= within_admin_layout(title: "Clearing the Cache") do .panel h2 Application Cache p | The cache (backed by Redis) stores some queries and html fragments in order to make | the rendering of pages faster and less resource intensive. Cached elements are invalidated | when the underlying database data changes (but it only examines the updated_at column and | count of records, in order to catch edits, inserts and deletions) or the html template | changes (changes are only reflected after am app restart in this latter case). p | You can check the size and number of keys in the Redis cache by running  code redis-cli --stat p There are certain cases where you might need to clear the cache: ol li | You have changed the underlying database data directly in SQL without also updating the | updated_at column. = link_to "Clear the Application Cache", admin_cache_path, method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to clear the application cache?\n" }, class: "button alert" .panel h2 PDF Letter Cache p | The PDF letter cache stores generated PDFs so they do not need to be regenerated if | unless their content has changed. It is a FileStore cache and the files are stored | in  code shared/tmp/pdf_letter_cache | - though in a folder layout that a little tricky to navigate | and search if you are looking for something; however it is NOT meant to be the canonical | source for PDF letters, rather a volatile cache to aid performance. EPR should be the place | to look for letter content - or just view the PDF through the UI. p | You may wish to clear the PDF Letter Cache if you notice any anomalies in the PDFs. Please | raise a GitHub issue after clearing the cache so we can look into it. = link_to "Clear the PDF Letter Cache", letters_pdf_letter_cache_path, method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to clear the PDF letter cache?\n" }, class: "button alert"