Capistrano::Configuration.instance(true).load do set :ruby_lib_path, '/usr/lib/ruby' set :ruby_bin_path, '/usr/bin/ruby1.8' # =============================================================== # DEPLOYMENT SCRIPTS # =============================================================== namespace :deploy do # =============================================================== # SERVER MANAGEMENT # =============================================================== desc "Stops the phusion passenger server" task :stop, :role => :app do puts "Stopping rails web server" apache.stop end desc "Starts the phusion passenger server" task :start, :role => :app do puts "Starting rails web server" apache.start end desc "Restarts the phusion passenger server" task :restart, :role => :app do puts "Restarting the application" run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt" end desc "Update code on server, apply migrations, and restart passenger server" task :with_migrations, :role => :app do deploy.update deploy.migrate deploy.restart end # =============================================================== # UTILITY TASKS # =============================================================== desc "Copies the shared/config/database yaml to release/config/" task :copy_config, :role => :app do puts "Copying database configuration to release path" sudo "cp #{shared_path}/config/database.yml #{release_path}/config/" end desc "Repair permissions to allow user to perform all actions" task :repair_permissions, :role => :app do puts "Applying correct permissions to allow for proper command execution" sudo "chmod -R 744 #{current_path}/log #{current_path}/tmp" sudo "chown -R #{user}:#{user} #{current_path}" sudo "chown -R #{user}:#{user} #{current_path}/tmp" end desc "Displays the production log from the server locally" task :tail, :role => :app do stream "tail -f #{shared_path}/log/production.log" end # =============================================================== # INSTALLATION # =============================================================== desc "Installs Phusion Passenger" task :install_passenger, :role => :app do puts 'Installing passenger module' deploy.passenger_module deploy.config_passenger end desc "Setup Passenger Module" task :passenger_module do sudo "gem install passenger --no-ri --no-rdoc" input = '' run "sudo passenger-install-apache2-module" do |ch, stream, out| next if out.chomp == input.chomp || out.chomp == '' print out ch.send_data(input = $stdin.gets) if out =~ /(Enter|ENTER)/ end end desc "Configure Passenger" task :config_passenger do version = 'ERROR' # default # passenger (2.X.X, 1.X.X) run("gem list | grep passenger") do |ch, stream, data| version = data.sub(/passenger \(([^,]+).*/,"\\1").strip end puts " passenger version #{version} configured" passenger_config =<<-EOF LoadModule passenger_module #{ruby_lib_path}/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-#{version}/ext/apache2/ PassengerRoot #{ruby_lib_path}/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-#{version} PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby1.8 EOF put passenger_config, "src/passenger" sudo "mv src/passenger /etc/apache2/conf.d/passenger" end end # =============================================================== # MAINTENANCE TASKS # =============================================================== namespace :sweep do desc "Clear file-based fragment and action caching" task :log, :role => :app do puts "Sweeping all the log files" run "cd #{current_path} && #{sudo} rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=production" end desc "Clear file-based fragment and action caching" task :cache, :role => :app do puts "Sweeping the fragment and action cache stores" run "cd #{release_path} && #{sudo} rake tmp:cache:clear RAILS_ENV=production" end end # =============================================================== # TASK CALLBACKS # =============================================================== after "deploy:update_code", "deploy:copy_config" # copy database.yml file to release path after "deploy:update_code", "sweep:cache" # clear cache after updating code after "deploy:restart" , "deploy:repair_permissions" # fix the permissions to work properly end