# -*- ruby encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' Hoe.plugin :doofus Hoe.plugin :gemspec Hoe.plugin :rubyforge Hoe.plugin :git Hoe.plugin :hg Hoe.spec 'rubypython' do self.rubyforge_name = self.name developer('Steeve Morin', 'swiuzzz+rubypython@gmail.com') developer('Austin Ziegler', 'austin@rubyforge.org') developer('Zach Raines', 'raineszm+rubypython@gmail.com') self.remote_rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' self.rsync_args << ' --exclude=statsvn/' self.history_file = 'History.rdoc' self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' self.extra_rdoc_files = FileList["*.rdoc"].to_a self.extra_deps << ['ffi', '~> 1.0.7'] self.extra_deps << ['blankslate', '>='] self.extra_dev_deps << ['rspec', '~> 2.0'] self.extra_dev_deps << ['tilt', '~> 1.0'] self.spec_extras[:requirements] = [ "Python, ~> 2.4" ] end namespace :website do desc "Build the website files." task :build => [ "website/index.html" ] deps = FileList["website/**/*"].exclude { |f| File.directory? f } deps.include(*%w(Rakefile)) deps.include(*FileList["*.rdoc"].to_a) deps.exclude(*%w(website/index.html website/images/*)) file "website/index.html" => deps do |t| require 'tilt' require 'rubypython' puts "Generating #{t.name}…" # Let's modify the rdoc for presenation purposes. body_rdoc = File.read("README.rdoc") contrib = File.read("Contributors.rdoc") body_rdoc.gsub!(/^:include: Contributors.rdoc/, contrib) license = File.read("License.rdoc") body_rdoc.sub!(/^:include: License.rdoc/, license) toc_elements = body_rdoc.scan(/^(=+) (.*)$/) toc_elements.map! { |e| [ e[0].count('='), e[1] ] } body_rdoc.gsub!(/^(=.*)/) { "#{$1.downcase}" } body = Tilt::RDocTemplate.new(nil) { body_rdoc }.render title = nil body.gsub!(%r{