require 'time' module Redwood ## a Message is what's threaded. ## ## it is also where the parsing for quotes and signatures is done, but ## that should be moved out to a separate class at some point (because ## i would like, for example, to be able to add in a ruby-talk ## specific module that would detect and link to /ruby-talk:\d+/ ## sequences in the text of an email. (how sweet would that be?) ## ## this class catches all source exceptions. if the underlying source ## throws an error, it is caught and handled. class Message SNIPPET_LEN = 80 RE_PATTERN = /^((re|re[\[\(]\d[\]\)]):\s*)+/i ## some utility methods class << self def normalize_subj s; s.gsub(RE_PATTERN, ""); end def subj_is_reply? s; s =~ RE_PATTERN; end def reify_subj s; subj_is_reply?(s) ? s : "Re: " + s; end end QUOTE_PATTERN = /^\s{0,4}[>|\}]/ BLOCK_QUOTE_PATTERN = /^-----\s*Original Message\s*----+$/ SIG_PATTERN = /(^-- ?$)|(^\s*----------+\s*$)|(^\s*_________+\s*$)|(^\s*--~--~-)|(^\s*--\+\+\*\*==)/ MAX_SIG_DISTANCE = 15 # lines from the end DEFAULT_SUBJECT = "" DEFAULT_SENDER = "(missing sender)" MAX_HEADER_VALUE_SIZE = 4096 attr_reader :id, :date, :from, :subj, :refs, :replytos, :to, :source, :cc, :bcc, :labels, :attachments, :list_address, :recipient_email, :replyto, :source_info, :list_subscribe, :list_unsubscribe bool_reader :dirty, :source_marked_read, :snippet_contains_encrypted_content ## if you specify a :header, will use values from that. otherwise, ## will try and load the header from the source. def initialize opts @source = opts[:source] or raise ArgumentError, "source can't be nil" @source_info = opts[:source_info] or raise ArgumentError, "source_info can't be nil" @snippet = opts[:snippet] @snippet_contains_encrypted_content = false @have_snippet = !(opts[:snippet].nil? || opts[:snippet].empty?) @labels =[:labels] || []) @dirty = false @encrypted = false @chunks = nil @attachments = [] ## we need to initialize this. see comments in parse_header as to ## why. @refs = [] #parse_header(opts[:header] || @source.load_header(@source_info)) end def decode_header_field v return unless v return v unless v.is_a? String return unless v.size < MAX_HEADER_VALUE_SIZE # avoid regex blowup on spam Rfc2047.decode_to $encoding, Iconv.easy_decode($encoding, 'ASCII', v) end def parse_header encoded_header header = { |k| decode_header_field encoded_header[k] } @id = if header["message-id"] mid = header["message-id"] =~ /<(.+?)>/ ? $1 : header["message-id"] sanitize_message_id mid else id = "sup-faked-" + Digest::MD5.hexdigest(raw_header) from = header["from"] #debug "faking non-existent message-id for message from #{from}: #{id}" id end @from = Person.from_address(if header["from"] header["from"] else name = "Sup Auto-generated Fake Sender " #debug "faking non-existent sender for message #@id: #{name}" name end) @date = case(date = header["date"]) when Time date when String begin Time.parse date rescue ArgumentError => e #debug "faking mangled date header for #{@id} (orig #{header['date'].inspect} gave error: #{e.message})" end else #debug "faking non-existent date header for #{@id}" end @subj = header["subject"] ? header["subject"].gsub(/\s+/, " ").gsub(/\s+$/, "") : DEFAULT_SUBJECT @to = Person.from_address_list header["to"] @cc = Person.from_address_list header["cc"] @bcc = Person.from_address_list header["bcc"] ## before loading our full header from the source, we can actually ## have some extra refs set by the UI. (this happens when the user ## joins threads manually). so we will merge the current refs values ## in here. refs = (header["references"] || "").scan(/<(.+?)>/).map { |x| sanitize_message_id x.first } @refs = (@refs + refs).uniq @replytos = (header["in-reply-to"] || "").scan(/<(.+?)>/).map { |x| sanitize_message_id x.first } @replyto = Person.from_address header["reply-to"] @list_address = if header["list-post"] address = if header["list-post"] =~ /mailto:(.*?)