// ext/games_dice/probabilities.c #include "probabilities.h" // Ruby 1.8.7 compatibility patch #ifndef DBL2NUM #define DBL2NUM( dbl_val ) rb_float_new( dbl_val ) #endif // Force inclusion of hash declarations (only MRI includes by default) #ifdef HAVE_RUBY_ST_H #include "ruby/st.h" #else #include "st.h" #endif VALUE Probabilities = Qnil; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // General utils // inline int max( int *a, int n ) { int m = -1000000000; int i; for ( i=0; i < n; i++ ) { m = a[i] > m ? a[i] : m; } return m; } inline int min( int *a, int n ) { int m = 1000000000; int i; for ( i=0; i < n; i++ ) { m = a[i] < m ? a[i] : m; } return m; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Quick factorials, that fit into unsigned longs . . . the size of this structure sets the // maximum possible n in repeat_n_sum_k calculations // // There is no point calculating these, a cache of them is just fine. double nfact[171] = { 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 6.0, 24.0, 120.0, 720.0, 5040.0, 40320.0, 362880.0, 3628800.0, 39916800.0, 479001600.0, 6227020800.0, 87178291200.0, 1307674368000.0, 20922789888000.0, 355687428096000.0, 6402373705728000.0, 121645100408832000.0, 2432902008176640000.0, 51090942171709440000.0, 1124000727777607700000.0, 25852016738884980000000.0, 620448401733239400000000.0, 15511210043330986000000000.0, 403291461126605650000000000.0, 10888869450418352000000000000.0, 304888344611713870000000000000.0, 8841761993739702000000000000000.0, 2.6525285981219107e+32, 8.222838654177922e+33, 2.631308369336935e+35, 8.683317618811886e+36, 2.9523279903960416e+38, 1.0333147966386145e+40, 3.7199332678990125e+41, 1.3763753091226346e+43, 5.230226174666011e+44, 2.0397882081197444e+46, 8.159152832478977e+47, 3.345252661316381e+49, 1.40500611775288e+51, 6.041526306337383e+52, 2.658271574788449e+54, 1.1962222086548019e+56, 5.502622159812089e+57, 2.5862324151116818e+59, 1.2413915592536073e+61, 6.082818640342675e+62, 3.0414093201713376e+64, 1.5511187532873822e+66, 8.065817517094388e+67, 4.2748832840600255e+69, 2.308436973392414e+71, 1.2696403353658276e+73, 7.109985878048635e+74, 4.0526919504877214e+76, 2.3505613312828785e+78, 1.3868311854568984e+80, 8.32098711274139e+81, 5.075802138772248e+83, 3.146997326038794e+85, 1.98260831540444e+87, 1.2688693218588417e+89, 8.247650592082472e+90, 5.443449390774431e+92, 3.647111091818868e+94, 2.4800355424368305e+96, 1.711224524281413e+98, 1.1978571669969892e+100, 8.504785885678623e+101, 6.1234458376886085e+103, 4.4701154615126844e+105, 3.307885441519386e+107, 2.48091408113954e+109, 1.8854947016660504e+111, 1.4518309202828587e+113, 1.1324281178206297e+115, 8.946182130782976e+116, 7.156945704626381e+118, 5.797126020747368e+120, 4.753643337012842e+122, 3.945523969720659e+124, 3.314240134565353e+126, 2.81710411438055e+128, 2.4227095383672734e+130, 2.107757298379528e+132, 1.8548264225739844e+134, 1.650795516090846e+136, 1.4857159644817615e+138, 1.352001527678403e+140, 1.2438414054641308e+142, 1.1567725070816416e+144, 1.087366156656743e+146, 1.032997848823906e+148, 9.916779348709496e+149, 9.619275968248212e+151, 9.426890448883248e+153, 9.332621544394415e+155, 9.332621544394415e+157, 9.42594775983836e+159, 9.614466715035127e+161, 9.90290071648618e+163, 1.0299016745145628e+166, 1.081396758240291e+168, 1.1462805637347084e+170, 1.226520203196138e+172, 1.324641819451829e+174, 1.4438595832024937e+176, 1.588245541522743e+178, 1.7629525510902446e+180, 1.974506857221074e+182, 2.2311927486598138e+184, 