# gem-newgem ## Description This a [rubygems plugin][Gem plugins] useful to generate new gem skeleton based on a default or custom template. ```bash $ gem install gem-newgem $ gem new fancy_stuff --summary "This newgem will do some fancy stuff" ``` ## Similar tools You can achieve pretty much the same with [bundle gem][] GEMNAME using [bundler predefined][] template. Or you can use one of these tools: [Ore][] | [RubiGen][] | [gem-init][] | [prigner][] | [gem-new][] But i guess i just wanted to write my own ;) If you like the idea of creating creating custom generators take a look at [thor][] (used by this gem) and how to [start][] the generator from your ruby script. ## Installation ```bash $ gem install gem-newgem ``` ## Usage Use either the long form `$ gem newgem GEMNAME` or the [short form][] `$ gem new GEMNAME` ```bash $ gem newgem GEMNAME [--template TEMPLATE_NAME] [--summary "This newgem will do some fancy stuff"] $ gem newgem --help Usage: gem newgem GEMNAME [options] Options: -t, --template TEMPLATE_NAME Use TEMPLATE instead of `default` template By default, all templates are looked at ~/.newgem-templates/ -s, --summary "SUMMARY_TEXT" Set the gem summary text now in case you want to save time. Common Options: -h, --help Get help on this command -V, --[no-]verbose Set the verbose level of output -q, --quiet Silence commands --config-file FILE Use this config file instead of default --backtrace Show stack backtrace on errors --debug Turn on Ruby debugging Arguments: GEMNAME name of the gem skeleton to generate. Summary: Generate new gem skeleton based on a default or custom template. Defaults: --template default --summary "TODO: Write a gem summary" ``` You can't use templates absolute paths, so place your templates at `~/.newgem-templates/` and provide just the name of the template. Example: ```bash $ gem new play_piano -t default -s "Gem that plays all day" create play_piano create play_piano/play_piano.gemspec create play_piano/.gitignore create play_piano/.rspec create play_piano/.travis.yml create play_piano/CHANGELOG.md create play_piano/Gemfile create play_piano/LICENSE.md create play_piano/README.md create play_piano/Rakefile create play_piano/lib/play_piano.rb create play_piano/lib/play_piano/version.rb create play_piano/spec/play_piano_spec.rb create play_piano/spec/spec_helper.rb INFO: Initializing git repo at play_piano/ git init Initialized empty Git repository in ~/apps/gem-newgem/play_piano/.git/ git add . INFO: Will add remote so you get ready to push to github git remote add github git@github.com:elgalu/play_piano.git INFO: Make branch tracking automatic git config --add branch.master.remote github git config --add branch.master.merge refs/heads/master ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it. 2. Make your feature addition or bug fix and create your feature branch. 3. Add specs/tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. 4. Commit, create a new Pull Request. 5. Check that your pull request passes the [build][travis pull requests]. ### TODO + Add specs so this gem can be published + Make easier to use the gem as a general bootstrap tool, not just for new gems + Show configurations found banner, then pause, then continue the bootstrap. + Add yaml configuration file. + Add support to install templates from git like [Ore][Ore custom templates] does. + Add more templates. + Add more integration with Bundler tasks: 'bundler/gem_tasks' + Then add more integration with [RubyGems API][]. ## License Released under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE][] file for further details. [Gem plugins]: http://guides.rubygems.org/plugins/ [short form]: https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/blob/1894b60ee9b65f768c40a6b834b49f04feac6edd/lib/rubygems/command_manager.rb#L190 [bundle install]: http://gembundler.com/man/bundle-install.1.html [Gemfile]: http://gembundler.com/man/gemfile.5.html [LICENSE]: LICENSE.md [RubyGems]: https://rubygems.org/gems/gem-newgem [Documentation]: http://rubydoc.info/gems/gem-newgem [Source]: https://github.com/elgalu/gem-newgem [Bugtracker]: https://github.com/elgalu/gem-newgem/issues [BS img]: https://travis-ci.org/elgalu/gem-newgem.png [DS img]: https://gemnasium.com/elgalu/gem-newgem.png [CC img]: https://codeclimate.com/github/elgalu/gem-newgem.png [Build Status]: https://travis-ci.org/elgalu/gem-newgem [travis pull requests]: https://travis-ci.org/elgalu/gem-newgem/pull_requests [Dependency Status]: https://gemnasium.com/elgalu/gem-newgem [Code Climate]: https://codeclimate.com/github/elgalu/gem-newgem [bundle gem]: http://gembundler.com/v1.2/bundle_gem.html [bundler predefined]: https://github.com/carlhuda/bundler/tree/master/lib/bundler/templates/newgem [Ore]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore [Ore custom templates]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/blob/5a2d8f48db63f0a0cfd9c6c1d5d15765b0612b28/README.md#custom-templates [RubiGen]: https://github.com/drnic/rubigen [gem-init]: https://github.com/mwhuss/gem-init [prigner]: https://github.com/codigorama/prigner [gem-new]: https://github.com/apeiros/gem-new [thor]: https://github.com/wycats/thor/wiki/Generators [start]: http://elgalu.github.com/2013/how-to-run-thor-tasks-from-your-ruby-scripts/ [RubyGems API]: http://guides.rubygems.org/rubygems-org-api/