Feature: Set settings In order to control settings in an efficient way As a Wagneer I want to be able to control settings for sets of cards Background: Given I log in as Joe Admin And I create card "*all+*help" with content "say something spicy" Scenario: default setting and plus card override Given I create Phrase card "color+*right+*add help" with content "If colorblind, leave blank" And I log in as Joe User When I go to new card "Test" Then I should see "spicy" When I go to new card "Test+color" Then I should see "colorblind" Scenario: *right Set Given I create Phrase card "cereal+*right+*add help" with content "I go poopoo for poco puffs" And I log in as Joe User When I go to new card named "Test+cereal" Then I should see "poopoo" Scenario: *type_plus_right Set Given I create Phrase card "User+cereal+*type plus right+*help" with content "your favorite" When I go to card "Joe User+cereal" Then I should see "your favorite" When I create card "User+*type+*structure" with content "{{+cereal}}" And I log in as Joe User And I edit "Joe User" Then I should see "your favorite" When I go to new card "Joe Admin+cereal" Then I should see "your favorite" Scenario: Solo Set Given I create Pointer card "cereal+*self+*layout" with content "[[cereal layout]]" And I log in as Joe User And I create card "cereal layout" with content "My very own header" When I go to card "cereal" Then I should see "My very own"