// @category utilities/targeting @function _isLegacySupported($vendor, $comparator, $version) { // we currently only check for legacy IE support @if $vendor != ie { @return true; } $compass-not-legacy-ie-version: 9; // the version if IE that Compass starts considering `legacy` $min-ie-legacy-support: 999; $supported-legacy-ie: (); @if($legacy-support-for-ie8) { $min-ie-legacy-support: 8; $supported-legacy-ie: append($supported-legacy-ie, 8); } @if($legacy-support-for-ie7) { $min-ie-legacy-support: 7; $supported-legacy-ie: append($supported-legacy-ie, 7); } @if($legacy-support-for-ie6) { $min-ie-legacy-support: 6; $supported-legacy-ie: append($supported-legacy-ie, 6); } @return if($comparator == lte, $version >= $min-ie-legacy-support, index($supported-legacy-ie, $version)); } // given a list of browsers and versions, this will consolidate them into a // normalized list of targeted browsers // @function _getTargetedBrowsers // @private // @param $browsers {List} the browsers/versions to target // @param $using {String} an optional string to append to the end of each item // @param $vendors {List} the list of supported vendors for class targeting // @return $list {List} the normalized list of targeted browsers // @usage: // _getTargetedBrowsers(ie) => (.ie) // _getTargetedBrowsers(ie lte 7) => (.ie.lte7) // _getTargetedBrowsers(ie 6 7) => (.ie.ie6, .ie.ie7) // _getTargetedBrowsers(ie 10 lt 9) => (.ie.ie10, .ie.lte8) // _getTargetedBrowsers(ie 6, $using: '&') => (.ie.ie6&) // e.g. for merging with other selectors @function _getTargetedBrowsers($browsers, $using: '', $vendors: $CONFIG_BROWSER_VENDORS_CLASS) { $browsers: -compass-list($browsers); $vendors: -compass-list($vendors); $comparators: (eq lt lte); $comparator: false; $vendor: false; $list: (); $unversioned: (); $version-adjust: 0; @each $item in $browsers { // if it's a comparator, update it @if(index($comparators, $item)) { // since we don't support, lt on class names, we augment the version number and use lte @if($item == lt) { $version-adjust: -1; $item: lte; } $comparator: $item; } // otherwise check if it's a browser vendor @else if(index(-compass-list($vendors), $item)) { $vendor: $item; // keep track of unversioned vendors $unversioned: append($unversioned, unquote('.#{$vendor}#{$using}'), comma); } // otherwise assume it's a version @else if(type-of($item) == number) { $tmp: $item; // if it's equalitative, prefix the vendor onto the version @if(not $comparator or $comparator == eq) { $item: #{$vendor}#{$item}; } // otherwise use the comparator as the prefix @else { $item: #{$comparator}#{($item + $version-adjust)}; } @if($vendor and _isLegacySupported($vendor, $comparator, $tmp)) { $item: '.#{$vendor}.#{$item}#{$using}'; $list: append($list, unquote($item), comma); $unversioned: list-remove($unversioned, index($unversioned, '.#{$vendor}#{$using}')); } // restore temps $version-adjust: 0; $comparator: false; } } // take any unused vendors and stick them back onto the list @if(length($unversioned) > 0) { $list: join($list, $unversioned, comma); } @return $list; } // mixin to target a specific browser using either class names or hacks // @mixin target-browser // @param $browsers {List} the List of browsers to target // @param $property {String} the CSS property // @param $value {*} the CSS value // @param $merge {Bool} should the class name be merged e.g. `.ie8.example` vs `.ie8 .example` // @param $inline {Bool} if set to false, don't use inline hacks even if available // @usage: // =target-browser(ie 8, border, 10px); // =target-browser(ie lte 7, padding, 0); @mixin target-browser($browsers, $property: nil, $value: nil, $merge: false, $inline: true) { @if($CONFIG_BROWSER_ALLOW_HACKS) { // target webkit, Safari3+, Chrome1+ @if(index2($browsers, associative($CONFIG_BROWSER_VENDORS_HACK, webkit-all) )) { @if $CONFIG_BROWSER_WARN_ON_HACK { @warn "using