include Java
require 'pp'
require "buby.jar"
include_class 'BurpExtender'
# Buby is a mash-up of the commercial security testing web proxy PortSwigger
# Burp Suite(tm) allowing you to add scripting to Burp. Burp is driven from
# and tied to JRuby with a Java extension using the BurpExtender API.
# The Buby class is an abstract implementation of a BurpExtender ruby handler.
# Included are several abstract event handlers used from the BurpExtender
# java implementation:
# * evt_extender_init
# * evt_proxy_message
# * evt_command_line_args
# * evt_register_callbacks
# * evt_application_closing
# This class also exposes several methods used to access Burp functionality
# and user interfaces (note also, abbreviated aliases exist for each):
# * doActiveScan
# * doPassiveScan
# * excludeFromScope
# * includeInScope
# * isInScope
# * issueAlert
# * makeHttpRequest
# * sendToIntruder
# * sendToRepeater
# * sendToSpider
# Credit:
# * Burp and Burp Suite are trade-marks of PortSwigger Ltd.
# Copyright 2008 PortSwigger Ltd. All rights reserved.
# See for license terms.
# * This ruby library and the accompanying implementation
# were written by Eric Monti @ Matasano Security.
# Matasano claims no professional or legal affiliation with PortSwigger LTD.
# nor do we sell or officially endorse their products.
# However, this author would like to express his personal and professional
# respect and appreciation for their making available the IBurpExtender
# extension API. The availability of this interface in an already great tool
# goes a long way to make Burp Suite a truly first-class application.
# * Forgive the name. It won out over "Burb" and "BurpRub". It's just easier
# to type and say out-loud. Mike Tracy gets full credit as official
# Buby-namer.
class Buby
# :stopdoc:
VERSION = '1.0.1'
LIBPATH = ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__)) + ::File::SEPARATOR
PATH = ::File.dirname(LIBPATH) + ::File::SEPARATOR
# :startdoc:
def initialize(other=nil)
if other
raise "arg 0 must be another kind of Buby" unless other.is_a? Buby
@burp_extender = other.burp_extender
@burp_callbacks = other.burp_callbacks
# Makes this handler the active Ruby handler object for the BurpExtender
# Java runtime. (there can be only one!)
def activate!
# Returns the internal reference to the BurpExtender instance. This
# reference gets set from Java through the evt_extender_init method.
def burp_extender; @burp_extender; end
# Returns the internal reference to the IBupExtenderCallbacks instance.
# This reference gets set from Java through the evt_register_callbacks
# method.
def burp_callbacks; @burp_callbacks; end
def _check_cb
@burp_callbacks or raise "Burp callbacks have not been set"
# Send an HTTP request to the Burp Scanner tool to perform an active
# vulnerability scan.
# * host = The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * port = The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * https = Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
# * req = The full HTTP request.
def doActiveScan(host, port, https, req)
_check_cb.doActiveScan(host, port, https, req.to_java_bytes)
alias do_active_scan doActiveScan
alias active_scan doActiveScan
# Send an HTTP request and response to the Burp Scanner tool to perform a
# passive vulnerability scan.
# * host = The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * port = The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * https = Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
# * req = The full HTTP request.
# * rsp = The full HTTP response.
def doPassiveScan(host, port, https, req, rsp)
_check_cb.doPassiveScan(host, port, https, req.to_java_bytes, rsp.to_java_bytes)
alias do_passive_scan doPassiveScan
alias passive_scan doPassiveScan
# Exclude the specified URL from the Suite-wide scope.
# * url = The URL to exclude from the Suite-wide scope.
def excludeFromScope(url)
alias exclude_from_scope excludeFromScope
alias exclude_scope excludeFromScope
# Include the specified URL in the Suite-wide scope.
# * url = The URL to exclude in the Suite-wide scope.
def includeInScope(url)
alias include_in_scope includeInScope
alias include_scope includeInScope
# Query whether a specified URL is within the current Suite-wide scope.
# * url = The URL to query
# Returns: true / false
def isInScope(url)
