# frozen_string_literal: true module Blacklight class DocumentComponent < ::ViewComponent::Base include Blacklight::ContentAreasShim # Content appearing before the document renders_one :header # Content appearing after the document renders_one :footer # Content appearing instead of the regularly rendered document; its use is discouraged, but is a stop-gap until # the ecosystem fully adopts view components. renders_one :body # The document title with some reasonable default behavior renders_one :title, (lambda do |*args, component: nil, **kwargs| component ||= Blacklight::DocumentTitleComponent component.new(*args, counter: @counter, document: @document, presenter: @presenter, as: @title_component, link_to_document: !@show, document_component: self, **kwargs) end) renders_one :embed, (lambda do |static_content = nil, *args, component: nil, **kwargs| next static_content if static_content.present? next unless component Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::DocumentComponent, 'Pass the presenter to the DocumentComponent') if @presenter.nil? component.new(*args, document: @document, presenter: @presenter, document_counter: @document_counter, **kwargs) end) # The primary metadata section renders_one :metadata, (lambda do |static_content = nil, *args, component: nil, fields: nil, **kwargs| next static_content if static_content.present? Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::DocumentComponent, 'Pass the presenter to the DocumentComponent') if !fields && @presenter.nil? component ||= Blacklight::DocumentMetadataComponent component.new(*args, fields: fields || @presenter&.field_presenters || [], **kwargs) end) # Additional metadata sections renders_many :metadata_sections renders_one :thumbnail, (lambda do |image_options_or_static_content = {}, *args, component: nil, **kwargs| next image_options_or_static_content if image_options_or_static_content.is_a? String component ||= @presenter&.view_config&.thumbnail_component || Blacklight::Document::ThumbnailComponent Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::DocumentComponent, 'Pass the presenter to the DocumentComponent') if !component && @presenter.nil? component.new(*args, document: @document, presenter: @presenter, counter: @counter, image_options: image_options_or_static_content, **kwargs) end) # A container for partials rendered using the view config partials configuration. Its use is discouraged, but necessary until # the ecosystem fully adopts view components. renders_many :partials # Backwards compatibility renders_one :actions with_collection_parameter :document # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists # @param document [Blacklight::Document] # @param presenter [Blacklight::DocumentPresenter] # @param id [String] HTML id for the root element # @param classes [Array, String] additional HTML classes for the root element # @param component [Symbol, String] HTML tag type to use for the root element # @param title_component [Symbol, String] HTML tag type to use for the title element # @param metadata_component [Blacklight::DocumentMetadataComponent] # @param counter [Number, nil] a pre-computed counter for the position of this document in a search result set # @param document_counter [Number, nil] alternatively, the document's position in a collection and, # @param counter_offset [Number] with `document_counter`, the offset of the start of that collection counter to the overall result set # @param show [Boolean] are we showing only a single document (vs a list of search results); used for backwards-compatibility def initialize(document: nil, presenter: nil, id: nil, classes: [], component: :article, title_component: nil, metadata_component: nil, embed_component: nil, thumbnail_component: nil, counter: nil, document_counter: nil, counter_offset: 0, show: false) if presenter.nil? && document.nil? raise ArgumentError, 'missing keyword: :document or :presenter' end @document = document || presenter&.document @presenter = presenter @component = component @title_component = title_component @id = id || ('document' if show) @classes = classes Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::DocumentComponent, 'Passing embed_component is deprecated') if @embed_component.present? @embed_component = embed_component Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::DocumentComponent, 'Passing metadata_component is deprecated') if @metadata_component.present? @metadata_component = metadata_component || Blacklight::DocumentMetadataComponent Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::DocumentComponent, 'Passing thumbnail_component is deprecated') if @thumbnail_component.present? @thumbnail_component = thumbnail_component || Blacklight::Document::ThumbnailComponent @document_counter = document_counter @counter = counter @counter ||= document_counter + 1 + counter_offset if document_counter.present? @show = show end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists # HTML classes to apply to the root element def classes [ @classes, @view_context.render_document_class(@document), 'document', ("document-position-#{@counter}" if @counter) ].compact.flatten end def before_render set_slot(:title, nil) unless title set_slot(:thumbnail, nil, component: @thumbnail_component || presenter.view_config&.thumbnail_component) unless thumbnail || show? set_slot(:metadata, nil, component: @metadata_component, fields: presenter.field_presenters) unless metadata set_slot(:embed, nil, component: @embed_component || presenter.view_config&.embed_component) unless embed end private def presenter @presenter ||= @view_context.document_presenter(@document) end def show? @show end end end