[>\s$]/ $1 elsif header["list-post"] =~ /@/ header["list-post"] # just try the whole fucking thing end address && Person.from_address(address) elsif header["x-mailing-list"] Person.from_address header["x-mailing-list"] end @recipient_email = header["envelope-to"] || header["x-original-to"] || header["delivered-to"] @source_marked_read = header["status"] == "RO" @list_subscribe = header["list-subscribe"] @list_unsubscribe = header["list-unsubscribe"] end ## Expected index entry format: ## :message_id, :subject => String ## :date => Time ## :refs, :replytos => Array of String ## :from => Person ## :to, :cc, :bcc => Array of Person def load_from_index! entry @id = entry[:message_id] @from = entry[:from] @date = entry[:date] @subj = entry[:subject] @to = entry[:to] @cc = entry[:cc] @bcc = entry[:bcc] @refs = (@refs + entry[:refs]).uniq @replytos = entry[:replytos] @replyto = nil @list_address = nil @recipient_email = nil @source_marked_read = false @list_subscribe = nil @list_unsubscribe = nil end def add_ref ref @refs << ref @dirty = true end def remove_ref ref @dirty = true if @refs.delete ref end attr_reader :snippet def is_list_message?; !@list_address.nil?; end def is_draft?; @source.is_a? DraftLoader; end def draft_filename raise "not a draft" unless is_draft? @source.fn_for_offset @source_info end ## sanitize message ids by removing spaces and non-ascii characters. ## also, truncate to 255 characters. all these steps are necessary ## to make ferret happy. of course, we probably fuck up a couple ## valid message ids as well. as long as we're consistent, this ## should be fine, though. ## ## also, mostly the message ids that are changed by this belong to ## spam email. ## ## an alternative would be to SHA1 or MD5 all message ids on a regular basis. ## don't tempt me. def sanitize_message_id mid; mid.gsub(/(\s|[^\000-\177])+/, "")[0..254] end def clear_dirty @dirty = false end def has_label? t; @labels.member? t; end def add_label l l = l.to_sym return if @labels.member? l @labels << l @dirty = true end def remove_label l l = l.to_sym return unless @labels.member? l @labels.delete l @dirty = true end def recipients @to + @cc + @bcc end def labels= l raise ArgumentError, "not a set" unless l.is_a?(Set) raise ArgumentError, "not a set of labels" unless l.all? { |ll| ll.is_a?(Symbol) } return if @labels == l @labels = l @dirty = true end def chunks load_from_source! @chunks end ## this is called when the message body needs to actually be loaded. def load_from_source! @chunks ||= if @source.respond_to?(:has_errors?) && @source.has_errors? ["\n"))] else begin ## we need to re-read the header because it contains information ## that we don't store in the index. actually i think it's just ## the mailing list address (if any), so this is kinda overkill. ## i could just store that in the index, but i think there might ## be other things like that in the future, and i'd rather not ## bloat the index. ## actually, it's also the differentiation between to/cc/bcc, ## so i will keep this. rmsg = @source.load_message(@source_info) parse_header rmsg.header message_to_chunks rmsg rescue SourceError, SocketError => e warn "problem getting messages from #{@source}: #{e.message}" ## we need force_to_top here otherwise this window will cover ## up the error message one @source.error ||= e Redwood::report_broken_sources :force_to_top => true ["\n"))] end end end def error_message msg < e warn "problem getting messages from #{@source}: #{e.message}" @source.error ||= e Redwood::report_broken_sources :force_to_top => true error_message e.message end end def raw_header with_source_errors_handled { @source.raw_header @source_info } end def raw_message with_source_errors_handled { @source.raw_message @source_info } end ## much faster than raw_message def each_raw_message_line &b with_source_errors_handled { @source.each_raw_message_line(@source_info, &b) } end ## returns all the content from a message that will be indexed def indexable_content load_from_source! [ from && from.indexable_content, { |p| p.indexable_content }, { |p| p.indexable_content }, { |p| p.indexable_content }, { |c| c.lines }, indexable_subject, ].flatten.compact.join " " end def indexable_body { |c| c.lines }.flatten.compact.join " " end def indexable_chunks { |c| c.is_a? Chunk::Text } end def indexable_subject Message.normalize_subj(subj) end def quotable_body_lines chunks.find_all { |c| c.quotable? }.map { |c| c.lines }.flatten end def quotable_header_lines ["From: #{@from.full_address}"] + (@to.empty? ? [] : ["To: " + { |p| p.full_address }.join(", ")]) + (@cc.empty? ? [] : ["Cc: " + { |p| p.full_address }.join(", ")]) + (@bcc.empty? ? [] : ["Bcc: " + { |p| p.full_address }.join(", ")]) + ["Date: #{@date.rfc822}", "Subject: #{@subj}"] end def self.build_from_source source, source_info m = :source => source, :source_info => source_info m.load_from_source! m end private ## here's where we handle decoding mime attachments. unfortunately ## but unsurprisingly, the world of mime attachments is a bit of a ## mess. as an empiricist, i'm basing the following behavior on ## observed mail rather than on interpretations of rfcs, so probably ## this will have to be tweaked. ## ## the general behavior i want is: ignore content-disposition, at ## least in so far as it suggests something being inline vs being an ## attachment. (because really, that should be the recipient's ## decision to make.) if a mime part is text/plain, OR if the user ## decoding hook converts it, then decode it and display it ## inline. for these decoded attachments, if it has associated ## filename, then make it collapsable and individually saveable; ## otherwise, treat it as regular body text. ## ## everything else is just an attachment and is not displayed ## inline. ## ## so, in contrast to mutt, the user is not exposed to the workings ## of the gruesome slaughterhouse and sausage factory that is a ## mime-encoded message, but need only see the delicious end ## product. def multipart_signed_to_chunks m if m.body.size != 2 warn "multipart/signed with #{m.body.size} parts (expecting 2)" return end payload, signature = m.body if signature.multipart? warn "multipart/signed with payload multipart #{payload.multipart?} and signature multipart #{signature.multipart?}" return end ## this probably will never happen if payload.header.content_type && payload.header.content_type.downcase == "application/pgp-signature" warn "multipart/signed with payload content type #{payload.header.content_type}" return end if signature.header.content_type && signature.header.content_type.downcase != "application/pgp-signature" ## unknown signature type; just ignore. #warn "multipart/signed with signature content type #{signature.header.content_type}" return end [CryptoManager.verify(payload, signature), message_to_chunks(payload)].flatten.compact end def multipart_encrypted_to_chunks m if m.body.size != 2 warn "multipart/encrypted with #{m.body.size} parts (expecting 2)" return end control, payload = m.body if control.multipart? warn "multipart/encrypted with control multipart #{control.multipart?} and payload multipart #{payload.multipart?}" return end if payload.header.content_type && payload.header.content_type.downcase != "application/octet-stream" warn "multipart/encrypted with payload content type #{payload.header.content_type}" return end if control.header.content_type && control.header.content_type.downcase != "application/pgp-encrypted" warn "multipart/encrypted with control content type #{signature.header.content_type}" return end notice, sig, decryptedm = CryptoManager.decrypt payload if decryptedm # managed to decrypt children = message_to_chunks(decryptedm, true) [notice, sig].compact + children else [notice] end end ## takes a RMail::Message, breaks it into Chunk:: classes. def message_to_chunks m, encrypted=false, sibling_types=[] if m.multipart? chunks = case m.header.content_type.downcase when "multipart/signed" multipart_signed_to_chunks m when "multipart/encrypted" multipart_encrypted_to_chunks m end unless chunks sibling_types = { |p| p.header.content_type } chunks = { |p| message_to_chunks p, encrypted, sibling_types }.flatten.compact end chunks elsif m.header.content_type && m.header.content_type.downcase == "message/rfc822" if m.body payload = from = payload.header.from.first ? payload.header.from.first.format : "" to = { |p| p.format }.join(", ") cc = { |p| p.format }.join(", ") subj = decode_header_field(payload.header.subject) || DEFAULT_SUBJECT subj = Message.normalize_subj(subj.gsub(/\s+/, " ").gsub(/\s+$/, "")) msgdate = from_person = from ? Person.from_address(decode_header_field(from)) : nil to_people = to ? Person.from_address_list(decode_header_field(to)) : nil cc_people = cc ? Person.from_address_list(decode_header_field(cc)) : nil [, to_people, cc_people, msgdate, subj)] + message_to_chunks(payload, encrypted) else debug "no body for message/rfc822 enclosure; skipping" [] end