module UsesguidMigrations module ActiveRecordExtensions module SchemaDumper def self.included( base ) base.class_eval do private alias_method_chain :table, :lfe_usesguid_migrations alias_method_chain :indexes, :lfe_usesguid_migrations end end private def table_with_lfe_usesguid_migrations( table, stream ) #table_without_lfe_usesguid_migrations( table, stream ) columns = @connection.columns( table ) begin tbl = guid_pk = @connection.primary_key_name( table ) guid_fks = @connection.foreign_keys( table ) if @connection.respond_to?( :pk_and_sequence_for ) pk, pk_seq = @connection.pk_and_sequence_for( table ) end pk ||= 'id' tbl.print " create_table #{table.inspect}" if col = columns.detect { |c| == pk } tbl.print %Q(, :primary_key => "#{pk}") if pk != 'id' if col.type == :string tbl.print ", :id => false" elsif col.type == :integer tbl.print ", :guid => false" end else tbl.print ", :id => false" end tbl.print ", :force => true" tbl.puts " do |t|" column_specs = do |column| raise StandardError, "Unknown type '#{column.sql_type}' for column '#{}'" if @types[column.type].nil? next if == pk spec = {} spec[:name] = spec[:type] = column.type.to_s spec[:limit] = column.limit.inspect if column.limit != @types[column.type][:limit] && column.type != :decimal spec[:precision] = column.precision.inspect if !column.precision.nil? spec[:scale] = column.scale.inspect if !column.scale.nil? spec[:null] = 'false' if !column.null spec[:default] = default_string(column.default) if column.has_default? (spec.keys - [:name, :type]).each{ |k| spec[k].insert(0, "#{k.inspect} => ") } spec end.compact unless guid_pk.nil? || guid_pk.empty? column_specs.insert( 0, { :name => "\"#{guid_pk}\"", :type => 'binary', :limit => ':limit => 22', :null => ':null => false' } ) end names = { |h| h[:name] } unless guid_fks.nil? guid_fks.each do |fk| pos = names.index( "\"#{fk}\"" ) if pos spec = column_specs[pos] spec[:type] = "binary" end end end # find all migration keys used in this table keys = [:name, :limit, :precision, :scale, :default, :null] & # figure out the lengths for each column based on above keys lengths ={ |key|{ |spec| spec[key] ? spec[key].length + 2 : 0 }.max } # the string we're going to sprintf our values against, with standardized column widths format_string ={ |len| "%-#{len}s" } # find the max length for the 'type' column, which is special type_length ={ |column| column[:type].length }.max # add column type definition to our format string format_string.unshift " t.%-#{type_length}s " format_string *= '' column_specs.each do |colspec| values ={ |key, len| colspec.key?(key) ? colspec[key] + ", " : " " * len } values.unshift colspec[:type] tbl.print((format_string % values).gsub(/,\s*$/, '')) tbl.puts end tbl.puts " end" tbl.puts indexes(table, tbl) tbl.rewind stream.print rescue => e stream.puts "# Could not dump table #{table.inspect} because of following #{e.class}" stream.puts "# #{e.message}" stream.puts end stream end def indexes_with_lfe_usesguid_migrations( table, stream ) pk = @connection.primary_key_name( table ) null_foreign_keys, not_null_foreign_keys = @connection.foreign_keys( table ) unless pk.nil? || pk.empty? stream.puts " execute \"ALTER TABLE `#{table}` MODIFY COLUMN `#{pk}` VARCHAR(22) BINARY CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL;\"" stream.puts " execute \"ALTER TABLE `#{table}` ADD PRIMARY KEY (#{pk})\"" end stream.puts if (null_foreign_keys.nil? || null_foreign_keys.empty?) && (not_null_foreign_keys.nil? || not_null_foreign_keys.empty?) null_foreign_keys.each do |key| stream.puts " execute \"ALTER TABLE `#{table}` MODIFY COLUMN `#{key}` VARCHAR(22) BINARY CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin NULL;\"" end not_null_foreign_keys.each do |key| stream.puts " execute \"ALTER TABLE `#{table}` MODIFY COLUMN `#{key}` VARCHAR(22) BINARY CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL;\"" end stream.puts unless (null_foreign_keys.nil? || null_foreign_keys.empty?) && (not_null_foreign_keys.nil? || not_null_foreign_keys.empty?) indexes_without_lfe_usesguid_migrations( table, stream ) end end end end