alias is_in_scope isInScope
alias in_scope? isInScope
# Display a message in the Burp Suite alerts tab.
# * msg = The alert message to display.
def issueAlert(msg)
alias issue_alert issueAlert
alias alert issueAlert
# Issue an arbitrary HTTP request and retrieve its response
# * host = The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * port = The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * https = Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
# * req = The full HTTP request.
# Returns: The full response retrieved from the remote server.
def makeHttpRequest(host, port, https, req)
_check_cb.makeHttpRequest(host, port, https, req.to_java_bytes)
alias make_http_request makeHttpRequest
alias make_request makeHttpRequest
# Send an HTTP request to the Burp Intruder tool
# * host = The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * port = The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * https = Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
# * req = The full HTTP request.
def sendToIntruder(host, port, https, req)
_check_cb.sendToIntruder(host, port, https, req.to_java_bytes)
alias send_to_intruder sendToIntruder
alias intruder sendToIntruder
# Send an HTTP request to the Burp Repeater tool.
# * host = The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * port = The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * https = Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
# * req = The full HTTP request.
# * tab = The tab caption displayed in Repeater. (default: auto-generated)
def sendToRepeater(host, port, https, req, tab=nil)
_check_cb.sendToRepeater(host, port, https, req.to_java_bytes, tab)
alias send_to_repeater sendToRepeater
alias repeater sendToRepeater
# Send a seed URL to the Burp Spider tool.
# * url = The new seed URL to begin spidering from.
def sendToSpider(url)
alias send_to_spider sendToSpider
alias spider sendToSpider
### Event Handlers ###
# This method is called by the BurpExtender java implementation upon
# initialization of the BurpExtender instance for Burp. The args parameter
# is passed with a instance of the newly initialized BurpExtender instance
# so that implementations can access and extend its public interfaces.
# The return value is ignored.
def evt_extender_init ext
@burp_extender = ext
pp([:got_extender, ext]) if $DEBUG
# This method is called by the BurpExtender implementation Burp startup.
# The args parameter contains main()'s argv command-line arguments array.
# Note: This maps to the 'setCommandLineArgs' method in the java
# implementation of BurpExtender.
# The return value is ignored.
def evt_command_line_args args
pp([:got_args, args]) if $DEBUG
# This method is called by BurpExtender on startup to register Burp's
# IBurpExtenderCallbacks interface object.
# This maps to the 'registerExtenderCallbacks' method in the Java
# implementation of BurpExtender.
# The return value is ignored.
def evt_register_callbacks cb
@burp_callbacks = cb
cb.issueAlert("[JRuby::#{self.class}] registered callback")
