module Simp; end module Simp::RspecPuppetFacts require 'json' require 'puppet' require File.expand_path('version', File.dirname(__FILE__)) SELINUX_MODES = [:enforcing, :disabled, :permissive] def supported_os_strings( opts, known_os_list=[] ) supported_os = opts.fetch(:supported_os, RspecPuppetFacts.meta_supported_os) hardwaremodels = opts.fetch(:hardwaremodels, ['x86_64']) os_strings = [] supported_os.each do |os| os_name = os['operatingsystem'].downcase.gsub(/\s/,'_') os['operatingsystemrelease'] ||= [] if os['operatingsystemrelease'].empty? # Just pick the latest one os_strings.push( known_os_list .select{|x| x.start_with?(os_name)} .sort.last ) else os['operatingsystemrelease'].each do |rel| hardwaremodels.each do |hw| os_strings.push([os_name, rel, hw].join('-')) end end end end os_strings.compact end # Don't ask rspec-puppet-facts for operatingsystems we've already recorded # because if it doesn't have them it will crash def filter_opts( opts, simp_h ) rfh_hw = opts.fetch(:hardwaremodels, ['x86_64']) rfh_os = opts.fetch(:supported_os, RspecPuppetFacts.meta_supported_os).dup filtered_opts = [] rfh_os.each do |os| os['operatingsystemrelease'] ||= [] if os['operatingsystemrelease'].empty? os_release = simp_h.keys .select{|x| x.start_with?(os['operatingsystem'].downcase) } .sort .last os['operatingsystemrelease'] = [os_release.split('-')[1]] if os_release end next if os['operatingsystemrelease'].empty? rfh_hw.each do |hw| os['operatingsystemrelease'].each do |rel| filtered_opts.push(os) unless simp_h.key?([os['operatingsystem'].downcase, rel, hw].join('-')) end end end ret_opts = opts.dup ret_opts[:supported_os] = filtered_opts ret_opts end def on_supported_os( opts = {} ) opts[:simp_fact_dir_path] ||= File.expand_path("../../facts/", File.dirname(__FILE__)) simp_h = load_facts(opts[:simp_fact_dir_path]) masked_opts = filter_opts(opts, simp_h) rfh_h = {} rfh_h = Simp::RspecPuppetFacts::Shim.on_supported_os(masked_opts) unless masked_opts[:supported_os]&.empty? merged_os_hash = rfh_h.merge(simp_h) h ={|k,v| supported_os_strings(opts, merged_os_hash.keys).include? k} h.each do | os, facts | facter_ver=Facter.version.split('.')[0..1].join('.') facts_file = File.expand_path("../../facts/#{facter_ver}/#{os}.facts", File.dirname(__FILE__)) if File.file? facts_file captured_facts_raw = File.expand_path("../../facts/#{facter_ver}/#{os}.facts", File.dirname(__FILE__)) ).read captured_facts = symbolize_keys JSON.parse( captured_facts_raw ) captured_facts.keep_if{ |k,v| (captured_facts.keys-facts.keys).include? k } facts.merge! captured_facts facts.merge! opts.fetch( :extra_facts, {} ) facts.merge!({ :puppetversion => ::Puppet.version }) facts.merge! lsb_facts( facts ) facts.merge! selinux_facts( opts[:selinux_mode], facts ) facts.merge! opts.fetch( :extra_facts_immutable, {} ) end if ( ENV['SIMP_FACTS_OS'] && !ENV['SIMP_FACTS_OS'].to_s.strip.empty? && ENV['SIMP_FACTS_OS'] !~ /all/i ) unless ENV['SIMP_FACTS_OS'].strip.split(/[ ,]+/).any?{|str| os == str || os.match?(%r[#{str}]) } h.delete(os) end end end h end def lsb_facts( facts ) return facts unless facts[:kernel].casecmp('linux') lsb_facts = {} # attempt to massage a major release version if missing (for facter 1.6) unless ENV['SIMP_FACTS_lsb'] == 'no' puts "==== mocking lsb facts [disable with SIMP_FACTS_lsb=no]" if ENV['VERBOSE'] lsb_facts[:lsbmajdistrelease] = facts[:os][:release][:major] end lsb_facts end def selinux_facts( mode=:enforcing, facts ) return facts if facts[:kernel]&.casecmp('windows') unless SELINUX_MODES.include?( mode ) fail "FATAL: `mode` must be one of: #{{|x| x.to_s.sub(/^/,':')}.join(', ')}" end sefacts = {} sefacts_enforcing = { :selinux => true, :selinux_enforced => true, :selinux_current_mode => 'enforcing', :selinux_state => 'enforcing', } sefacts_permissive = { :selinux => true, :selinux_enforced => false, :selinux_current_mode => 'permissive', :selinux_state => 'permssive', } sefacts_disabled = { :selinux => false, :selinux_enforced => false, :selinux_current_mode => 'disabled', :selinux_state => 'disabled', } sefacts = sefacts_enforcing sefacts = sefacts_enforcing if mode == :enforcing sefacts = sefacts_permissive if mode == :permissive sefacts = sefacts_disabled if mode == :disabled # ensure mount options in :tmp_mount_* facts match ['tmp','var_tmp','dev_shm'].each do |m| k = "tmp_mount_#{m}".to_sym if mount_opts = facts.fetch(k,false) if mode == :disabled sefacts[k] = mount_opts.sub(/,seclabel$|seclabel,/, '') else unless mount_opts =~ /\bseclabel\b/ sefacts[k] = "#{mount_opts},seclabel" end end end end facts.merge sefacts end # recursively onvert all hash keys to symbols def symbolize_keys(hash) hash.inject({}){|result, (key, value)| new_key = case key when String then key.to_sym else key end new_value = case value when Hash then symbolize_keys(value) else value end result[new_key] = new_value result } end def load_facts( fact_dir_path ) facter_xy_version = Facter.version.split('.')[0..1].join('.') fact_dir = File.join(fact_dir_path,facter_xy_version) unless File.exists? fact_dir _msg = "Can't find SIMP facts for Facter #{facter_xy_version}, skipping... HINT: If this version of Facter has been released recently, try running `FACTER_GEM_VERSION='~> X.Y.0' bundler update facter Where 'X.Y' is the version of the last facter that worked" fail(_msg) end simp_h = {} fact_files = Dir.glob( File.join(fact_dir, '*.facts') ).sort fact_files.each do |file| key = File.basename(file).sub(/\.facts$/,'') data = JSON.parse( simp_h[key] = symbolize_keys(data) end simp_h end class Shim require 'rspec-puppet-facts' extend ::RspecPuppetFacts end end