// ComboBox that gets options from the server (used in both grids and panels) Ext.define('Ext.netzke.ComboBox', { extend : 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox', alias : 'widget.netzkeremotecombo', valueField : 'value', displayField : 'text', triggerAction : 'all', forceSelection: true, initComponent : function(){ var parent = this.netzkeParent || this.findParentBy(function(c) { return c.isNetzke; }), modelName = parent.id + "_" + this.name; if (this.blankLine == undefined) this.blankLine = "---"; if (!Netzke.isModelDefined(modelName)) { Ext.define(Netzke.modelName(modelName), { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: ['value', 'text'] }); }; var store = new Ext.data.Store({ model: Netzke.modelName(modelName), proxy: { type: 'direct', directFn: Netzke.providers[parent.id].getComboboxOptions, extraParams: {configs: parent.buildParentClientConfigs()}, reader: { type: 'array', rootProperty: 'data' } } }); store.on('beforeload', function(self, op) { op.setParams(Ext.apply(op.getParams(), {attr: this.name})); }, this); // insert a selectable "blank line" which allows to remove the associated record if (this.blankLine) { store.on('load', function(self, params) { // append a selectable "empty line" which will allow remove the association self.add(Ext.create(Netzke.modelName(modelName), {value: -1, text: this.blankLine})); }, this); } // If inline data was passed (TODO: is this actually working?) if (this.store) store.loadData({data: this.store}); this.store = store; this.callParent(); } });