// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2010 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context ok same Q$ htmlbody */ module("SC.RootResponder#makeMainPane"); test("returns receiver", function() { var p1 = SC.Pane.create(), p2 = SC.Pane.create(); var r = SC.RootResponder.create(); equals(r.makeMainPane(p1), r, 'returns receiver'); }); test("changes mainPane to new pane", function() { var p1 = SC.Pane.create(), p2 = SC.Pane.create(); var r = SC.RootResponder.create(); r.makeMainPane(p1); equals(r.get('mainPane'), p1, 'mainPane should be p1'); r.makeMainPane(p2); equals(r.get('mainPane'), p2, 'mainPane should be p2'); }); test("if current mainpane is also keypane, automatically make new main pane key also", function() { // acceptsKeyPane is required to allow keyPane to change var p1 = SC.Pane.create({ acceptsKeyPane: YES }); var p2 = SC.Pane.create({ acceptsKeyPane: YES }); var r= SC.RootResponder.create({ mainPane: p1, keyPane: p1 }); r.makeMainPane(p2); ok(r.get('keyPane') === p2, 'should change keyPane(%@) p1 = %@ - p2 = %@'.fmt(r.get('keyPane'), p1, p2)); }); test("should call blurMainTo() on current pane, passing new pane", function() { var callCount = 0; var p2 = SC.Pane.create(); var p1 = SC.Pane.create({ blurMainTo: function(pane) { callCount++ ; equals(pane, p2, 'should pass new pane'); } }); var r= SC.RootResponder.create({ mainPane: p1 }); r.makeMainPane(p2); equals(callCount, 1, 'should invoke callback'); }); test("should call focusMainFrom() on new pane, passing old pane", function() { var callCount = 0; var p1 = SC.Pane.create(); var p2 = SC.Pane.create({ focusMainFrom: function(pane) { callCount++ ; equals(pane, p1, 'should pass old pane'); } }); var r= SC.RootResponder.create({ mainPane: p1 }); r.makeMainPane(p2); equals(callCount, 1, 'should invoke callback'); });