# # = bio/io/flatfile/indexer.rb - OBDA flatfile indexer # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2002 GOTO Naohisa # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id: indexer.rb,v 1.25 2007/04/05 23:35:41 trevor Exp $ # require 'bio/io/flatfile/index' module Bio class FlatFileIndex module Indexer class NameSpace def initialize(name, method) @name = name @proc = method end attr_reader :name, :proc end #class NameSpace class NameSpaces < Hash def initialize(*arg) super() arg.each do |x| self.store(x.name, x) end end def names self.keys end def <<(x) self.store(x.name, x) end def add(x) self.store(x.name, x) end #alias each_orig each alias each each_value end module Parser def self.new(format, *arg) case format.to_s when 'embl', 'Bio::EMBL' EMBLParser.new(*arg) when 'swiss', 'Bio::SPTR', 'Bio::TrEMBL', 'Bio::SwissProt' SPTRParser.new(*arg) when 'genbank', 'Bio::GenBank', 'Bio::RefSeq', 'Bio::DDBJ' GenBankParser.new(*arg) when 'Bio::GenPept' GenPeptParser.new(*arg) when 'fasta', 'Bio::FastaFormat' FastaFormatParser.new(*arg) when 'Bio::FANTOM::MaXML::Sequence' MaXMLSequenceParser.new(*arg) when 'Bio::FANTOM::MaXML::Cluster' MaXMLClusterParser.new(*arg) when 'Bio::Blast::Default::Report' BlastDefaultParser.new(Bio::Blast::Default::Report, *arg) when 'Bio::Blast::Default::Report_TBlast' BlastDefaultParser.new(Bio::Blast::Default::Report_TBlast, *arg) when 'Bio::Blast::WU::Report' BlastDefaultParser.new(Bio::Blast::WU::Report, *arg) when 'Bio::Blast::WU::Report_TBlast' BlastDefaultParser.new(Bio::Blast::WU::Report_TBlast, *arg) when 'Bio::PDB::ChemicalComponent' PDBChemicalComponentParser.new(Bio::PDB::ChemicalComponent, *arg) else raise 'unknown or unsupported format' end #case dbclass.to_s end class TemplateParser NAMESTYLE = NameSpaces.new def initialize @namestyle = self.class::NAMESTYLE @secondary = NameSpaces.new @errorlog = [] end attr_reader :primary, :secondary, :format, :dbclass attr_reader :errorlog def set_primary_namespace(name) DEBUG.print "set_primary_namespace: #{name.inspect}\n" if name.is_a?(NameSpace) then @primary = name else @primary = @namestyle[name] end raise 'unknown primary namespace' unless @primary @primary end def add_secondary_namespaces(*names) DEBUG.print "add_secondary_namespaces: #{names.inspect}\n" names.each do |x| unless x.is_a?(NameSpace) then y = @namestyle[x] raise 'unknown secondary namespace' unless y @secondary << y end end true end # administration of a single flatfile def open_flatfile(fileid, file) @fileid = fileid @flatfilename = file DEBUG.print "fileid=#{fileid} file=#{@flatfilename.inspect}\n" @flatfile = Bio::FlatFile.open(@dbclass, file, 'rb') @flatfile.raw = nil @flatfile.entry_pos_flag = true @entry = nil end attr_reader :fileid def each @flatfile.each do |x| @entry = x pos = @flatfile.entry_start_pos len = @flatfile.entry_ended_pos - @flatfile.entry_start_pos begin yield pos, len rescue RuntimeError, NameError => evar DEBUG.print "Caught error: #{evar.inspect}\n" DEBUG.print "in #{@flatfilename.inspect} position #{pos}\n" DEBUG.print "===begin===\n" DEBUG.print @flatfile.entry_raw.to_s.chomp DEBUG.print "\n===end===\n" @errorlog << [ evar, @flatfilename, pos ] if @fatal then DEBUG.print "Fatal error occurred, stop creating index...\n" raise evar else DEBUG.print "This entry shall be incorrectly indexed.\n" end end #rescue end end def parse_primary r = self.primary.proc.call(@entry) unless r.is_a?