require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base') module KnifeJoyent class JoyentServerCreate < Chef::Knife include KnifeJoyent::Base deps do require 'fog' require 'readline' require 'chef/json_compat' require 'chef/knife/bootstrap' Chef::Knife::Bootstrap.load_deps end banner 'knife joyent server create (options)' # mixlib option parsing option :name, :long => '--name ', :description => 'name for this machine' option :package, :short => '-f FLAVOR_NAME', :long => '--flavor FLAVOR_NAME', :description => 'specify flavor/package for the server' option :dataset, :short => '-I IMAGE_ID', :long => '--image IMAGE_ID', :description => 'specify image for the server' option :run_list, :short => "-r RUN_LIST", :long => "--run-list RUN_LIST", :description => "Comma separated list of roles/recipes to apply", :proc => lambda { |o| o.split(/[\s,]+/) }, :default => [] option :ssh_user, :short => "-x USERNAME", :long => "--ssh-user USERNAME", :description => "The ssh username", :default => "root" option :identity_file, :short => "-i IDENTITY_FILE", :long => "--identity-file IDENTITY_FILE", :description => "The SSH identity file used for authentication" option :chef_node_name, :short => "-N NAME", :long => "--node-name NAME", :description => "The Chef node name for your new node" option :prerelease, :long => "--prerelease", :description => "Install the pre-release chef gems" option :distro, :short => "-d DISTRO", :long => "--distro DISTRO", :description => "Bootstrap a distro using a template", :proc => { |d| Chef::Config[:knife][:distro] = d }, :default => "chef-full" option :no_host_key_verify, :long => "--no-host-key-verify", :description => "Disable host key verification", :boolean => true, :default => false # wait for ssh to come up def tcp_test_ssh(hostname) tcp_socket =, 22) readable =[tcp_socket], nil, nil, 5) if readable Chef::Log.debug("sshd accepting connections on #{hostname}, banner is #{tcp_socket.gets}") yield true else false end rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT false rescue Errno::EPERM false rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED sleep 2 false rescue Errno::EHOSTUNREACH sleep 2 false ensure tcp_socket && tcp_socket.close end # Run Chef bootstrap script def bootstrap_for_node(server) bootstrap = Chef::Log.debug("Bootstrap name_args = [ #{server.ips.last} ]") bootstrap.name_args = [ server.ips.last ] Chef::Log.debug("Bootstrap run_list = #{config[:run_list]}") bootstrap.config[:run_list] = config[:run_list] Chef::Log.debug("Bootstrap ssh_user = #{config[:ssh_user]}") bootstrap.config[:ssh_user] = config[:ssh_user] Chef::Log.debug("Bootstrap identity_file = #{config[:identity_file]}") bootstrap.config[:identity_file] = config[:identity_file] Chef::Log.debug("Bootstrap chef_node_name = #{config[:chef_node_name]}") bootstrap.config[:chef_node_name] = config[:chef_node_name] || Chef::Log.debug("Bootstrap prerelease = #{config[:prerelease]}") bootstrap.config[:prerelease] = config[:prerelease] Chef::Log.debug("Bootstrap distro = #{config[:distro]}") bootstrap.config[:distro] = config[:distro] #Chef::Log.debug("Bootstrap use_sudo = #{config[:use_sudo]}") #bootstrap.config[:use_sudo] = true Chef::Log.debug("Bootstrap environment = #{config[:environment]}") bootstrap.config[:environment] = config[:environment] Chef::Log.debug("Bootstrap no_host_key_verify = #{config[:no_host_key_verify]}") bootstrap.config[:no_host_key_verify] = config[:no_host_key_verify] bootstrap end # Go def run puts ui.color("Creating machine #{config[:chef_node_name]}", :cyan) begin server = self.connection.servers.create(:dataset => config[:dataset], :package => config[:package], :name => config[:name]) server.wait_for { print "."; ready? } rescue => e Chef::Log.debug("e: #{e}") if e.response && e.response.body.kind_of?(String) error = MultiJson.decode(e.response.body) puts ui.error(error['message']) exit 1 else raise end end puts ui.color("Created machine:", :cyan) msg("ID", msg("Name", msg("State", server.state) msg("Type", server.type) msg("Dataset", server.dataset) msg("IP's", server.ips) puts ui.color("attempting to bootstrap on #{server.ips.last}", :cyan) print(".") until tcp_test_ssh(server.ips.last) { sleep 1 puts("done") } bootstrap_for_node(server).run exit 0 end def msg(label, value = nil) if value && !value.empty? puts "#{ui.color(label, :cyan)}: #{value}" end end end end