# frozen_string_literal: true
module DatatablesHelper
# Generate a html table tag for supporting ajax datatables
# == Parameters:
# options::
# Options which will be simply passed to content_tag method
# block::
# Content for thead, which is required for ajax datatable
# == Usage:
# <%= dt id: 'entities-list', class: 'display', :'data-url' => info_articles_path(:format => :json),
# :'data-sorting_column' => (if current_sys.selfdrive? then 4 else 5 end), :'data-sorting_dir' => 'desc' do %>
# <%= dt_col(data: { m_data_prop: 'id', s_type: 'numeric', s_width: '50px' }){ InfoArticle.human_attribute_name :id } %>
# ...
# <%= dt_col(data: { m_data_prop: 'actions', s_width: '70px', b_sortable: 'false' }) { t 'actions' } %>
# <% end %>
def datatable_tag(options)
# User autoWidth to calculate width, and use scrollX to allow scroll table, it will cause some black on the right of table, so need to set 100% width
# Pass in options params to add additional configs
content_tag :table, { width: '100%' }.merge(options) do
html = content_tag(:thead) { yield } || ''
html << content_tag(:tbody)
raw html
alias dt datatable_tag
# Similiar to @datatable_tag method but this will pass section as the block parameter,
# means in the block, we have to render sections accordingly.
# We support :thead, :tbody and :tfoot right now
def datatable_tag_section(options)
content_tag :table, options do
html = content_tag(:thead) { yield(:thead) } || ''
html << content_tag(:tbody) { yield(:tbody) }
html << content_tag(:tfoot) do
content_tag(:tr) { yield(:tfoot) }
raw html
alias dts datatable_tag_section
# Generate th html tag for building up ajax datatable html tag
# == Parameters:
# options::
# Options which will be passed to content_tag method. To be awared, an node named "data" will be treated as
# an hash, and it will be used to build HTML options with pattern like "data-*"
# == Usage:
# To render a datatable column with data property id:
# dt_col(data: { m_data_prop: 'id', s_type: 'numeric', s_width: '50px' }){ InfoArticle.human_attribute_name :id }
# This will render:
编号 |
# To render a datatable column with data property actions, with sorting feature disabled:
# dt_col(data: { m_data_prop: 'actions', s_width: '70px', b_sortable: 'false' }) { t 'actions' }
# This will render:
# 操作 |
def datatable_col_tag(name = nil, options = {})
options = name if block_given?
data_options = options.delete :data
# Build up data options
data = {}
data_options.each { |k, v| data["data-#{k}"] = v } if data
if block_given?
content_tag(:th, options.merge(data)) { yield }
content_tag(:th, name, options.merge(data))
alias dt_col datatable_col_tag
# Shortcut method for datatable_col_tag for those columns with needs for only data attributes
# == Parameters:
# col_title::
# Column title
# data_options::
# Hash represent data attributes
# == Usage:
# <%= d_col InfoArticle.human_attribute_name(:info_column_id ), m_data_prop: 'info_column_name', s_width: '60px' %>
def datatable_col_tag_dataonly(col_title, data_options)
datatable_col_tag(data: data_options) { col_title }
alias d_col datatable_col_tag_dataonly
# A short function to wrap actions group for table rows with edit, delete buttons and others.
# == Parameters:
# edit_target::
# Link target for editing
# del_target::
# Link target for deleting
# other_target::
# Link targets for other actions
# opts::
# Options to be passed to the buttons, :edit for edit button and :del for delete button as well as others
# == Usage:
# edit_and_del(edit_route_path(row), route_path(row), [], {edit: {data:{id: 1}, class: ''}, del: {data:{id: 1}, class: ''}})
def render_edit_and_del_actions(edit_target, del_target, other_actions = [], opts = {})
actions = [{
target: edit_target,
link_text: '编辑',
options: opts.delete(:edit)
target: del_target,
link_text: '删除',
options: { method: :delete }.merge(opts.delete(:delete))
if other_actions.any?
other_actions.each do |action|
key = action.keys.first
actions << {
target: action[key][:target],
link_text: action[key][:link_text],
options: { method: action[key][:method] }.merge(opts.delete(key))
row_actions actions
alias edit_and_del render_edit_and_del_actions
# Generate HTML codes for array of buttons for each row in a html grid.
# == Parameters:
# buttons::
# An array contains buttons information to be included in HTML table row, which normally will be the last col.
# Ruby link_to function will be used for each button in the array, each button of the array will be an hash,
# it should contained following information:
# :target: Link target
# :link_text: Text to include between begin and end tag of an A ancor
# :button_style: Button style class, if this has been indicated, this function won't apply it's default class
# :options: Extra options to be assigned to the link_to function, except the :class key, it will be combinted
# with some default css classes
# == Returns:
# HTML codes to be inserted into html table row cell, to present actions in each table row.
# == Usage:
# row_actions [
# { target: edit_route_path(row), link_text: icon(:edit), options: data {data: id} },
# {
# target: route_path(row, :format => :json), link_text: icon(:'trash-o'), button_style: :'btn-danger',
# options: { :remote => true, :method => :delete, :data => { :confirm => tv('delete_row_confirm') } }
# }
# ]
def render_table_row_actions(buttons)
actions = "".dup
buttons.each do |b|
b[:options] ||= {}
actions << link_to(raw(b[:link_text]), b[:target], b[:options])
actions << '
alias row_actions render_table_row_actions
def render_multi_values(items)
actions = ''.dup
items.each do |item|
actions << "#{item || '/'}
') << ''
alias multi_values render_multi_values
# Helper to be used in jbuilder for rendering datatable json response
# == Usages:
# datatable_json_response do
# json.foo 'bar'
# end
# @return Datatable json response
def datatable_json_response(json, &block)
json.draw params['draw'] || 0
json.recordsTotal @total_rows if @total_rows
json.recordsFiltered @total_rows_filtered || @total_rows if @total_rows || @total_rows
if defined?(@error)
json.error @error
def sort_opt(model, column)
{ model: model, column: column }.to_json