen-options: --noconfigure ############################ # KDESUPPORT # ############################ <% for mod in [ 'automoc', 'polkit-qt', 'soprano', 'akonadi', 'phonon', 'strigi', 'taglib', 'taglib-extras', 'telepathy-qt', 'tapioca-qt', 'decibel', 'oxygen-icons' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: kdesupport/<%= mod %> - *env - *sshkey - repository: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/trunk - vcs: - name: git-svn - prefix: <%= EXTRADIR %> - build-system: - name: cmake - options: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DLIB_SUFFIX=64 -DCMAKE_CXXFLAGS='<%=CXXFLAGS%>'" - remote-path: kdesupport/<%= mod %> <% end %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - *env - *sshkey - repository: git://anongit.freedesktop.org - name: kdesupport/networkmanager - remote-path: NetworkManager/NetworkManager.git - local-path: kdesupport/networkmanager - vcs: - name: git - prefix: <%= EXTRADIR %> - build-system: - name: autoconf - options: "CXXFLAGS=-g" - inplace: true - autogen-options: -test ############################ # Qt # ############################ - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - *qt - name: qtmaster - local-path: qtmaster - remote-path: qt/qt.git - repository: <%= GITORIOUS %> - vcs: git - build-system: - name: qtcopy # -qt-gif ............ Compile the plugin for GIF reading support. # -no-exceptions ..... Disable exceptions on compilers that support it. # -fast .............. Configure Qt quickly by generating Makefiles only for # library and subdirectory targets. All other Makefiles # are created as wrappers, which will in turn run qmake. # -nomake ..... Exclude part from the list of parts to be built. # -no-phonon ......... Do not build the Phonon module. kde has it's own in # kdesupport - options: "--debug -qt-gif -no-exceptions -fast -qdbus -nomake examples -nomake demos -no-phonon -developer-build" - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - *qt - name: qca - remote-path: kdesupport/qca - local-path: qca - repository: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/trunk - vcs: - name: git-svn - build-system: - name: cmake - options: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DLIB_SUFFIX=64 -DCMAKE_CXXFLAGS='<%=CXXFLAGS%>'" - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - *qt - name: qimageblitz - remote-path: kdesupport/qimageblitz - local-path: qimageblitz - repository: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/trunk - vcs: git-svn - build-system: - name: cmake - options: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DLIB_SUFFIX=64 -DCMAKE_CXXFLAGS='<%=CXXFLAGS%>'" ############################ # KDE CORE # ############################ <% for mod in [ 'kdelibs', 'kdepimlibs', 'kdebase/runtime', 'kdebase/workspace', 'kdebase/apps', 'kdepim', 'kdemultimedia', 'kdenetwork', 'kdesdk', 'kdeutils', 'kdeedu', 'kdegraphics', 'kdegames', 'kdebindings', 'kdeadmin' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: <%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: KDE/<%= mod %> - local-path: <%= mod %> - vcs: - name: git-svn <% if mod == "kdenetwork" %> - externals: - kget/transfer-plugins/bittorrent/libbtcore: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/branches/stable/extragear-kde4/network/ktorrent/libbtcore <% elsif mod == "kdebase/workspace" %> - externals: - kwin/clients/oxygen/lib: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/kstyles/oxygen/lib - kwin/clients/ozone/lib: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/kstyles/oxygen/lib <% end %> <% end %> ############################ # PLASMA # ############################ <% for mod, path in { 'playground/nepomuk-kde' => 'playground/base/nepomuk-kde', 'kdeplasma-addons' => 'KDE/kdeplasma-addons' } %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: <%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: <%= path %> - local-path: <%= mod %> - vcs: git-svn <% end %> ############################ # KDEVELOP # ############################ <% for mod in [ 'kdevelop', 'kdevplatform' ] %> # kdevelop heavily relies on svn_externals. Use svn - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - *env - *sshkey - name: kdev/<%= mod %> - remote-path: KDE/<%= mod %> - local-path: kdev/<%= mod %> - repository: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/trunk - vcs: svn - prefix: <%= KDEDIR %> - build-system: - name: cmake - options: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DLIB_SUFFIX=64 -DCMAKE_CXXFLAGS='<%=CXXFLAGS%>'" - cmake-prefix-path: "<%= QTDIR %>:<%= KDEDIRS %>:<%= EXTRADIR %>" <% end %> ######################################### # EXTREAGEAR / KDEVELOP PLUGINS # ######################################### <% for mod in [ 'kdevelop-pg-qt', 'kdevelop-pg', 'duchainviewer', 'cppunit', 'metrics', 'python', 'ruby', 'newgdb', 'sloc', 'teamwork' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: kdev/<%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: trunk/playground/devtools/kdevelop4-extra-plugins/<%= mod %> - local-path: kdev/<%= mod %> - vcs: git-svn <% end %> ############################ # KOFFICE # ############################ - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: koffice - *kde - remote-path: koffice - vcs: - name: git-svn - externals: - kdgantt: <%= KDESVNSERVER %>/kde/trunk/KDE/kdepim/kdgantt ############################ # EXTRAGEAR / GRAPHICS # ############################ <% for mod in [ 'digikam', 'kipi-plugins', 'skanlite', 'kphotoalbum' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: extragear/<%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: extragear/graphics/<%= mod %> - local-path: extragear/graphics/<%= mod %> - vcs: git-svn <% end %> ############################ # EXTRAGEAR / MULTIMEDIA # ############################ <% for mod in [ 'amarok', 'k3b', 'kaffeine', 'kmplayer' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: extragear/<%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: extragear/multimedia/<%= mod %> - local-path: extragear/multimedia/<%= mod %> - vcs: git-svn <% end %> ############################ # EXTRAGEAR / NETWORK # ############################ <% for mod in [ 'konversation', 'ktorrent' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: extragear/<%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: extragear/network/<%= mod %> - local-path: extragear/network/<%= mod %> - vcs: git-svn <% end %> ############################ # EXTRAGEAR / OFFICE # ############################ <% for mod in [ 'kile', 'tellico' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: extragear/<%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: extragear/office/<%= mod %> - local-path: extragear/office/<%= mod %> - vcs: git-svn <% end %> ############################ # EXTRAGEAR / PIM # ############################ <% for mod in [ 'ksig', 'googledata' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: extragear/<%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: extragear/pim/<%= mod %> - local-path: extragear/pim/<%= mod %> - vcs: git-svn <% end %> ############################ # EXTRAGEAR / UTILS # ############################ <% for mod in [ 'yakuake' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: extragear/<%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: extragear/utils/<%= mod %> - local-path: extragear/utils/<%= mod %> - vcs: git-svn <% end %> ############################## # PLAYGROUND / BASE / PLASMA # ############################## <% for mod in [ 'activewindowcontrol', 'adjustableclock', 'blackboard', 'cia.vc', 'cmake', 'commandwatch', 'contacts', 'cpufrequency-selector', 'crystal', 'darkstat', 'debugapplet', 'desktop', 'embed-win', 'embedded-ivan', 'fancytasks', 'flippoid', 'fortunoid', 'grid', 'groupphoto', 'java', 'kbstateapplet', 'kconfigmenu', 'keren', 'keyboardLeds', 'keystatejs', 'killswitch', 'knowledgebase', 'konsolator', 'kuickquiz', 'lionmail', 'meltdown', 'menubar', 'mid_control', 'miniplayer', 'moodbar', 'nepomuktags', 'network', 'networkmanager', 'openbrain', 'panelspacer', 'peachydock', 'plasmaboard', 'plasmobiff', 'presence', 'rotator', 'runcommand', 'script', 'serverhotlink', 'slideInSlideOut', 'spellcheck', 'stockwidget', 'suspend-applet', 'svgpaneltest', 'systemcommand', 'test', 'timeline', 'timetracker', 'toggle-compositing', 'togglepanel', 'train-clock', 'translatoid', 'victorycalendar', 'webapp', 'welcome', 'wifi-signal-strength', 'windowlist', 'windows-startmenu' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: playground/plasma-applets-<%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: playground/base/plasma/applets/<%= mod %> - local-path: playground/plasma-applets-<%= mod %> - vcs: git-svn <% end %> ############################## # PLAYGROUND / NETWORK # ############################## <% for mod in [ 'kopete', 'kbluetooth4', 'kepas', 'rekonq' ] %> - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: playground/network-<%= mod %> - *kde - remote-path: playground/network/<%= mod %> - local-path: playground/network-<%= mod %> - vcs: git-svn <% end %> ############################## # 3RD - PARTY / LENSFUN # ############################## - !michael-jansen.biz,2009/ModuleConfiguration - name: extra/lensfun - local-path: extra/lensfun - remote-path: lensfun/trunk - repository: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos - vcs: git-svn - prefix: <%= KDEDIR %> - build-system: - name: autoconf # Lensfun build system (only autoconf compatibel requires an inplace # build - inplace: true ############################ # NOT YET PORTED # ############################ # ; =========================================================================== # [module:qtscriptgenerator] # vcs= git # build_system= qmake # repository=git://labs.trolltech.com/qtscriptgenerator # prefix= %(kde4svn)s # # # ; =========================================================================== # [module:l10n] # ; Keep svn here because the others would try to checkout l10n completely # vcs= svn # ; List of languages separated with spaces # languages=de # build_system= kde-l10n # svn-root= %(kde-svn-server)s/trunk/l10n-kde4 # prefix= %(kde4svn)s #