// Faux Box Shadow (IE8) @mixin faux-box-shadow($border: border, $size: 1px, $color: #CCC) { #{$border}: #{$size} solid #{$color}; #{$border}: 0 solid rgba(0,0,0,0); } // Mostly cross-browser opacity @mixin oh-pacity($level: 1) { $ms-level: $level*100; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=#{$ms-level})"; filter: alpha(opacity=#{$ms-level}); -moz-opacity: #{$level}; -khtml-opacity: #{$level}; opacity: #{$level}; } // Remove margins & style from a list @mixin unstyled-list { list-style: none outside; margin: 0; } // Prepend selectors with a class specific to old IE @mixin media-ie($args...) { @if length($args) > 0 { @include media($args) { @content; } } .old-ie & { @content; } } // Add min-width to containers for old IE @mixin ie-width { .old-ie & { min-width: $breakpoint-ipad; } }