# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # module Rouge module Lexers class Haxe < RegexLexer title "Haxe" desc "Haxe Cross-platform Toolkit (http://haxe.org)" tag 'haxe' aliases 'hx', 'haxe' filenames '*.hx' mimetypes 'text/haxe', 'text/x-haxe', 'text/x-hx' def self.detect?(text) return true if text.shebang? "haxe" end def self.keywords @keywords ||= Set.new %w( as break case cast catch class continue default do else enum false for function if import in interface macro new null override package private public return switch this throw true try untyped while ) end def self.imports @imports ||= Set.new %w( package import using ) end def self.declarations @declarations ||= Set.new %w( abstract dynamic extern extends from implements inline static to typedef var ) end def self.reserved @reserved ||= Set.new %w( super trace inline build autoBuild enum ) end def self.constants @constants ||= Set.new %w(true false null) end def self.builtins @builtins ||= %w( Void Dynamic Math Class Any Float Int UInt String StringTools Sys EReg isNaN parseFloat parseInt this Array Map Date DateTools Bool Lambda Reflect Std File FileSystem ) end id = /[$a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ dotted_id = /[$a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*/ state :comments_and_whitespace do rule %r/\s+/, Text rule %r(//.*?$), Comment::Single rule %r(/\*.*?\*/)m, Comment::Multiline end state :expr_start do mixin :comments_and_whitespace rule %r/#(?:if|elseif|else|end).*/, Comment::Preproc rule %r(~) do token Str::Regex goto :regex end rule %r/[{]/, Punctuation, :object rule %r//, Text, :pop! end state :namespace do mixin :comments_and_whitespace rule %r/ (#{dotted_id}) (\s+)(in|as)(\s+) (#{id}) /x do groups(Name::Namespace, Text::Whitespace, Keyword, Text::Whitespace, Name) end rule %r/#{dotted_id}/, Name::Namespace rule(//) { pop! } end state :regex do rule %r(/) do token Str::Regex goto :regex_end end rule %r([^/]\n), Error, :pop! rule %r/\n/, Error, :pop! rule %r/\[\^/, Str::Escape, :regex_group rule %r/\[/, Str::Escape, :regex_group rule %r/\\./, Str::Escape rule %r{[(][?][:=> | == | != )x, Operator, :expr_start rule %r([-:<>+*%&|\^/!=]=?), Operator, :expr_start rule %r/[(\[,]/, Punctuation, :expr_start rule %r/;/, Punctuation, :statement rule %r/[)\]}.]/, Punctuation rule %r/[?]/ do token Punctuation push :ternary push :expr_start end rule id do |m| match = m[0] if self.class.imports.include?(match) token Keyword::Namespace push :namespace elsif self.class.keywords.include?(match) token Keyword push :expr_start elsif self.class.declarations.include?(match) token Keyword::Declaration push :expr_start elsif self.class.reserved.include?(match) token Keyword::Reserved elsif self.class.constants.include?(match) token Keyword::Constant elsif self.class.builtins.include?(match) token Name::Builtin else token Name::Other end end rule %r/\-?\d+\.\d+(?:[eE]\d+)?[fd]?/, Num::Float rule %r/0x\h+/, Num::Hex rule %r/\-?[0-9]+/, Num::Integer rule %r/"/, Str::Double, :str_double rule %r/'/, Str::Single, :str_single end # braced parts that aren't object literals state :statement do rule %r/(#{id})(\s*)(:)/ do groups Name::Label, Text, Punctuation end mixin :expr_start end # object literals state :object do mixin :comments_and_whitespace rule %r/[}]/ do token Punctuation goto :statement end rule %r/(#{id})(\s*)(:)/ do groups Name::Attribute, Text, Punctuation push :expr_start end rule %r/:/, Punctuation mixin :root end state :metadata do rule %r/(#{id})(\()?/ do |m| groups Name::Decorator, Punctuation pop! unless m[2] end rule %r/:#{id}(?:\.#{id})*/, Name::Decorator, :pop! rule %r/\)/, Name::Decorator, :pop! mixin :root end # ternary expressions, where : is not a label! state :ternary do rule %r/:/ do token Punctuation goto :expr_start end mixin :root end state :str_double do mixin :str_escape rule %r/"/, Str::Double, :pop! rule %r/[^\\"]+/, Str::Double end state :str_single do mixin :str_escape rule %r/'/, Str::Single, :pop! rule %r/\$\$/, Str::Single rule %r/\$#{id}/, Str::Interpol rule %r/\$\{/, Str::Interpol, :str_interpol rule %r/[^\\$']+/, Str::Single end state :str_escape do rule %r/\\[\\tnr'"]/, Str::Escape rule %r/\\[0-7]{3}/, Str::Escape rule %r/\\x\h{2}/, Str::Escape rule %r/\\u\h{4}/, Str::Escape rule %r/\\u\{\h{1,6}\}/, Str::Escape end state :str_interpol do rule %r/\}/, Str::Interpol, :pop! mixin :root end end end end