# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'fluent/configurable' require 'fluent/registry' require 'fluent/mixin' module Fluent class Formatter include Configurable def configure(conf) super end def format(tag, time, record) raise NotImplementedError, "Implement this method in child class" end end module TextFormatter module HandleTagAndTimeMixin def self.included(klass) klass.instance_eval { config_param :include_time_key, :bool, default: false config_param :time_key, :string, default: 'time' config_param :time_format, :string, default: nil config_param :include_tag_key, :bool, default: false config_param :tag_key, :string, default: 'tag' config_param :localtime, :bool, default: true config_param :timezone, :string, default: nil } end def configure(conf) super if conf['utc'] @localtime = false end @timef = TimeFormatter.new(@time_format, @localtime, @timezone) end def filter_record(tag, time, record) if @include_tag_key record[@tag_key] = tag end if @include_time_key record[@time_key] = @timef.format(time) end end end class OutFileFormatter < Formatter include HandleTagAndTimeMixin config_param :output_time, :bool, default: true config_param :output_tag, :bool, default: true config_param :delimiter, default: "\t" do |val| case val when /SPACE/i then ' ' when /COMMA/i then ',' else "\t" end end def format(tag, time, record) filter_record(tag, time, record) header = '' header << "#{@timef.format(time)}#{@delimiter}" if @output_time header << "#{tag}#{@delimiter}" if @output_tag "#{header}#{Yajl.dump(record)}\n" end end class StdoutFormatter < Formatter config_param :output_type, :string, default: 'json' def configure(conf) super @formatter = Plugin.new_formatter(@output_type) @formatter.configure(conf) end def format(tag, time, record) header = "#{Time.now.localtime} #{tag}: " "#{header}#{@formatter.format(tag, time, record)}" end end module StructuredFormatMixin def self.included(klass) klass.instance_eval { config_param :time_as_epoch, :bool, default: false } end def configure(conf) super if @time_as_epoch if @include_time_key @include_time_key = false else $log.warn "include_time_key is false so ignore time_as_epoch" @time_as_epoch = false end end end def format(tag, time, record) filter_record(tag, time, record) record[@time_key] = time if @time_as_epoch format_record(record) end end class JSONFormatter < Formatter include HandleTagAndTimeMixin include StructuredFormatMixin config_param :json_parser, :string, default: 'oj' def configure(conf) super begin raise LoadError unless @json_parser == 'oj' require 'oj' Oj.default_options = {mode: :compat} @dump_proc = Oj.method(:dump) rescue LoadError @dump_proc = Yajl.method(:dump) end end def format_record(record) "#{@dump_proc.call(record)}\n" end end class HashFormatter < Formatter include HandleTagAndTimeMixin include StructuredFormatMixin def format_record(record) "#{record.to_s}\n" end end class MessagePackFormatter < Formatter include HandleTagAndTimeMixin include StructuredFormatMixin def format_record(record) record.to_msgpack end end class LabeledTSVFormatter < Formatter include HandleTagAndTimeMixin config_param :delimiter, :string, default: "\t" config_param :label_delimiter, :string, default: ":" def format(tag, time, record) filter_record(tag, time, record) formatted = record.inject('') { |result, pair| result << @delimiter if result.length.nonzero? result << "#{pair.first}#{@label_delimiter}#{pair.last}" } formatted << "\n" formatted end end class CsvFormatter < Formatter include HandleTagAndTimeMixin config_param :delimiter, default: ',' do |val| ['\t', 'TAB'].include?(val) ? "\t" : val end config_param :force_quotes, :bool, default: true config_param :fields, default: [] do |val| val.split(',').map do |f| f.strip! f.size > 0 ? f : nil end.compact end def initialize super require 'csv' end def format(tag, time, record) filter_record(tag, time, record) row = @fields.inject([]) do |memo, key| memo << record[key] memo end CSV.generate_line(row, col_sep: @delimiter, force_quotes: @force_quotes) end end class SingleValueFormatter < Formatter config_param :message_key, :string, default: 'message' config_param :add_newline, :bool, default: true def format(tag, time, record) text = record[@message_key].to_s.dup text << "\n" if @add_newline text end end class ProcWrappedFormatter < Formatter def initialize(proc) @proc = proc end def configure(conf) end def format(tag, time, record) @proc.call(tag, time, record) end end TEMPLATE_REGISTRY = Registry.new(:formatter_type, 'fluent/plugin/formatter_') { 'out_file' => Proc.new { OutFileFormatter.new }, 'stdout' => Proc.new { StdoutFormatter.new }, 'json' => Proc.new { JSONFormatter.new }, 'hash' => Proc.new { HashFormatter.new }, 'msgpack' => Proc.new { MessagePackFormatter.new }, 'ltsv' => Proc.new { LabeledTSVFormatter.new }, 'csv' => Proc.new { CsvFormatter.new }, 'single_value' => Proc.new { SingleValueFormatter.new }, }.each { |name, factory| TEMPLATE_REGISTRY.register(name, factory) } def self.register_template(name, factory_or_proc) factory = if factory_or_proc.is_a?(Class) # XXXFormatter Proc.new { factory_or_proc.new } elsif factory_or_proc.arity == 3 # Proc.new { |tag, time, record| } Proc.new { ProcWrappedFormatter.new(factory_or_proc) } else # Proc.new { XXXFormatter.new } factory_or_proc end TEMPLATE_REGISTRY.register(name, factory) end def self.lookup(format) TEMPLATE_REGISTRY.lookup(format).call end # Keep backward-compatibility def self.create(conf) format = conf['format'] if format.nil? raise ConfigError, "'format' parameter is required" end formatter = lookup(format) if formatter.respond_to?(:configure) formatter.configure(conf) end formatter end end end