2.5435597334721877e+186, 2.925093693493016e+188, 3.393108684451898e+190, 3.969937160808721e+192, 4.684525849754291e+194, 5.574585761207606e+196, 6.689502913449127e+198, 8.094298525273444e+200, 9.875044200833601e+202, 1.214630436702533e+205, 1.506141741511141e+207, 1.882677176888926e+209, 2.372173242880047e+211, 3.0126600184576594e+213, 3.856204823625804e+215, 4.974504222477287e+217, 6.466855489220474e+219, 8.47158069087882e+221, 1.1182486511960043e+224, 1.4872707060906857e+226, 1.9929427461615188e+228, 2.6904727073180504e+230, 3.659042881952549e+232, 5.012888748274992e+234, 6.917786472619489e+236, 9.615723196941089e+238, 1.3462012475717526e+241, 1.898143759076171e+243, 2.695364137888163e+245, 3.854370717180073e+247, 5.5502938327393044e+249, 8.047926057471992e+251, 1.1749972043909107e+254, 1.727245890454639e+256, 2.5563239178728654e+258, 3.80892263763057e+260, 5.713383956445855e+262, 8.62720977423324e+264, 1.3113358856834524e+267, 2.0063439050956823e+269, 3.0897696138473508e+271, 4.789142901463394e+273, 7.471062926282894e+275, 1.1729568794264145e+278, 1.853271869493735e+280, 2.9467022724950384e+282, 4.7147236359920616e+284, 7.590705053947219e+286, 1.2296942187394494e+289, 2.0044015765453026e+291, 3.287218585534296e+293, 5.423910666131589e+295, 9.003691705778438e+297, 1.503616514864999e+300, 2.5260757449731984e+302, 4.269068009004705e+304, 7.257415615307999e+306 }; double num_arrangements( int *args, int nargs ) { int sum = 0; double div_by = 1.0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < nargs; i++ ) { sum += args[i]; if ( sum > 170 ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Too many dice to calculate numbers of arrangements" ); } div_by *= nfact[ args[i] ]; } return nfact[ sum ] / div_by; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Probability List basics - create, delete, copy // ProbabilityList *create_probability_list() { ProbabilityList *pl; pl = malloc (sizeof(ProbabilityList)); if ( pl == NULL ) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Could not allocate memory for Probabilities"); } pl->probs = NULL; pl->cumulative = NULL; pl->slots = 0; pl->offset = 0; return pl; } void destroy_probability_list( ProbabilityList *pl ) { xfree( pl->cumulative ); xfree( pl->probs ); xfree( pl ); return; } double *alloc_probs( ProbabilityList *pl, int slots ) { double *pr; if ( slots < 1 || slots > 1000000 ) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Bad number of probability slots"); } pl->slots = slots; pr = ALLOC_N( double, slots ); pl->probs = pr; pl->cumulative = ALLOC_N( double, slots ); return pr; } double calc_cumulative( ProbabilityList *pl ) { double *c = pl->cumulative; double *pr = pl->probs; int i; double t = 0.0; for(i=0; i < pl->slots; i++) { t += pr[i]; c[i] = t; } return t; } double *alloc_probs_iv( ProbabilityList *pl, int slots, double iv ) { double *pr; int i; if ( iv < 0.0 || iv > 1.0 ) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Bad single probability value"); } pr= alloc_probs( pl, slots ); for(i=0; islots ); pl->offset = orig->offset; memcpy( pr, orig->probs, orig->slots * sizeof(double) ); memcpy( pl->cumulative, orig->cumulative, orig->slots * sizeof(double) ); return pl; } inline ProbabilityList *new_basic_pl( int nslots, double iv, int o ) { ProbabilityList *pl = create_probability_list(); alloc_probs_iv( pl, nslots, iv ); pl->offset = o; return pl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Probability List core "native" methods // inline int