require_relative 'isoebnf/meta' require 'logger' # ISO EBNF parser # Parses ISO EBNF into an array of {EBNF::Rule}. module EBNF class ISOEBNF include EBNF::PEG::Parser # The base for terminal-character, which omits "'", '"', and '?'. # Could be more optimized, and one might quible # with the overly-strictly defined character set, # but it is correct. TERMINAL_CHARACTER_BASE = %r{ [a-zA-Z0-9] | # letter | decimal digit , | # concatenate symbol = | # defining symbol [\|\/!] | # definition separator symbol \*\) | # end comment symbol \) | # end group symbol \] | # end option symbol \} | # end repeat symbol \- | # except symbol #\' | # first quote symbol \* | # repetition symbol #\" | # second quote symbol #\? | # special sequence symbol \(\* | # start comment symbol \( | # start group symbol \[ | # start option symbol \{ | # start repeat symbol [;\.] | # terminator symbol [:+_%@&$<>^\x20\x23\\`~] # other character }x TERMINAL_CHARACTER = %r{#{TERMINAL_CHARACTER_BASE}|['"\?]} FIRST_TERMINAL_CHARACTER = %r{#{TERMINAL_CHARACTER_BASE}|["\?]} SECOND_TERMINAL_CHARACTER = %r{#{TERMINAL_CHARACTER_BASE}|['\?]} SPECIAL_SEQUENCE_CHARACTER = %r{#{TERMINAL_CHARACTER_BASE}|['"]} # Abstract syntax tree from parse # # @return [Array] attr_reader :ast # `[14] integer ::= decimal_digit+` terminal(:integer, /\d+/) do |value, prod| value.to_i end # `[15] meta_identifier ::= letter meta_identifier_character*` terminal(:meta_identifier, /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/) do |value| value.to_sym end # `[17] terminal_string ::= ("'" first_terminal_character+ "'")` # ` | ('"' second_terminal_character+ '"')` terminal(:terminal_string, /(?:'#{FIRST_TERMINAL_CHARACTER}+')|(?:"#{SECOND_TERMINAL_CHARACTER}+")/x) do |value| value[1..-2].tap {|s| s.quote_style = (value.start_with?("'") ? :squote : :dquote) } end # `[20] special_sequence ::= '?' special_sequence_character* '?'` terminal(:special_sequence, /\?#{SPECIAL_SEQUENCE_CHARACTER}+\?/) # `[22] terminal_character ::= [a-zA-Z0-9]` # ` | [,=;*}#x2d?([{;]` # ` | '*)'` # ` | '(*'` # ` | ']'` # ` | other_character` terminal(:terminal_character, TERMINAL_CHARACTER) # `[25] empty ::= ''` terminal(:empty, //) # `[26] definition_separator_symbol ::= '|' | '/' | '!'` terminal(:definition_separator_symbol, /[\|\/!]/) # `[27] terminator_symbol ::= ';' | '.'` terminal(:terminator_symbol, /[;\.]/) # `[28] start_option_symbol ::= '[' terminal(:start_option_symbol, /\[|(?:\(\/)/) # `[29] end_option_symbol ::= ']'` terminal(:end_option_symbol, /\]/) # `[30] start_repeat_symbol ::= '{' | '(:'` terminal(:start_repeat_symbol, /{|\(:/) # `[31] end_repeat_symbol ::= '}' | ':)'` terminal(:end_repeat_symbol, /}|:\)/) # ## Non-terminal productions # `[2] syntax_rule ::= meta_identifier '=' definitions_list terminator_symbol` production(:syntax_rule, clear_packrat: true) do |value, data, callback| # value contains an expression. # Invoke callback sym = value[0][:meta_identifier] definitions_list = value[2][:definitions_list],, nil, definitions_list)) nil end # Setting `as_hash: true` in the start production makes the value of the form of a hash, rather than an array of hashes. # # `[3] definitions_list ::= single_definition (definition_separator_symbol definitions_list)*` start_production(:definitions_list, as_hash: true) production(:definitions_list) do |value| if value[:_definitions_list_1].length > 0 [:alt, value[:single_definition]] + value[:_definitions_list_1] else value[:single_definition] end end production(:_definitions_list_1) do |value| Array(value.first) end start_production(:_definitions_list_2, as_hash: true) production(:_definitions_list_2) do |value| if Array(value[:definitions_list]).first == :alt value[:definitions_list][1..-1] else [value[:definitions_list]] end end # `[4] single_definition ::= term (',' term)*` start_production(:single_definition, as_hash: true) production(:single_definition) do |value| if value[:_single_definition_1].length > 0 [:seq, value[:term]] + value[:_single_definition_1] else value[:term] end end production(:_single_definition_1) do |value| {|a1| a1.last[:term]}.compact # Get rid of '|' end # `[5] term ::= factor ('-' exception)?` start_production(:term, as_hash: true) production(:term) do |value| if value[:_term_1] [:diff, value[:factor], value[:_term_1]] else value[:factor] end end production(:_term_1) do |value| value.last[:exception] if value end # `[6] exception ::= factor` start_production(:exception, as_hash: true) production(:exception) do |value| value[:factor] end # `[7] factor ::= (integer '*')? primary` start_production(:factor, as_hash: true) production(:factor) do |value| if value[:_factor_1] [:rept, value[:_factor_1], value[:_factor_1], value[:primary]] else value[:primary] end end production(:_factor_2) do |value| value.first[:integer] end # `[9] optional_sequence ::= start_option_symbol definitions_list end_option_symbol` production(:optional_sequence) do |value| [:opt, value[1][:definitions_list]] end # `[10] repeated_sequence ::= start_repeat_symbol definitions_list end_repeat_symbol` production(:repeated_sequence) do |value| [:star, value[1][:definitions_list]] end # `[11] grouped_sequence ::= '(' definitions_list ')'` production(:grouped_sequence) do |value| [:seq, value[1][:definitions_list]] end # ## Parser invocation. # On start, yield ourselves if a block is given, otherwise, return this parser instance # # @param [#read, #to_s] input # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [Boolean] :level # Trace level. 0(debug), 1(info), 2(warn), 3(error). # @return [EBNFParser] def initialize(input, **options, &block) # If the `level` option is set, instantiate a logger for collecting trace information. if options.has_key?(:level) options[:logger] = options[:logger].level = options[:level] options[:logger].formatter = lambda {|severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{severity} #{msg}\n"} end # Read input, if necessary, which will be used in a Scanner. @input = input.respond_to?(:read) ? : input.to_s parsing_terminals = false @ast = [] parse(@input, :syntax, ISOEBNFMeta::RULES, whitespace: %r{([\x09-\x0d\x20]|(?:\(\*(?:(?:\*[^\)])|[^*])*\*\)))+}, **options ) do |context, *data| rule = case context when :rule # A rule which has already been turned into a `Rule` object. rule = data.first rule.kind = :terminal if parsing_terminals rule end @ast << rule if rule end rescue EBNF::PEG::Parser::Error => e raise SyntaxError, e.message end end end