After do File.delete ".nuker" if File.exist? ".wally" end Given /^I don't have a \.nuker authorisation file$/ do end Given /^I have a \.nuker authentication file$/ do @authentication_code = "authCodE!!2322"".nuker", "w") do |file| file.write @authentication_code end end Then /^I get a (\d+) http status$/ do |status| page.driver.status_code.should eql status.to_i end Then /^I see the uploaded feature$/ do page.body.should have_content "Feature Name" end When /^I put data to \/my_project_name\/features with the authentication code$/ do gherkin ="Feature: Feature Name") data = [{:path => "feature-name.feature", :gherkin => gherkin}].to_json page.driver.put "/projects/my_project_name/features?authentication_code=#{@authentication_code}", data end Given /^I create a project called "([^"]*)"$/ do |project_name| project project_name Nuker::Project.first(:name => project_name).class.should equal Nuker::Project end When /^I send DELETE to "([^"]*)"$/ do |project_path| page.driver.delete "#{project_path}?authentication_code=#{@authentication_code}" end Then /^"([^"]*)" should exist$/ do |project_name| Nuker::Project.first(:name => project_name).class.should equal Nuker::Project end Then /^"([^"]*)" should not exist$/ do |project_name| Nuker::Project.first(:name => project_name).class.should_not equal Nuker::Project end When /^I visit "([^"]*)" page$/ do |project_name| visit "/projects/#{project_name}" end