module Crush class Engine # The name of the file to be compressed attr_reader :file # A Hash of compression engine specific options. This is passed directly # to the underlying engine and is not used by the generic interface. attr_reader :options # The data to cmopress; loaded from a file or given directly. attr_reader :data # Used to determine if this class's initialize_engine method has # been called yet. @engine_initialized = false class << self attr_accessor :engine_initialized alias :engine_initialized? :engine_initialized # Returns a lowercase, underscored name for the engine. def engine_name engine_name = name.to_s.dup engine_name.sub! /^.*::/ , "" engine_name.gsub! /([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2' engine_name.gsub! /([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2'! "-", "_" engine_name.downcase! engine_name end end # Create a new engine with the file and options specified. By # default, the data to compress is read from the file. When a block is given, # it should read data and return as a String. # # All arguments are optional. def initialize(file = nil, options = nil) if file.respond_to?(:to_hash) @options = file.to_hash else @file = file @options = options || {} end unless self.class.engine_initialized? initialize_engine self.class.engine_initialized = true end @data = if block_given? yield elsif @file File.respond_to?(:binread) ? File.binread(@file) : end prepare end # Compresses the data. Data can be read through the file or the block # given at initialization, or through passing it here directly. def render(data = nil) @data = data unless data.nil? evaluate end alias :compress :render alias :compile :render protected # Called once and only once for each template subclass the first time # the engine class is initialized. This should be used to require the # underlying engine library and perform any initial setup. def initialize_engine end # Do whatever preparation is necessary to setup the underlying compression # engine. Called immediately after template data is loaded. Instance # variables set in this method are available when #compress is called. def prepare end # Called when it's time to compress. Return the compressed data # from this method. def evaluate end # Like Kernel::require but issues a warning urging a manual require when # running under a threaded environment. def require_template_library(name) if Thread.list.size > 1 warn "WARN: crush autoloading '#{name}' in a non thread-safe way; " + "explicit require '#{name}' suggested." end require name end end end