module SnowmanIO module API module AuthHelpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern TOKEN_REGEX = /^Token / AUTHN_PAIR_DELIMITERS = /(?:,|;|\t+)/ included do helpers do def authenticate! current_user || render_unauthorized end def render_unauthorized error! 'Unauthorized', 401, 'WWW-Authenticate' => 'Token realm="Application"' end def current_user @current_user ||= authenticate_user_from_token end # Code below grabbed from [Ruby on Rails]( def authenticate_user_from_token authenticate_with_http_token do |token, options| # # Let use only token for authentication. It helps to keep session after email change. # user_email = options[:email] # user_email && User.where(email: user_email, authentication_token: token).first User.where(authentication_token: token).first end end def authenticate_with_http_token(&login_procedure) token, options = token_and_options unless token.blank?, options) end end def token_and_options return if authorization_request.blank? if authorization_request.to_s[TOKEN_REGEX] params = token_params_from authorization_request [params.shift.last, Hash[params].with_indifferent_access] end end def authorization_request headers["Authorization"] end def token_params_from(auth) rewrite_param_values(params_array_from(raw_params(auth))) end # Takes raw_params and turns it into an array of parameters def params_array_from(raw_params) { |param| param.split %r/=(.+)?/ } end # This removes the `"` characters wrapping the value. def rewrite_param_values(array_params) array_params.each { |param| param.last.gsub! %r/^"|"$/, '' } end # pairs by the standardized `:`, `;`, or `\t` delimiters defined in # `AUTHN_PAIR_DELIMITERS`. def raw_params(auth) auth.sub(TOKEN_REGEX, '').split(/"\s*#{AUTHN_PAIR_DELIMITERS}\s*/) end end end end end end