elsif m.header.content_type && m.header.content_type.downcase == "application/pgp" && m.body ## apparently some versions of Thunderbird generate encryped email that ## does not follow RFC3156, e.g. messages with X-Enigmail-Version: 0.95.0 ## they have no MIME multipart and just set the body content type to ## application/pgp. this handles that. ## ## TODO: unduplicate code between here and multipart_encrypted_to_chunks notice, sig, decryptedm = CryptoManager.decrypt m.body if decryptedm # managed to decrypt children = message_to_chunks decryptedm, true [notice, sig].compact + children else [notice] end else filename = ## first, paw through the headers looking for a filename if m.header["Content-Disposition"] && m.header["Content-Disposition"] =~ /filename="?(.*?[^\\])("|;|$)/ $1 elsif m.header["Content-Type"] && m.header["Content-Type"] =~ /name="?(.*?[^\\])("|;|$)/i $1 ## haven't found one, but it's a non-text message. fake ## it. ## ## TODO: make this less lame. elsif m.header["Content-Type"] && m.header["Content-Type"] !~ /^text\/plain/i extension = case m.header["Content-Type"] when /text\/html/ then "html" when /image\/(.*)/ then $1 end ["sup-attachment-#{}-#{rand 10000}", extension].join(".") end ## if there's a filename, we'll treat it as an attachment. if filename ## filename could be 2047 encoded filename = Rfc2047.decode_to $encoding, filename # add this to the attachments list if its not a generated html # attachment (should we allow images with generated names?). # Lowercase the filename because searches are easier that way @attachments.push filename.downcase unless filename =~ /^sup-attachment-/ add_label :attachment unless filename =~ /^sup-attachment-/ content_type = (m.header.content_type || "application/unknown").downcase # sometimes RubyMail gives us nil [, filename, m, sibling_types)] ## otherwise, it's body text else ## if there's no charset, use the current encoding as the charset. ## this ensures that the body is normalized to avoid non-displayable ## characters body = Iconv.easy_decode($encoding, m.charset || $encoding, m.decode) if m.body text_to_chunks((body || "").normalize_whitespace.split("\n"), encrypted) end end end ## parse the lines of text into chunk objects. the heuristics here ## need tweaking in some nice manner. TODO: move these heuristics ## into the classes themselves. def text_to_chunks lines, encrypted state = :text # one of :text, :quote, or :sig chunks = [] chunk_lines = [] lines.each_with_index do |line, i| nextline = lines[(i + 1) ... lines.length].find { |l| l !~ /^\s*$/ } # skip blank lines case state when :text newstate = nil ## the following /:$/ followed by /\w/ is an attempt to detect the ## start of a quote. this is split into two regexen because the ## original regex /\w.*:$/ had very poor behavior on long lines ## like ":a:a:a:a:a" that occurred in certain emails. if line =~ QUOTE_PATTERN || (line =~ /:$/ && line =~ /\w/ && nextline =~ QUOTE_PATTERN) newstate = :quote elsif line =~ SIG_PATTERN && (lines.length - i) < MAX_SIG_DISTANCE newstate = :sig elsif line =~ BLOCK_QUOTE_PATTERN newstate = :block_quote end if newstate chunks << unless chunk_lines.empty? chunk_lines = [line] state = newstate else chunk_lines << line end when :quote newstate = nil if line =~ QUOTE_PATTERN || (line =~ /^\s*$/ && nextline =~ QUOTE_PATTERN) chunk_lines << line elsif line =~ SIG_PATTERN && (lines.length - i) < MAX_SIG_DISTANCE newstate = :sig else newstate = :text end if newstate if chunk_lines.empty? # nothing else chunks << end chunk_lines = [line] state = newstate end when :block_quote, :sig chunk_lines << line end if !@have_snippet && state == :text && (@snippet.nil? || @snippet.length < SNIPPET_LEN) && line !~ /[=\*#_-]{3,}/ && line !~ /^\s*$/ @snippet ||= "" @snippet += " " unless @snippet.empty? @snippet += line.gsub(/^\s+/, "").gsub(/[\r\n]/, "").gsub(/\s+/, " ") @snippet = @snippet[0 ... SNIPPET_LEN].chomp @dirty = true unless encrypted && $config[:discard_snippets_from_encrypted_messages] @snippet_contains_encrypted_content = true if encrypted end end ## final object case state when :quote, :block_quote chunks << unless chunk_lines.empty? when :text chunks << unless chunk_lines.empty? when :sig chunks << unless chunk_lines.empty? end chunks end end end