pl_min( ProbabilityList *pl ) { return pl->offset; } inline int pl_max( ProbabilityList *pl ) { return pl->offset + pl->slots - 1; } ProbabilityList *pl_add_distributions( ProbabilityList *pl_a, ProbabilityList *pl_b ) { double *pr; int s = pl_a->slots + pl_b->slots - 1; int o = pl_a->offset + pl_b->offset; int i,j; ProbabilityList *pl = create_probability_list(); pl->offset = o; pr = alloc_probs_iv( pl, s, 0.0 ); for ( i=0; i < pl_a->slots; i++ ) { for ( j=0; j < pl_b->slots; j++ ) { pr[ i + j ] += (pl_a->probs)[i] * (pl_b->probs)[j]; } } calc_cumulative( pl ); return pl; } ProbabilityList *pl_add_distributions_mult( int mul_a, ProbabilityList *pl_a, int mul_b, ProbabilityList *pl_b ) { int pts[4] = { mul_a * pl_min( pl_a ) + mul_b * pl_min( pl_b ), mul_a * pl_max( pl_a ) + mul_b * pl_min( pl_b ), mul_a * pl_min( pl_a ) + mul_b * pl_max( pl_b ), mul_a * pl_max( pl_a ) + mul_b * pl_max( pl_b ) }; double *pr; int combined_min = min( pts, 4 ); int combined_max = max( pts, 4 ); int s = 1 + combined_max - combined_min; int i,j; ProbabilityList *pl = create_probability_list(); pl->offset = combined_min; pr = alloc_probs_iv( pl, s, 0.0 ); for ( i=0; i < pl_a->slots; i++ ) { for ( j=0; j < pl_b->slots; j++ ) { int k = mul_a * (i + pl_a->offset) + mul_b * (j + pl_b->offset) - combined_min; pr[ k ] += (pl_a->probs)[i] * (pl_b->probs)[j]; } } calc_cumulative( pl ); return pl; } inline double pl_p_eql( ProbabilityList *pl, int target ) { int idx = target - pl->offset; if ( idx < 0 || idx >= pl->slots ) { return 0.0; } return (pl->probs)[idx]; } inline double pl_p_gt( ProbabilityList *pl, int target ) { return 1.0 - pl_p_le( pl, target ); } inline double pl_p_lt( ProbabilityList *pl, int target ) { return pl_p_le( pl, target - 1 ); } inline double pl_p_le( ProbabilityList *pl, int target ) { int idx = target - pl->offset; if ( idx < 0 ) { return 0.0; } if ( idx >= pl->slots - 1 ) { return 1.0; } return (pl->cumulative)[idx]; } inline double pl_p_ge( ProbabilityList *pl, int target ) { return 1.0 - pl_p_le( pl, target - 1 ); } inline double pl_expected( ProbabilityList *pl ) { double t = 0.0; int o = pl->offset; int s = pl->slots; double *pr = pl->probs; int i; for ( i = 0; i < s ; i++ ) { t += ( i + o ) * pr[i]; } return t; } ProbabilityList *pl_given_ge( ProbabilityList *pl, int target ) { int m = pl_min( pl ); double p, mult; double *pr; double *new_pr; int o,i,s; ProbabilityList *new_pl; if ( m > target ) { target = m; } p = pl_p_ge( pl, target ); if ( p <= 0.0 ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot calculate given probabilities, divide by zero" ); } mult = 1.0/p; s = pl->slots + pl->offset - target; pr = pl->probs; new_pl = create_probability_list(); new_pl->offset = target; new_pr = alloc_probs( new_pl, s ); o = target - pl->offset; for ( i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { new_pr[i] = pr[o + i] * mult; } calc_cumulative( new_pl ); return new_pl; } ProbabilityList *pl_given_le( ProbabilityList *pl, int target ) { int m = pl_max( pl ); double p, mult; double *pr; double *new_pr; int i,s; ProbabilityList *new_pl; if ( m < target ) { target = m; } p = pl_p_le( pl, target ); if ( p <= 0.0 ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot calculate given probabilities, divide by zero" ); } mult = 1.0/p; s = target - pl->offset + 1; pr = pl->probs; new_pl = create_probability_list(); new_pl->offset = pl->offset; new_pr = alloc_probs( new_pl, s ); for ( i = 0; i < s; i++ ) { new_pr[i] = pr[i] * mult; } calc_cumulative( new_pl ); return new_pl; } ProbabilityList *pl_repeat_sum( ProbabilityList *pl, int n ) { ProbabilityList *pd_power = NULL; ProbabilityList *pd_result = NULL; ProbabilityList *pd_next = NULL; int power = 1; if ( n < 1 ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot calculate repeat_sum when n < 1" ); } if ( n * pl->slots - n > 1000000 ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Too many probability slots" ); } pd_power = copy_probability_list( pl ); while ( 1 ) { if ( power & n ) { if ( pd_result ) { pd_next = pl_add_distributions( pd_result, pd_power ); destroy_probability_list( pd_result ); pd_result = pd_next; } else { pd_result = copy_probability_list( pd_power ); } } power = power << 1; if ( power > n ) break; pd_next = pl_add_distributions( pd_power, pd_power ); destroy_probability_list( pd_power ); pd_power = pd_next; } destroy_probability_list( pd_power ); return pd_result; } // Assigns { p_rejected, p_maybe, p_kept } to buffer void calc_p_table( ProbabilityList *pl, int q, int kbest, double *buffer ) { if ( kbest ) { buffer[2] = pl_p_gt( pl, q ); buffer[1] = pl_p_eql( pl, q ); buffer[0] = pl_p_lt( pl, q ); } else { buffer[2] = pl_p_lt( pl, q ); buffer[1] = pl_p_eql( pl, q ); buffer[0] = pl_p_gt( pl, q ); } return; } // Assigns a list of pl variants to a buffer void calc_keep_distributions( ProbabilityList *pl, int k, int q, int kbest, ProbabilityList **pl_array ) { ProbabilityList *pl_kd; int n; for ( n=0; n 0.0 && k > 1 ) { pl_kd = pl_given_ge( pl, q + 1 ); for ( n = 1; n < k; n++ ) { pl_array[n] = pl_repeat_sum( pl_kd, n ); (pl_array[n])->offset += q * ( k - n ); } } } else { if ( pl_p_lt( pl, q ) > 0.0 && k > 1 ) { pl_kd = pl_given_le( pl, q - 1 ); for ( n = 1; n < k; n++ ) { pl_array[n] = pl_repeat_sum( pl_kd, n ); (pl_array[n])->offset += q * ( k - n ); } } } return; } inline void clear_pl_array( int k, ProbabilityList **pl_array ) { int n; for ( n=0; n pivot point (vs == pivot point) ProbabilityList *keep_distributions[171]; ProbabilityList *kd; ProbabilityList *pl_result = NULL; double *pr; int d = n - k; int i, j, q, dn, kn, mn, kdq; double p_sequence; if ( n < 1 ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot calculate repeat_n_sum_k when n < 1" ); } if ( k < 1 ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot calculate repeat_sum_k when k < 1" ); } if ( k >= n ) { return pl_repeat_sum( pl, n ); } if ( k * pl->slots - k >= 1000000 ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Too many probability slots" ); } if ( n > 170 ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Too many dice to calculate combinations" ); } // Init target pl_result = create_probability_list(); pr = alloc_probs_iv( pl_result, 1 + k * (pl->slots - 1), 0.0 ); pl_result->offset = pl->offset * k; for ( i = 0; i < pl->slots; i++ ) { if ( ! pl->probs[i] > 0.0 ) continue; q = i + pl->offset; calc_keep_distributions( pl, k, q, kbest, keep_distributions ); calc_p_table( pl, q, kbest, p_table ); for ( kn = 0; kn < k; kn++ ) { // Construct keepers. maybes, discards (just counts of these) . . . if ( kn > 0 && ! ( p_table[2] > 0.0 ) ) continue; for ( dn = 0; dn <= d; dn++ ) { mn = (k - kn) + ( d - dn ); if ( dn > 0 && ! ( p_table[0] > 0.0 ) ) continue; p_sequence = 1.0; for ( j = 0; j < dn; j++ ) { p_sequence *= p_table[0]; } for ( j = 0; j < mn; j++ ) { p_sequence *= p_table[1]; } for ( j = 0; j < kn; j++ ) { p_sequence *= p_table[2]; } keep_combos[0] = dn; keep_combos[1] = mn; keep_combos[2] = kn; p_sequence *= num_arrangements( keep_combos, 3 ); kd = keep_distributions[ kn ]; for ( j = 0; j < kd->slots; j++ ) { kdq = j + kd->offset; pr[ kdq - pl_result->offset ] += p_sequence * kd->probs[ j ]; } } } clear_pl_array( k, keep_distributions ); } calc_cumulative( pl_result ); return pl_result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Ruby integration // inline VALUE pl_as_ruby_class( ProbabilityList *pl, VALUE klass ) { return Data_Wrap_Struct( klass, 0, destroy_probability_list, pl ); } VALUE pl_alloc(VALUE klass) { return pl_as_ruby_class( create_probability_list(), klass ); } inline ProbabilityList *get_probability_list( VALUE obj ) { ProbabilityList *pl; Data_Get_Struct( obj, ProbabilityList, pl ); return pl; } void assert_value_wraps_pl( VALUE obj ) { if ( TYPE(obj) != T_DATA || RDATA(obj)->dfree != (RUBY_DATA_FUNC)destroy_probability_list) { rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, "Expected a Probabilities object, but got something else" ); } } // Validate key/value from hash, and adjust object properties as required int validate_key_value( VALUE key, VALUE val, VALUE obj ) { int k = NUM2INT( key ); ProbabilityList *pl = get_probability_list( obj ); // Not assigned (to avoid "unused" warning), but this throws execption if val cannot be coerced to double NUM2DBL( val ); if ( k > 0x7fffffff ) { rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Result too large" ); } if ( k < pl->offset ) { if ( pl->slots < 1 ) { pl->slots = 1; } else { pl->slots = pl->slots - k + pl->offset; } pl->offset = k; } else if ( k - pl->offset >= pl->slots ) { pl->slots = 1 + k - pl->offset; } return ST_CONTINUE; } // Copy key/value from hash int copy_key_value( VALUE key, VALUE val, VALUE obj ) { int k = NUM2INT( key ); double v = NUM2DBL( val ); ProbabilityList *pl = get_probability_list( obj ); pl->probs[ k - pl->offset ] = v; return ST_CONTINUE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Ruby class and instance methods for Probabilities // VALUE probabilities_initialize( VALUE self, VALUE arr, VALUE offset ) { int i, o, s; double error, p_item; ProbabilityList *pl; double *pr; o = NUM2INT(offset); Check_Type( arr, T_ARRAY ); s = FIX2INT( rb_funcall( arr, rb_intern("count"), 0 ) ); pl = get_probability_list( self ); pl->offset = o; pr = alloc_probs( pl, s ); for(i=0; i 1.0 ) { rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Probability must be in range 0.0..1.0" ); } pr[i] = p_item; } error = calc_cumulative( pl ) - 1.0; if ( error < -1.0e-8 ) { rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Total probabilities are less than 1.0" ); } else if ( error > 1.0e-8 ) { rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Total probabilities are greater than 1.0" ); } return self; } VALUE probabilities_initialize_copy( VALUE copy, VALUE orig ) { ProbabilityList *pl_copy; ProbabilityList *pl_orig; double *pr; if (copy == orig) return copy; pl_copy = get_probability_list( copy ); pl_orig = get_probability_list( orig ); pr = alloc_probs( pl_copy, pl_orig->slots ); pl_copy->offset = pl_orig->offset; memcpy( pr, pl_orig->probs, pl_orig->slots * sizeof(double) ); memcpy( pl_copy->cumulative, pl_orig->cumulative, pl_orig->slots * sizeof(double) );; return copy; } VALUE probabilities_to_h( VALUE self ) { ProbabilityList *pl = get_probability_list( self ); VALUE h = rb_hash_new(); double *pr = pl->probs; int s = pl->slots; int o = pl->offset; int i; for(i=0; i 0.0 ) { rb_hash_aset( h, INT2FIX( o + i ), DBL2NUM( pr[i] ) ); } } return h; } VALUE