(String) and r.length > 0 #@fatal = true raise 'primary id must be a non-void string (skipped this entry)' end r end def parse_secondary self.secondary.each do |x| p = x.proc.call(@entry) p.each do |y| yield x.name, y if y.length > 0 end end end def close_flatfile DEBUG.print "close flatfile #{@flatfilename.inspect}\n" @flatfile.close end protected attr_writer :format, :dbclass end #class TemplateParser class GenBankParser < TemplateParser NAMESTYLE = NameSpaces.new( NameSpace.new( 'VERSION', Proc.new { |x| x.acc_version } ), NameSpace.new( 'LOCUS', Proc.new { |x| x.entry_id } ), NameSpace.new( 'ACCESSION', Proc.new { |x| x.accessions } ), NameSpace.new( 'GI', Proc.new { |x| x.gi.to_s.gsub(/\AGI\:/, '') } ) ) PRIMARY = 'VERSION' def initialize(pri_name = nil, sec_names = nil) super() self.format = 'genbank' self.dbclass = Bio::GenBank self.set_primary_namespace((pri_name or PRIMARY)) unless sec_names then sec_names = [] @namestyle.each_value do |x| sec_names << x.name if x.name != self.primary.name end end self.add_secondary_namespaces(*sec_names) end end #class GenBankParser class GenPeptParser < GenBankParser def initialize(*arg) super(*arg) self.dbclass = Bio::GenPept end end #class GenPeptParser class EMBLParser < TemplateParser NAMESTYLE = NameSpaces.new( NameSpace.new( 'ID', Proc.new { |x| x.entry_id } ), NameSpace.new( 'AC', Proc.new { |x| x.accessions } ), NameSpace.new( 'SV', Proc.new { |x| x.sv } ), NameSpace.new( 'DR', Proc.new { |x| y = [] x.dr.each_value { |z| y << z } y.flatten! y.find_all { |z| z.length > 1 } } ) ) PRIMARY = 'ID' SECONDARY = [ 'AC', 'SV' ] def initialize(pri_name = nil, sec_names = nil) super() self.format = 'embl' self.dbclass = Bio::EMBL self.set_primary_namespace((pri_name or PRIMARY)) unless sec_names then sec_names = self.class::SECONDARY end self.add_secondary_namespaces(*sec_names) end end #class EMBLParser class SPTRParser < EMBLParser SECONDARY = [ 'AC' ] def initialize(*arg) super(*arg) self.format = 'swiss' self.dbclass = Bio::SPTR end end #class SPTRParser class FastaFormatParser < TemplateParser NAMESTYLE = NameSpaces.new( NameSpace.new( 'UNIQUE', nil ), NameSpace.new( 'entry_id', Proc.new { |x| x.entry_id } ), NameSpace.new( 'accession', Proc.new { |x| x.accessions } ), NameSpace.new( 'id_string', Proc.new { |x| x.identifiers.id_strings }), NameSpace.new( 'word', Proc.new { |x| x.identifiers.words }) ) PRIMARY = 'UNIQUE' SECONDARY = [ 'entry_id', 'accession', 'id_string', 'word' ] def unique_primary_key r = "#{@flatfilename}:#{@count}" @count += 1 r end private :unique_primary_key def parse_primary if p = self.primary.proc then r = p.call(@entry) unless r.is_a?(String) and r.length > 0 #@fatal = true raise 'primary id must be a non-void string (skipped this entry)' end r else unique_primary_key end end def initialize(pri_name = nil, sec_names = nil) super() self.format = 'fasta' self.dbclass = Bio::FastaFormat self.set_primary_namespace((pri_name or PRIMARY)) unless sec_names then sec_names = self.class::SECONDARY end self.add_secondary_namespaces(*sec_names) end def open_flatfile(fileid, file) super @count = 1 @flatfilename_base = File.basename(@flatfilename) @flatfile.pos = 0 begin pos = @flatfile.pos line = @flatfile.gets end until (!line or line =~ /^\>/) @flatfile.pos = pos end end #class FastaFormatParser class MaXMLSequenceParser < TemplateParser NAMESTYLE = NameSpaces.new( NameSpace.new( 'id', Proc.new { |x| x.entry_id } ), NameSpace.new( 'altid', Proc.new { |x| x.id_strings } ), NameSpace.new( 'gene_ontology', Proc.new { |x| x.annotations.get_all_by_qualifier('gene_ontology').collect { |y| y.anntext } }), NameSpace.new( 'datasrc', Proc.new { |x| a = [] x.annotations.each { |y| y.datasrc.each { |z| a << z.split('|',2)[-1] a << z } } a.sort! a.uniq! a }) ) PRIMARY = 'id' SECONDARY = [ 'altid', 'gene_ontology', 