require "pact_broker/client/hash_refinements" require "pact_broker/client/string_refinements" module Pactflow module Client module CLI module ProviderContractCommands using PactBroker::Client::HashRefinements using PactBroker::Client::StringRefinements def self.included(thor) thor.class_eval do desc 'publish-provider-contract CONTRACT_FILE ...', "Publish provider contract to PactFlow" method_option :provider, required: true, desc: "The provider name" method_option :provider_app_version, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The provider application version" method_option :branch, aliases: "-h", desc: "Repository branch of the provider version" #method_option :auto_detect_version_properties, hidden: true, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Automatically detect the repository branch from known CI environment variables or git CLI." method_option :tag, aliases: "-t", type: :array, banner: "TAG", desc: "Tag name for provider version. Can be specified multiple times." #method_option :tag_with_git_branch, aliases: "-g", type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: "Tag consumer version with the name of the current git branch. Default: false" method_option :specification, default: "oas", desc: "The contract specification" method_option :content_type, desc: "The content type. eg. application/yml" method_option :verification_success, type: :boolean, desc: "Whether or not the self verification passed successfully." method_option :verification_exit_code, type: :numeric, desc: "The exit code of the verification process. Can be used instead of --verification-success|--no-verification-success for a simpler build script." method_option :verification_results, desc: "The path to the file containing the output from the verification process" method_option :verification_results_content_type, desc: "The content type of the verification output eg. text/plain, application/yaml" method_option :verification_results_format, desc: "The format of the verification output eg. junit, text" method_option :verifier, desc: "The tool used to verify the provider contract" method_option :verifier_version, desc: "The version of the tool used to verify the provider contract" #method_option :build_url, desc: "The build URL that created the pact" output_option_json_or_text shared_authentication_options def publish_provider_contract(provider_contract_path) require "pactflow/client/provider_contracts/publish" validate_pact_broker_url validate_publish_provider_contract_options(provider_contract_path) result = publish_provider_contract_command_params(provider_contract_path), command_options, pact_broker_client_options ) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end no_commands do def command_options { verbose: options.verbose, output: options.output } end def validate_pact_broker_url if pact_broker_client_options[:pact_broker_base_url].blank? raise Thor::Error, "No value provided for required option --broker-base-url or environment variable PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL" end end def validate_publish_provider_contract_options(provider_contract_path) if !options.verification_success.nil? && options.verification_exit_code raise Thor::Error, "Cannot use both --verification-success|--no-verification-success and --verification-exit-code" end end def publish_provider_contract_command_params(provider_contract_path) success = !options.verification_success.nil? ? options.verification_success : ( options.verification_exit_code && options.verification_exit_code == 0 ) { provider_name: options.provider.strip, provider_version_number: options.provider_app_version.strip, branch_name: options.branch && options.branch.strip, tags: (options.tag && options.tag.collect(&:strip)) || [], contract: { content:, content_type: options.content_type, specification: options.specification }, verification_results: { success: success, content: options.verification_results ? : nil, content_type: options.verification_results_content_type, format: options.verification_results_format, verifier: options.verifier, verifier_version: options.verifier_version } } end end end end end end end end