probabilities_min( VALUE self ) { return INT2NUM( pl_min( get_probability_list( self ) ) ); } VALUE probabilities_max( VALUE self ) { return INT2NUM( pl_max( get_probability_list( self ) ) ); } VALUE probabilites_p_eql( VALUE self, VALUE target ) { return DBL2NUM( pl_p_eql( get_probability_list( self ), NUM2INT(target) ) ); } VALUE probabilites_p_gt( VALUE self, VALUE target ) { return DBL2NUM( pl_p_gt( get_probability_list( self ), NUM2INT(target) ) ); } VALUE probabilites_p_ge( VALUE self, VALUE target ) { return DBL2NUM( pl_p_ge( get_probability_list( self ), NUM2INT(target) ) ); } VALUE probabilites_p_le( VALUE self, VALUE target ) { return DBL2NUM( pl_p_le( get_probability_list( self ), NUM2INT(target) ) ); } VALUE probabilites_p_lt( VALUE self, VALUE target ) { return DBL2NUM( pl_p_lt( get_probability_list( self ), NUM2INT(target) ) ); } VALUE probabilites_expected( VALUE self ) { return DBL2NUM( pl_expected( get_probability_list( self ) ) ); } VALUE probabilities_given_ge( VALUE self, VALUE target ) { int t = NUM2INT(target); ProbabilityList *pl = get_probability_list( self ); return pl_as_ruby_class( pl_given_ge( pl, t ), Probabilities ); } VALUE probabilities_given_le( VALUE self, VALUE target ) { int t = NUM2INT(target); ProbabilityList *pl = get_probability_list( self ); return pl_as_ruby_class( pl_given_le( pl, t ), Probabilities ); } VALUE probabilities_repeat_sum( VALUE self, VALUE nsum ) { int n = NUM2INT(nsum); ProbabilityList *pl = get_probability_list( self ); return pl_as_ruby_class( pl_repeat_sum( pl, n ), Probabilities ); } VALUE probabilities_repeat_n_sum_k( int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self ) { VALUE nsum, nkeepers, kmode; int keep_best, n, k; ProbabilityList *pl; rb_scan_args( argc, argv, "21", &nsum, &nkeepers, &kmode ); keep_best = 1; if (NIL_P(kmode)) { keep_best = 1; } else if ( rb_intern("keep_worst") == SYM2ID(kmode) ) { keep_best = 0; } else if ( rb_intern("keep_best") != SYM2ID(kmode) ) { rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Keep mode not recognised" ); } n = NUM2INT(nsum); k = NUM2INT(nkeepers); pl = get_probability_list( self ); return pl_as_ruby_class( pl_repeat_n_sum_k( pl, n, k, keep_best ), Probabilities ); } VALUE probabilities_each( VALUE self ) { ProbabilityList *pl = get_probability_list( self ); int i; double *pr = pl->probs; int o = pl->offset; for ( i = 0; i < pl->slots; i++ ) { if ( pr[i] > 0.0 ) { VALUE a = rb_ary_new2( 2 ); rb_ary_store( a, 0, INT2NUM( i + o )); rb_ary_store( a, 1, DBL2NUM( pr[i] )); rb_yield( a ); } } return self; } VALUE probabilities_for_fair_die( VALUE self, VALUE sides ) { int s = NUM2INT( sides ); VALUE obj; ProbabilityList *pl; if ( s < 1 ) { rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Number of sides should be 1 or more" ); } if ( s > 100000 ) { rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Number of sides should be less than 100001" ); } obj = pl_alloc( Probabilities ); pl = get_probability_list( obj ); pl->offset = 1; alloc_probs_iv( pl, s, 1.0/s ); return obj; } VALUE probabilities_from_h( VALUE self, VALUE hash ) { Check_Type( hash, T_HASH ); VALUE obj = pl_alloc( Probabilities ); ProbabilityList *pl = get_probability_list( obj ); double error; // Set these up so that they get adjusted during hash iteration pl->offset = 0x7fffffff; pl->slots = 0; // First iteration establish min/max and validate all key/values rb_hash_foreach( hash, validate_key_value, obj ); alloc_probs_iv( pl, pl->slots, 0.0 ); // Second