'datasrc' ] def initialize(pri_name = nil, sec_names = nil) super() self.format = 'raw' self.dbclass = Bio::FANTOM::MaXML::Sequence self.set_primary_namespace((pri_name or PRIMARY)) unless sec_names then sec_names = self.class::SECONDARY end self.add_secondary_namespaces(*sec_names) end end #class MaXMLSequenceParser class MaXMLClusterParser < TemplateParser NAMESTYLE = NameSpaces.new( NameSpace.new( 'id', Proc.new { |x| x.entry_id } ), NameSpace.new( 'altid', Proc.new { |x| x.sequences.id_strings } ), NameSpace.new( 'datasrc', Proc.new { |x| a = x.sequences.collect { |y| MaXMLSequenceParser::NAMESTYLE['datasrc'].proc.call(y) } a.flatten! a.sort! a.uniq! a }), NameSpace.new( 'gene_ontology', Proc.new { |x| a = x.sequences.collect { |y| MaXMLSequenceParser::NAMESTYLE['gene_ontology'].proc.call(y) } a.flatten! a.sort! a.uniq! a }) ) PRIMARY = 'id' SECONDARY = [ 'altid', 'gene_ontology', 'datasrc' ] def initialize(pri_name = nil, sec_names = nil) super() self.format = 'raw' self.dbclass = Bio::FANTOM::MaXML::Cluster self.set_primary_namespace((pri_name or PRIMARY)) unless sec_names then sec_names = self.class::SECONDARY end self.add_secondary_namespaces(*sec_names) end end #class MaXMLSequenceParser class BlastDefaultParser < TemplateParser NAMESTYLE = NameSpaces.new( NameSpace.new( 'QUERY', Proc.new { |x| x.query_def } ), NameSpace.new( 'query_id', Proc.new { |x| a = Bio::FastaDefline.new(x.query_def.to_s).id_strings a << x.query_def.to_s.split(/\s+/,2)[0] a } ), NameSpace.new( 'hit', Proc.new { |x| a = x.hits.collect { |y| b = Bio::FastaDefline.new(y.definition.to_s).id_strings b << y.definition b << y.definition.to_s.split(/\s+/,2)[0] b } a.flatten! a } ) ) PRIMARY = 'QUERY' SECONDARY = [ 'query_id', 'hit' ] def initialize(klass, pri_name = nil, sec_names = nil) super() self.format = 'raw' self.dbclass = klass self.set_primary_namespace((pri_name or PRIMARY)) unless sec_names then sec_names = [] @namestyle.each_value do |x| sec_names << x.name if x.name != self.primary.name end end self.add_secondary_namespaces(*sec_names) end def open_flatfile(fileid, file) super @flatfile.rewind @flatfile.dbclass = nil @flatfile.autodetect @flatfile.dbclass = self.dbclass unless @flatfile.dbclass @flatfile.rewind begin pos = @flatfile.pos line = @flatfile.gets end until (!line or line =~ /^T?BLAST/) @flatfile.pos = pos end end #class BlastDefaultReportParser class PDBChemicalComponentParser < TemplateParser NAMESTYLE = NameSpaces.new( NameSpace.new( 'UNIQUE', Proc.new { |x| x.entry_id } ) ) PRIMARY = 'UNIQUE' def initialize(klass, pri_name = nil, sec_names = nil) super() self.format = 'raw' self.dbclass = Bio::PDB::ChemicalComponent self.set_primary_namespace((pri_name or PRIMARY)) unless sec_names then sec_names = [] @namestyle.each_value do |x| sec_names << x.name if x.name != self.primary.name end end self.add_secondary_namespaces(*sec_names) end def open_flatfile(fileid, file) super @flatfile.pos = 0 begin pos = @flatfile.pos line = @flatfile.gets end until (!line or line =~ /^RESIDUE /) @flatfile.pos = pos end end #class PDBChemicalComponentParser end #module Parser def self.makeindexBDB(name, parser, options, *files) # options are not used in this method unless defined?(BDB) raise RuntimeError, "Berkeley DB support not found" end DEBUG.print "makeing BDB DataBank...\n" db = DataBank.new(name, MAGIC_BDB) db.format = parser.format db.fileids.add(*files) db.fileids.recalc db.primary = parser.primary.name db.secondary = parser.secondary.names DEBUG.print "writing config.dat, config, fileids ...\n" db.write('wb', BDBdefault::flag_write) DEBUG.print "reading files...