/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Tony Arcieri * You may redistribute this under the terms of the Ruby license. * See LICENSE for details */ #include "ruby.h" #define EV_STANDALONE 1 #include "../libev/ev.h" #include "rev.h" #include "rev_watcher.h" static VALUE mRev = Qnil; static VALUE cRev_Watcher = Qnil; static VALUE cRev_TimerWatcher = Qnil; static VALUE cRev_Loop = Qnil; static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_attach(VALUE self, VALUE loop); static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_detach(VALUE self); static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_enable(VALUE self); static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_disable(VALUE self); static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_reset(VALUE self); static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_on_timer(VALUE self); static void Rev_TimerWatcher_libev_callback(struct ev_loop *ev_loop, struct ev_timer *timer, int revents); static void Rev_TimerWatcher_dispatch_callback(VALUE self, int revents); /* * Rev::TimerWatcher lets you create either one-shot or periodic timers which * run within Rev's event loop. It's useful for creating timeouts or * events which fire periodically. */ void Init_rev_timer_watcher() { mRev = rb_define_module("Rev"); cRev_Watcher = rb_define_class_under(mRev, "Watcher", rb_cObject); cRev_TimerWatcher = rb_define_class_under(mRev, "TimerWatcher", cRev_Watcher); cRev_Loop = rb_define_class_under(mRev, "Loop", rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cRev_TimerWatcher, "initialize", Rev_TimerWatcher_initialize, -1); rb_define_method(cRev_TimerWatcher, "attach", Rev_TimerWatcher_attach, 1); rb_define_method(cRev_TimerWatcher, "detach", Rev_TimerWatcher_detach, 0); rb_define_method(cRev_TimerWatcher, "enable", Rev_TimerWatcher_enable, 0); rb_define_method(cRev_TimerWatcher, "disable", Rev_TimerWatcher_disable, 0); rb_define_method(cRev_TimerWatcher, "reset", Rev_TimerWatcher_reset, 0); rb_define_method(cRev_TimerWatcher, "on_timer", Rev_TimerWatcher_on_timer, 0); } /** * call-seq: * Rev::TimerWatcher.initialize(interval, repeating = false) -> Rev::TimerWatcher * * Create a new Rev::TimerWatcher for the given IO object and add it to the * given Rev::Loop. Interval defines a duration in seconds to wait for events, * and can be specified as an Integer or Float. Repeating is a boolean * indicating whether the timer is one shot or should fire on the given * interval. */ static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE interval, repeating; struct Rev_Watcher *watcher_data; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &interval, &repeating); interval = rb_convert_type(interval, T_FLOAT, "Float", "to_f"); rb_iv_set(self, "@interval", interval); rb_iv_set(self, "@repeating", repeating); Data_Get_Struct(self, struct Rev_Watcher, watcher_data); watcher_data->dispatch_callback = Rev_TimerWatcher_dispatch_callback; ev_timer_init( &watcher_data->event_types.ev_timer, Rev_TimerWatcher_libev_callback, NUM2DBL(interval), repeating == Qtrue ? NUM2DBL(interval) : 0 ); watcher_data->event_types.ev_timer.data = (void *)self; return Qnil; } /** * call-seq: * Rev::TimerWatcher.attach(loop) -> Rev::TimerWatcher * * Attach the timer watcher to the given Rev::Loop. If the watcher is already * attached to a loop, detach it from the old one and attach it to the new one. */ static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_attach(VALUE self, VALUE loop) { ev_tstamp interval, timeout; struct Rev_Loop *loop_data; struct Rev_Watcher *watcher_data; if(!rb_obj_is_kind_of(loop, cRev_Loop)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "expected loop to be an instance of Rev::Loop"); Data_Get_Struct(loop, struct Rev_Loop, loop_data); Data_Get_Struct(self, struct Rev_Watcher, watcher_data); if(watcher_data->loop != Qnil) Rev_TimerWatcher_detach(self); watcher_data->loop = loop; /* Calibrate timeout to account for potential drift */ interval = NUM2DBL(rb_iv_get(self, "@interval")); timeout = interval + ev_time() - ev_now(loop_data->ev_loop); ev_timer_set( &watcher_data->event_types.ev_timer, timeout, rb_iv_get(self, "@repeating") == Qtrue ? interval : 0 ); ev_timer_start(loop_data->ev_loop, &watcher_data->event_types.ev_timer); rb_call_super(1, &loop); return self; } /** * call-seq: * Rev::TimerWatcher.detach -> Rev::TimerWatcher * * Detach the timer watcher from its current Rev::Loop. */ static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_detach(VALUE self) { Watcher_Detach(timer, self); return self; } /** * call-seq: * Rev::TimerWatcher.enable -> Rev::TimerWatcher * * Re-enable a timer watcher which has been temporarily disabled. See the * disable method for a more thorough explanation. */ static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_enable(VALUE self) { Watcher_Enable(timer, self); return self; } /** * call-seq: * Rev::TimerWatcher.disable -> Rev::TimerWatcher * * Temporarily disable a timer watcher which is attached to a loop. * This is useful if you wish to toggle event monitoring on and off. */ static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_disable(VALUE self) { Watcher_Disable(timer, self); return self; } /** * call-seq: * Rev::TimerWatcher#reset -> Rev::TimerWatcher * * Reset the TimerWatcher. This behaves differently depending on if it's repeating. * * If the timer is pending, its pending status is cleared. * * If the timer is attached but nonrepeating, stop it (as if it timed out) * * If the timer is repeating, reset it so it will fire again after its given interval */ static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_reset(VALUE self) { struct Rev_Watcher *watcher_data; struct Rev_Loop *loop_data; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct Rev_Watcher, watcher_data); if(watcher_data->loop == Qnil) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "not attached to a loop"); Data_Get_Struct(watcher_data->loop, struct Rev_Loop, loop_data); ev_timer_again(loop_data->ev_loop, &watcher_data->event_types.ev_timer); return self; } /** * call-seq: * Rev::TimerWatcher#on_timer -> nil * * Called whenever the TimerWatcher fires */ static VALUE Rev_TimerWatcher_on_timer(VALUE self) { return Qnil; } /* libev callback */ static void Rev_TimerWatcher_libev_callback(struct ev_loop *ev_loop, struct ev_timer *timer, int revents) { Rev_Loop_process_event((VALUE)timer->data, revents); } /* Rev::Loop dispatch callback */ static void Rev_TimerWatcher_dispatch_callback(VALUE self, int revents) { if(revents & EV_TIMEOUT) rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("on_timer"), 0, 0); else rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "unknown revents value for ev_timer: %d", revents); }