module OmniAuth module Strategies # The identity strategy allows you to provide simple internal # user authentication using the same process flow that you # use for external OmniAuth providers. class Identity include OmniAuth::Strategy option :fields, [:name, :email] option :on_login, nil option :on_registration, nil option :on_failed_registration, nil option :locate_conditions, lambda{|req| {model.auth_key => req['auth_key']} } def request_phase if options[:on_login] options[:on_login].call(self.env) else :title => (options[:title] || "Identity Verification"), :url => callback_path ) do |f| f.text_field 'Login', 'auth_key' f.password_field 'Password', 'password' f.html "
" end.to_response end end def callback_phase return fail!(:invalid_credentials) unless identity super end def other_phase if on_registration_path? if request.get? registration_form elsif registration_phase end else call_app! end end def registration_form if options[:on_registration] options[:on_registration].call(self.env) else => 'Register Identity') do |f| options[:fields].each do |field| f.text_field field.to_s.capitalize, field.to_s end f.password_field 'Password', 'password' f.password_field 'Confirm Password', 'password_confirmation' end.to_response end end def registration_phase attributes = (options[:fields] + [:password, :password_confirmation]).inject({}){|h,k| h[k] = request[k.to_s]; h} @identity = model.create(attributes) if @identity.persisted? env['PATH_INFO'] = callback_path callback_phase else if options[:on_failed_registration] self.env['omniauth.identity'] = @identity options[:on_failed_registration].call(self.env) else registration_form end end end uid{ identity.uid } info{ } def registration_path options[:registration_path] || "#{path_prefix}/#{name}/register" end def on_registration_path? on_path?(registration_path) end def identity if options.locate_conditions.is_a? Proc conditions = instance_exec(request, &options.locate_conditions) conditions.to_hash else conditions = options.locate_conditions.to_hash end @identity ||= model.authenticate(conditions, request['password'] ) end def model options[:model] || ::Identity end end end end