\n" addindex_bdb(db, BDBdefault::flag_write, (0...(files.size)), parser, options) db.close true end #def def self.addindex_bdb(db, flag, need_update, parser, options) DEBUG.print "reading files...\n" pn = db.primary pn.file.close pn.file.flag = flag db.secondary.each_files do |x| x.file.close x.file.flag = flag x.file.open x.file.close end need_update.each do |fileid| filename = db.fileids[fileid].filename parser.open_flatfile(fileid, filename) parser.each do |pos, len| p = parser.parse_primary #pn.file.add_exclusive(p, [ fileid, pos, len ]) pn.file.add_overwrite(p, [ fileid, pos, len ]) #DEBUG.print "#{p} #{fileid} #{pos} #{len}\n" parser.parse_secondary do |sn, sp| db.secondary[sn].file.add_nr(sp, p) #DEBUG.print "#{sp} #{p}\n" end end parser.close_flatfile end true end #def def self.makeindexFlat(name, parser, options, *files) DEBUG.print "makeing flat/1 DataBank using temporary files...\n" db = DataBank.new(name, nil) db.format = parser.format db.fileids.add(*files) db.primary = parser.primary.name db.secondary = parser.secondary.names db.fileids.recalc DEBUG.print "writing DabaBank...\n" db.write('wb') addindex_flat(db, :new, (0...(files.size)), parser, options) db.close true end #def def self.addindex_flat(db, mode, need_update, parser, options) require 'tempfile' prog = options['sort_program'] return false if need_update.to_a.size == 0 DEBUG.print "prepare temporary files...\n" tempbase = "bioflat#{rand(10000)}-" pfile = Tempfile.open(tempbase + 'primary-') DEBUG.print "open temporary file #{pfile.path.inspect}\n" sfiles = {} parser.secondary.names.each do |x| sfiles[x] = Tempfile.open(tempbase + 'secondary-') DEBUG.print "open temporary file #{sfiles[x].path.inspect}\n" end DEBUG.print "reading files...\n" need_update.each do |fileid| filename = db.fileids[fileid].filename parser.open_flatfile(fileid, filename) parser.each do |pos, len| p = parser.parse_primary pfile << "#{p}\t#{fileid}\t#{pos}\t#{len}\n" #DEBUG.print "#{p} #{fileid} #{pos} #{len}\n" parser.parse_secondary do |sn, sp| sfiles[sn] << "#{sp}\t#{p}\n" #DEBUG.print "#{sp} #{p}\n" end end parser.close_flatfile fileid += 1 end sort_proc = chose_sort_proc(prog, mode) pfile.close(false) DEBUG.print "sorting primary (#{parser.primary.name})...\n" db.primary.file.import_tsv_files(true, mode, sort_proc, pfile.path) pfile.close(true) parser.secondary.names.each do |x| DEBUG.print "sorting secondary (#{x})...\n" sfiles[x].close(false) db.secondary[x].file.import_tsv_files(false, mode, sort_proc, sfiles[x].path) sfiles[x].close(true) end true end #def DEFAULT_SORT = '/usr/bin/sort' def self.chose_sort_proc(prog, mode = :new) case prog when /^builtin$/i, /^hs$/i, /^lm$/i DEBUG.print "sort: internal sort routine\n" sort_proc = mapfile.internal_sort_proc when nil, '' if FileTest.executable?(DEFAULT_SORT) DEBUG.print "sort: #{DEFAULT_SORT}\n" if mode == :new then sort_proc = Flat_1::FlatMappingFile::external_sort_proc(DEFAULT_SORT) else sort_proc = Flat_1::FlatMappingFile::external_merge_sort_proc(DEFAULT_SORT) end else DEBUG.print "sort: internal sort routine\n" sort_proc = Flat_1::FlatMappingFile::internal_sort_proc end else DEBUG.print "sort: #{prog}\n" if mode == :new then sort_proc = Flat_1::FlatMappingFile::external_sort_proc(prog) else sort_proc = Flat_1::FlatMappingFile::external_merge_sort_proc(prog) end end sort_proc end def self.update_index(name, parser, options, *files) db = DataBank.open(name) if parser then raise 'file format mismatch' if db.format != parser.format else begin dbclass_orig = Bio::FlatFile.autodetect_file(db.fileids[0].filename) rescue TypeError, Errno::ENOENT end begin dbclass_new = Bio::FlatFile.autodetect_file(files[0]) rescue TypeError, Errno::ENOENT end case db.format when 'swiss', 'embl' parser = Parser.new(db.format) if dbclass_new and dbclass_new != parser.dbclass raise 'file format mismatch' end when 'genbank' dbclass = dbclass_orig or dbclass_new if dbclass == Bio::GenBank or dbclass == Bio::GenPept parser = Parser.new(dbclass_orig) elsif !dbclass then raise 'cannnot determine format. please specify manually.' else raise 'file format mismatch' end if dbclass_new and dbclass_new != parser.dbclass raise 'file format mismatch' end else raise 'unsupported format' end end parser.set_primary_namespace(db.primary.name) parser.add_secondary_namespaces(*db.secondary.names) if options['renew'] then newfiles = db.fileids.filenames.find_all do |x| FileTest.exist?(x) end newfiles.concat(files) newfiles2 = newfiles.sort newfiles2.uniq! newfiles3 = [] newfiles.each do |x| newfiles3 << x if newfiles2.delete(x) end t = db.index_type db.close case t when MAGIC_BDB Indexer::makeindexBDB(name, parser, options, *newfiles3) when MAGIC_FLAT Indexer::makeindexFlat(name, parser, options, *newfiles3) else raise 'Unsupported index type' end return true end need_update = [] newfiles = files.dup db.fileids.cache_all db.fileids.each_with_index do |f, i| need_update << i unless f.check newfiles.delete(f.filename) end b = db.fileids.size begin db.fileids.recalc rescue Errno::ENOENT => evar DEBUG.print "Error: #{evar}\n" DEBUG.print "assumed --renew option\n" db.close options = options.dup options['renew'] = true update_index(name, parser, options, *files) return true end # add new files db.fileids.add(*newfiles) db.fileids.recalc need_update.concat((b...(b + newfiles.size)).to_a) DEBUG.print "writing DabaBank...\n" db.write('wb', BDBdefault::flag_append) case db.index_type when MAGIC_BDB addindex_bdb(db, BDBdefault::flag_append, need_update, parser, options) when MAGIC_FLAT addindex_flat(db, :add, need_update, parser, options) else raise 'Unsupported index type' end db.close true end #def end #module Indexer ############################################################## def self.formatstring2class(format_string) case format when /genbank/i dbclass = Bio::GenBank when /genpept/i dbclass = Bio::GenPept when /embl/i dbclass = Bio::EMBL when /sptr/i dbclass = Bio::SPTR when /fasta/i dbclass = Bio::FastaFormat else raise "Unsupported format : #{format}" end end def self.makeindex(is_bdb, dbname, format, options, *files) if format then dbclass = formatstring2class(format) else dbclass = Bio::FlatFile.autodetect_file(files[0]) raise "Cannot determine format" unless dbclass DEBUG.print "file format is #{dbclass}\n" end options = {} unless options pns = options['primary_namespace'] sns = options['secondary_namespaces'] parser = Indexer::Parser.new(dbclass, pns, sns) #if /(EMBL|SPTR)/ =~ dbclass.to_s then #a = [ 'DR' ] #parser.add_secondary_namespaces(*a) #end if sns = options['additional_secondary_namespaces'] then parser.add_secondary_namespaces(*sns) end if is_bdb then Indexer::makeindexBDB(dbname, parser, options, *files) else Indexer::makeindexFlat(dbname, parser, options, *files) end end #def makeindex def self.update_index(dbname, format, options, *files) if format then parser = Indexer::Parser.new(dbclass) else parser = nil end Indexer::update_index(dbname, parser, options, *files) end #def update_index end #class FlatFileIndex end #module Bio =begin = Bio::FlatFile --- Bio::FlatFile.makeindex(is_bdb, dbname, format, options, *files) Create index files (called a databank) of given files. --- Bio::FlatFile.update_index(dbname, format, options, *files) Add entries to databank. =end