hack for webkit-all"; } // @link http://paulirish.com/2009/browser-specific-css-hacks/ @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { & { @include debug-message("[archetype:target-browser:begin] --- webkit ---"); @include output-style($property, $value); @if archetype-version('sass >= 3.2') { @content; } @include debug-message("[archetype:target-browser:end] --- webkit ---"); } } } // target gecko @if(index2($browsers, associative($CONFIG_BROWSER_VENDORS_HACK, gecko-all) )) { @if $CONFIG_BROWSER_WARN_ON_HACK { @warn "using hack for gecko-all"; } // @link http://paulirish.com/2009/browser-specific-css-hacks/ &, x:-moz-any-link { @include debug-message("[archetype:target-browser:begin] --- gecko ---"); @include output-style($property, $value); @if archetype-version('sass >= 3.2') { @content; } @include debug-message("[archetype:target-browser:end] --- gecko ---"); } } // target opera @if(index2($browsers, associative($CONFIG_BROWSER_VENDORS_HACK, opera-all) )) { @if $CONFIG_BROWSER_WARN_ON_HACK { @warn "using hack for opera-all"; } // @link http://paulirish.com/2009/browser-specific-css-hacks/ &, x:-o-prefocus { @include debug-message("[archetype:target-browser:begin] --- opera ---"); @include output-style($property, $value); @if archetype-version('sass >= 3.2') { @content; } @include debug-message("[archetype:target-browser:end] --- opera ---"); } } // if there's only one target browser and it's IE6 or IE lte 7, we can use an inline hack @if($inline) { $tmp: _getTargetedBrowsers($browsers); @if(length($tmp) == 1) { $support: (); @if($legacy-support-for-ie6) { $support: append($support, '.ie.ie6'); } @if($legacy-support-for-ie6 or $legacy-support-for-ie7) { $support: append($support, '.ie.lte7'); } $idx: index2($support, $tmp); @if($idx) { $prefix: nth(('_', '*'), $idx); $value: if(index($CORE_CSS_RTL_VALUE_SUPPORT, $property), rtl($value, $property), $value); // NOTE: RTL support on properties like `border-left-width` won't fully work until Compass/Sass support string replace methods @include debug-message("[archetype:target-browser:being] --- #{$browsers} ---"); @include output-style(#{$prefix}#{rtl($property)}, $value); @include debug-message("[archetype:target-browser:end] --- #{$browsers} ---"); $value: nil; } } } } // target via class names $classes: _getTargetedBrowsers($browsers, $using: if($merge, '&', ' &')); @if(length($classes) > 0) { #{$classes} { @include debug-message("[archetype:target-browser:begin] --- #{$browsers} ---"); @include output-style($property, $value); @if archetype-version('sass >= 3.2') { @content; } @include debug-message("[archetype:target-browser:end] --- #{$browsers} ---"); } } } // target specific operating systems based on a class name // @mixin target-os // @param $os {List} the List of operating systems to target // @param $property {String} the CSS property // @param $value {*} the CSS value // @param $merge {Bool} should the class name be merged e.g. `.os-win.example` vs `.os-win .example` @mixin target-os($os: (), $property: nil, $value: nil, $merge: false) { $os: -compass-list($os); $using: if($merge, '&', ' &'); $classes: (); // if `default` is in the list of OS's, then output without a prefix @if(index($os, default)) { $classes: append($classes, unquote('&'), comma); } // step through the list of vendor OS's @each $vendor in $CONFIG_OS_VENDORS_CLASS { // if it matches the requested os @if index2(nth($vendor, 2), $os) { $item: unquote('.#{nth($vendor, 1)}#{$using}'); // if it's not already on the stack, push it @if(not index($classes, $item)) { $classes: append($classes, $item, comma); } } } @if(length($classes) > 0) { #{$classes} { @include debug-message("[archetype:target-os:begin] --- #{$os} ---"); @include output-style($property, $value); @if archetype-version('sass >= 3.2') { @content; } @include debug-message("[archetype:target-os:end] --- #{$os} ---"); } } }