iteration copy key/value pairs into structure rb_hash_foreach( hash, copy_key_value, obj ); error = calc_cumulative( pl ) - 1.0; if ( error < -1.0e-8 ) { rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Total probabilities are less than 1.0" ); } else if ( error > 1.0e-8 ) { rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Total probabilities are greater than 1.0" ); } return obj; } VALUE probabilities_add_distributions( VALUE self, VALUE gdpa, VALUE gdpb ) { ProbabilityList *pl_a = get_probability_list( gdpa ); ProbabilityList *pl_b = get_probability_list( gdpb ); assert_value_wraps_pl( gdpa ); assert_value_wraps_pl( gdpb ); pl_a = get_probability_list( gdpa ); pl_b = get_probability_list( gdpb ); return pl_as_ruby_class( pl_add_distributions( pl_a, pl_b ), Probabilities ); } VALUE probabilities_add_distributions_mult( VALUE self, VALUE m_a, VALUE gdpa, VALUE m_b, VALUE gdpb ) { int mul_a, mul_b; ProbabilityList *pl_a; ProbabilityList *pl_b; assert_value_wraps_pl( gdpa ); assert_value_wraps_pl( gdpb ); mul_a = NUM2INT( m_a ); pl_a = get_probability_list( gdpa ); mul_b = NUM2INT( m_b ); pl_b = get_probability_list( gdpb ); return pl_as_ruby_class( pl_add_distributions_mult( mul_a, pl_a, mul_b, pl_b ), Probabilities ); } VALUE probabilities_implemented_in( VALUE self ) { return ID2SYM( rb_intern("c") ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Setup Probabilities class for Ruby interpretter // void init_probabilities_class( VALUE ParentModule ) { Probabilities = rb_define_class_under( ParentModule, "Probabilities", rb_cObject ); rb_define_alloc_func( Probabilities, pl_alloc ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "initialize", probabilities_initialize, 2 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "initialize_copy", probabilities_initialize_copy, 1 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "to_h", probabilities_to_h, 0 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "min", probabilities_min, 0 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "max", probabilities_max, 0 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "p_eql", probabilites_p_eql, 1 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "p_gt", probabilites_p_gt, 1 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "p_ge", probabilites_p_ge, 1 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "p_le", probabilites_p_le, 1 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "p_lt", probabilites_p_lt, 1 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "expected", probabilites_expected, 0 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "each", probabilities_each, 0 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "given_ge", probabilities_given_ge, 1 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "given_le", probabilities_given_le, 1 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "repeat_sum", probabilities_repeat_sum, 1 ); rb_define_method( Probabilities, "repeat_n_sum_k", probabilities_repeat_n_sum_k, -1 ); rb_define_singleton_method( Probabilities, "for_fair_die", probabilities_for_fair_die, 1 ); rb_define_singleton_method( Probabilities, "add_distributions", probabilities_add_distributions, 2 ); rb_define_singleton_method( Probabilities, "add_distributions_mult", probabilities_add_distributions_mult, 4 ); rb_define_singleton_method( Probabilities, "implemented_in", probabilities_implemented_in, 0 ); rb_define_singleton_method( Probabilities, "from_h", probabilities_from_h, 1 ); return; }