// ======================================================================== // SproutCore // copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc. // ======================================================================== require('views/view') ; // The PaneManager is responsible for displaying pane that appear over your // regular content. You can register your own pane types by calling // PaneManager.registerPane('type',PaneClass) on app load. // // One instance of the PaneManager view is created the first time you try // to show a pane. SC.PaneManager = SC.View.extend({ emptyElement: '
', // this method will show a pane. Pass the content view and the paneType. // if the pane is already visible, it will be hidden first. The optional // event and root element will be set as properties on the wrapper pane // before the pane is made visible so that it can position itself. showPaneView: function(view, paneType, anchorView, triggerEvent) { // if pane is already showing, hide the pane first... this.hidePaneView(view) ; // now get a pane instance for the specified paneType and add view to it. var pane = this.getPaneFor(paneType) ; pane._managedPaneType = paneType ; pane.set('anchorView',anchorView) ; pane.set('triggerEvent',triggerEvent) ; pane.set('isVisible', false) ; this._visiblePanes[view._guid] = pane ; // look through child views (which are panes). Insert before first pane // with a layer value > this pane. var child= this.get('firstChild') ; var layer = pane.get('layer'); while(child && (child.get('layer') <= layer)) { child = child.get('nextSibling'); } this.insertBefore(pane, child); // if this pane is not visible, make it visible too. this.set('isVisible',true) ; // and make target pane visible, but set visibility hidden. // visibility hidden will be turned off when the view is fully configured. pane.setStyle({ visibility: 'hidden' }) ; pane.set('isVisible',true) ; this._setApplicationKeyPane(); // set content on view. pane.set('content',view); }, // this method will hide a visible pane view. Pass the content view. If // the view is not already visible, this will do nothing. hidePaneView: function(view) { var pane = this._visiblePanes[view._guid] ; if (!pane) return ; // make pane not visible then do the rest of the cleanup when that // finishes. pane.addObserver('displayIsVisible', this._boundPaneDidHide) ; pane.set('isVisible', false) ; }, // this method will return a pave view for the specified type. If no panes // of the type exist in the pane cache, then a new pane will be created. getPaneFor: function(paneType) { var panes = this._paneCache[paneType] ; var pane = (panes) ? panes.pop() : null ; if (pane) return pane ; // no pane found in cache. Build one instead. First look for class in // set of registered pane types. If that doesn't work, build class name. var paneClass = this._paneTypes[paneType] ; if (!paneClass) paneClass = SC[paneType.classify() + 'PaneView'] ; if (!paneClass) { throw "no matching class found for pane type '%@'".fmt(paneType); } // now create an instance. pane = paneClass.viewFor(null) ; return pane ; }, // this method will add the pane instance to the pane cache for later use. returnToCache: function(pane, paneType) { var panes = this._paneCache[paneType] || [] ; panes.push(pane) ; this._paneCache[paneType] = panes; }, // this method is called by the pane when it finishes hiding itself. _paneDidHide: function(pane) { var visible = pane.get('displayIsVisible') ; if (visible) return ; // remove this observer and remove pane from parent view. pane.removeObserver('displayIsVisible', this._boundPanelDidHide) ; pane.removeFromParent() ; // now remove content view from pane and return pane to cache. pane.set('content', null) ; this.returnToCache(pane,pane._managedPaneType) ; // if there are no more panes left visible, hide pane manager as well. if (this.get('firstChild') == null) { this.set('isVisible',false) ; } this._setApplicationKeyPane(); }, /** * @todo Need to move this (and all of the pane display/hide interface) into SC.Application */ _setApplicationKeyPane: function() { // ensure that the frontmost pane is the key pane // we're making a lot of assumptions here... need to create a some unit tests that: // lastChild is always a pane view // calling makeKeyPane indiscriminately will have no ill effect (currently it's fine) var frontMostPane = this.get('lastChild'); if (frontMostPane && frontMostPane.get('isVisible')) { frontMostPane.makeKeyPane(); } else { var pane = SC.app.get('mainPane'); if (pane) pane.makeKeyPane(); } }, // on init, add to main HTML page if not already added. init: function() { sc_super() ; var el = this.rootElement ; if (!this.parentNode) { $tag('body').insertBefore(el, null) ; SC.window.insertBefore(this, null) ; } this.set('isVisible',false) ; this._boundPaneDidHide = this._paneDidHide.bind(this) ; }, // registered panes. _paneTypes: {}, _paneCache: {}, // unused pane instances stored by paneType. _visiblePanes: {} // panes stored by views }) ; SC.PaneManager.registerPaneType = function(paneType, paneClass) { SC.PaneManager.prototype._paneTypes[paneType] = paneClass ; } ; // This will create the manager instance if it does not already exist. SC.PaneManager.manager = function() { if (!this._manager) this._manager = SC.PaneManager.viewFor('panes') ; return this._manager ; };