# Copyright:: (c) Autotelik Media Ltd 2012 # Author :: Tom Statter # Date :: June 2012 # License:: MIT. Free, Open Source. # # => Provides facilities for bulk uploading/exporting attachments provided by PaperClip # gem require 'datashift_paperclip' require 'attachment_loader' module DataShift module ImageLoading include DataShift::Logging include DataShift::Paperclip # Note the paperclip attachment model defines the storage path via something like : # # => :path => ":rails_root/public/blah/blahs/:id/:style/:basename.:extension" # # Options # # See also DataShift::paperclip create_paperclip_attachment for more options # # Example: Image is a model class with an attachment. # Image table contains a viewable field which can contain other models, # such as Product, User etc all of which can have an Image # # :viewable_record # def create_attachment(klass, attachment_path, record = nil, attach_to_record_field = nil, options = {}) logger.debug("ImageLoading::create_attachment on Class #{klass}") image_attributes = { attributes: { alt: (options[:alt] || ''), position: !options[:position] && record && record.respond_to?(:images) ? record.images.length : 0 } } attachment_options = options.dup.merge(image_attributes) logger.debug("Adding Attachment for #{klass.inspect}") attachment = create_paperclip_attachment(klass, attachment_path, attachment_options) if(attachment && attach_to_record_field) populator = DataShift::Populator.new populator.prepare_and_assign(attach_to_record_field, record, attachment) end attachment end # Set of file extensions ImageMagik can process so default glob # we use to find image files within directories def self.image_magik_glob @im_glob ||= %w(*.3FR *.AAI *.AI *.ART *.ARW *.AVI *.AVS *.BGR *.BGRA *.BIE *.BMP *.BMP2 *.BMP3 *.BRF *.CAL *.CALS *.CANVAS *.CIN *.CIP *.CLIP *.CMYK *.CMYKA *.CR2 *.CRW *.CUR *.CUT *.DCM *.DCR *.DCX *.DDS *.DFONT *.DJVU *.DNG *.DOT *.DPS *.DPX *.EMF *.EPDF *.EPI *.EPS *.EPS2 *.EPS3 *.EPSF *.EPSI *.EPT *.EPT2 *.EPT3 *.ERF *.EXR *.FITS *.FPX *.FTS *.G3 *.GIF *.GIF87 *.GRAY *.HALD *.HDR *.HRZ *.ICB *.ICO *.ICON *.IPL *.ISOBRL *.J2C *.JBG *.JBIG *.JNG *.JP2 *.JPC *.JPEG *.JPG *.JPX *.K25 *.KDC *.LABEL *.M2V *.M4V *.MAC *.MAP *.MAT *.MATTE *.MIFF *.MNG *.MONO *.MOV *.MP4 *.MPC *.MPEG *.MPG *.MRW *.MSL *.MSVG *.MTV *.MVG *.NEF *.ORF *.OTB *.OTF *.PAL *.PALM *.PAM *.PBM *.PCD *.PCDS *.PCL *.PCT *.PCX *.PDB *.PDF *.PDFA *.PEF *.PES *.PFA *.PFB *.PFM *.PGM *.PGX *.PICON *.PICT *.PIX *.PJPEG *.PLASMA *.PNG *.PNG24 *.PNG32 *.PNG8 *.PNM *.PPM *.PS *.PS2 *.PS3 *.PSB *.PSD *.PTIF *.PWP *.RAF *.RAS *.RGB *.RGBA *.RGBO *.RLA *.RLE *.SCR *.SCT *.SFW *.SGI *.SR2 *.SRF *.SUN *.SVG *.SVGZ *.TGA *.TIFF *.TIFF64 *.TILE *.TIM *.TTC *.TTF *.UBRL *.UIL *.UYVY *.VDA *.VICAR *.VID *.VIFF *.VST *.WBMP *.WEBP *.WMF *.WMV *.WMZ *.WPG *.X3F *.XBM *.XC *.XCF *.XPM *.XPS *.XV *.XWD *.YCbCr *.YCbCrA *.YUV) "{#{@im_glob.join(',')}}" end end end