{Redcar} ======== by Daniel Lucraft http://RedcarEditor.com/ ## DESCRIPTION A pure Ruby text editor running on JRuby. ## INSTALLATION You must have Java installed. $ sudo gem install redcar $ sudo redcar install NB the install will take a minute or so to complete as it has to download about 15MB of jar files. ## USAGE Run $ redcar --help for a list of options. ## INSTALLING FROM SOURCE If you want to contribute to Redcar, you can install it from the source code. If you're running Windows, as a prerequisite, you'll need to install the rubyzip gem: $ gem install rubyzip Download from github, checkout the submodules and build JavaMateView. You will need Ant installed, and RSpec and Cucumber installed as JRuby gems. $ git clone git://github.com/danlucraft/redcar.git $ cd redcar $ git submodule init $ git submodule update $ jruby bin/redcar install $ jruby -S rake build To run on Linux and Windows: $ jruby bin/redcar To run on OSX: $ jruby -J-XstartOnFirstThread bin/redcar You may also need to install the rake, rspec and cucumber gems. ## UPDATING A SOURCE BUILD If you are running a source version of Redcar and you have pulled changes from master, then you may have to update your jars by updating and rebuilding: $ git submodule update $ jruby -S rake build ## PROBLEMS? * Irc at #redcar on irc.freenode.net * Mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/redcar-editor ## TESTS To run all specs and features: $ jruby -S rake NB. Features work with Cucumber version 0.4.2, you may have problems with other versions because for the moment we are patching Cucumber dynamically to support dependencies between sets of features. ## TESTS (specs) On OSX: $ jruby -J-XstartOnFirstThread -S spec plugins/#{plugin_name}/spec/ On Linux: $ jruby -S spec plugins/#{plugin_name}/spec/ ## TESTS (features) On OSX: $ jruby -J-XstartOnFirstThread bin/cucumber plugins/#{plugin_name}/features On Linux: $ jruby bin/cucumber plugins/#{plugin_name}/features/ ## LICENSE Redcar is copyright 2007-2010 Daniel Lucraft and contributors. It is licensed under the GPL2. See the included LICENSE file for details.