# Kloudless Community-contributed Ruby client to the Kloudless API. The Kloudless team plans to support an official Ruby SDK in the future. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'kloudless' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install kloudless ## Usage See the [Kloudless API Docs](https://developers.kloudless.com/docs) for the official reference. You can obtain an API Key at the [Developer Portal](https://developers.kloudless.com/). ```ruby # Authentication using a Bearer Token obtained by authenticating a user. Kloudless.authorize(token: "abc") # Alternatively, use the line below for API Keys: # Kloudless.authorize(api_key: "abc") accounts = Kloudless::Account.list account = accounts.first account = Kloudless::Account.update(account_id: account.id, active: false) Kloudless::Account.delete(account_id: account.id) ``` ## Version This gem uses [semantic versioning](http://semver.org), where a version number looks like: ``` v major.minor.patch ``` The major version tracks the version of the Kloudless API. For example, all versions that start with `v1.x.y` are compatible with Kloudless API `v1`. ## Release To release this gem, look under the `script` directory. Check out [jch/release-scripts](https://github.com/jch/release-scripts) for details.