// Settings file to override Edge variables // ----------------------------------------------------- // OUTPUT CONFIG // PRO: // Set to true to keep only basic styling // Set to false to use full styling // INCLUDE: // Set to false if you want to import the mixins only // ----------------------------------------------------- // $pro : true; // $include-grid : true; // $include-block-grid : true; // $include-visibility : true; // $include-button : true; // $include-form : true; // $include-typography : true; // $include-normalize : true; // $include-print : true; // BODY // ------ $header-font-family : "Bitter", "Helvetica", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; $body-font-family : "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; $code-font-family : "Source Code Pro", "Consolas", "monospace"; $body-bg : #E4E3D5; // $body-font-color : #222; // COLOR // ------- // $main-color : #0099CC; $sub-color : #DBA924; // $passive-color : #E9E9E9; // $alert-color : #CC0000; // $success-color : #99CC00; // GLOBAL VAR // ----------- // $g-radius : 5px; // $g-transition : all 0.2s ease-in; // $content-width : 1140px; // For grid // MEDIA QUERIES // ------------------- // $phone-screen : 480px; // $small-screen : 767px; // $medium-screen : 1140px; // $large-screen : 1440px; // $retina-screen : 192dpi; // TEXT DIRECTION // --------------------- // $text-direction : ltr; // Controls default global text direction, 'rtl' or 'ltr' // HEADER // --------------------- // $h1-font-size: em(44px); // $h2-font-size: em(37px); // $h3-font-size: em(27px); // $h4-font-size: em(23px); // $h5-font-size: em(18px); // $h6-font-size: 1em; $header-font-weight: 400; // GRID // -------- // $row-width : em($content-width); // $column-padding : em(0px); // $column-margin : em(25px); // Margin between column at maximum row's width // $total-columns : 12; // BLOCK-GRID // ----------- // $block-grid-max-width : em($content-width); // $block-grid-total : 12; // $block-grid-margin : em(25px); // Margin between block at maximum row's width