pp([:got_callbacks, cb]) if $DEBUG
# This method is called by BurpExtender while proxying HTTP messages and
# before passing them through the Burp proxy. Implementations can use this
# method to implement arbitrary processing upon HTTP requests and responses
# such as interception, logging, modification, and so on.
# The 'is_req' parameter indicates whether it is a response or request.
# Note: This method maps to the 'processProxyMessage' method in the java
# implementation of BurpExtender.
# Below are the parameters descriptions based on the IBurpExtender
# javadoc. Where applicable, decriptions have been modified for
# local parameter naming and other ruby-specific details added.
# * msg_ref:
# An identifier which is unique to a single request/response pair. This
# can be used to correlate details of requests and responses and perform
# processing on the response message accordingly. This number also
# corresponds to the Burp UI's proxy "history" # column.
# * is_req: (true/false)
# Flags whether the message is a client request or a server response.
# * rhost:
# The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * rport:
# The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * is_https:
# Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
# * http_meth:
# The method verb used in the client request.
# * url:
# The requested URL. Set in both the request and response.
# * resourceType:
# The filetype of the requested resource, or a zero-length string if the
# resource has no filetype.
# * status:
# The HTTP status code returned by the server. This value is nil for
# request messages.
# * req_content_type:
# The content-type string returned by the server. This value is nil for
# request messages.
# * message:
# The full HTTP message.
# **Ruby note:
# For convenience, the message is received and returned as a ruby
# String object. Internally within Burp it is handled as a java byte[]
# array. See also the notes about the return object below.
# * action:
# An array containing a single integer, allowing the implementation to
# communicate back to Burp Proxy a non-default interception action for
# the message. The default value is ACTION_FOLLOW_RULES (or 0).
# Possible values include:
# Refer to the source comments for more details.
# Return Value:
# Implementations should return either (a) the same object received
# in the message paramater, or (b) a different object containing a
# modified message.
# Always be sure to return a new object if making modifications to messages.
# Explanation:
# The (a) and (b) convention above is followed rather literally during type
# conversion on the return value back into the java BurpExtender.
# When determining whether a change has been made in the message or not,
# the decision is made based on whether the object returned is the same
# as the object submitted in the call to evt_proxy_message.
# So, for example, using in-place modification of the message using range
# substring assignments or destructive method variations like String.sub!()
# and String.gsub! alone won't work because the same object gets returned
# to BurpExtender.
# In short, this means that if you want modifications to be made, be sure
# to return a different String than the one you got in your handler.
# So for example this code won't do anything at all:
# ...
# message.sub!(/^GET /, "HEAD ")
# return message
# Nor this:
# message[0..4] = "HEAD "
# return message
# But this will
# ...
# return message.sub(/^GET /, "HEAD ")
# And so will this
# ...
# message[0..4] = "HEAD "
# return message.dup
def evt_proxy_message msg_ref, is_req, rhost, rport, is_https, http_meth, url, resourceType, status, req_content_type, message, action
pp([ (is_req)? :got_proxy_request : :got_proxy_response,
[:msg_ref, msg_ref],
[:is_req, is_req],
[:rhost, rhost],
[:rport, rport],
[:is_https, is_https],
[:http_meth, http_meth],
[:url, url],
[:resourceType, resourceType],
[:status, status],
[:req_content_type, req_content_type],
[:message, message],
[:action, action[0]] ]) if $DEBUG
return message
# This method is called by BurpExtender right before closing the
# application. Implementations can use this method to perform cleanup
# tasks such as closing files or databases before exit.
def evt_application_closing
pp([:got_app_close]) if $DEBUG
# Prepares the java BurpExtender implementation with a reference
# to self as the module handler and launches burp suite.
def start_burp(args=[])
return self
# Starts burp using a supplied handler class,
# h_class = Buby or a derived class. instance of which will become handler.
# args = arguments to Burp
# init_args = arguments to the handler constructor
# Returns the handler instance
def self.start_burp(h_class=nil, init_args=nil, args=nil)
h_class ||= self
init_args ||= []
args ||= []*init_args).start_burp(args)
# Attempts to load burp with require and confirm it provides the required
# class in the Java namespace.
# Returns: true/false depending on whether the required jar provides us
# the required class
# Raises: may raise the usual require exceptions if jar_path is bad.
def self.load_burp(jar_path)
require jar_path
return burp_loaded?
# Checks the Java namespace to see if Burp has been loaded.
def self.burp_loaded?
include_class 'burp.StartBurp'
return true
return false
### Extra cruft added by Mr Bones:
# Returns the library path for the module. If any arguments are given,
# they will be joined to the end of the libray path using
# File.join.
def self.libpath( *args )
args.empty? ? LIBPATH : ::File.join(LIBPATH, args.flatten)
# Returns the lpath for the module. If any arguments are given,
# they will be joined to the end of the path using
# File.join.
def self.path( *args )
args.empty? ? PATH : ::File.join(PATH, args.flatten)
# Utility method used to require all files ending in .rb that lie in the
# directory below this file that has the same name as the filename passed
# in. Optionally, a specific _directory_ name can be passed in such that
# the _filename_ does not have to be equivalent to the directory.
def self.require_all_libs_relative_to( fname, dir = nil )
dir ||= ::File.basename(fname, '.*')
search_me = ::File.expand_path(
::File.join(::File.dirname(fname), dir, '**', '*.rb'))
Dir.glob(search_me).sort.each {|rb| require rb}
# Returns the version string for the library.
def self.version
# Try requiring 'burp.jar' from the Ruby lib-path
unless Buby.burp_loaded?
begin require "burp.jar"
rescue LoadError