require 'socket' module Naf class Machine < NafBase include ::Af::Application::SafeProxy include PgAdvisoryLocker # Protect from mass-assignment issue attr_accessible :server_address, :server_name, :server_note, :enabled, :thread_pool_size, :log_level, :marked_down, :short_name, :deleted IP_REGEX = /^([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$/ #-------------------- # *** Validations *** #++++++++++++++++++++ validates :server_address, :thread_pool_size, presence: true validates :short_name, uniqueness: true, allow_blank: true, allow_nil: true, format: { with: /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/, message: "letters should be first (use only letters and numbers)" } validates :server_address, format: { with: IP_REGEX, message: "is not a valid IP address" }, if: :server_address validates :server_address, uniqueness: true, if: :correct_server_address? validates :thread_pool_size, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than: -2147483648, less_than: 2147483647 } before_save :check_blank_values #--------------------- # *** Associations *** #+++++++++++++++++++++ has_many :machine_affinity_slots, class_name: '::Naf::MachineAffinitySlot', dependent: :destroy has_many :affinities, through: :machine_affinity_slots has_many :machine_runners, class_name: '::Naf::MachineRunner' #---------------------- # *** Class Methods *** #++++++++++++++++++++++ def self.enabled where(enabled: true) end def self.up where(marked_down: false) end def self.down where(marked_down: true) end def self.with_affinity(affinity_short_name) sql = <<-SQL exists (select 1 from #{::Naf::MachineAffinitySlot.table_name} as mas inner join #{::Naf::Affinity.table_name} as a on = mas.affinity_id and a.affinity_short_name = ? where mas.machine_id = #{::Naf::Machine.table_name}.id) SQL return where([sql, affinity_short_name]) end def self.machine_ip_address begin Socket::getaddrinfo(hostname, "echo", Socket::AF_INET)[0][3] rescue StandardError "" end end def self.hostname begin Socket.gethostname rescue StandardError "local" end end def self.local_machine where(server_address: machine_ip_address).first end def self.current local_machine end def self.last_time_schedules_were_checked self.maximum(:last_checked_schedules_at) end def self.is_it_time_to_check_schedules?(check_period) time = Naf::Machine.last_time_schedules_were_checked time.nil? || time < ( - check_period) end def self.include_deleted(filter) if !filter where(deleted: false) else where({}) end end #------------------------- # *** Instance Methods *** #+++++++++++++++++++++++++ def lock_for_runner_use(&block) advisory_lock(&block) end def unlock_for_runner_use advisory_unlock end def machine_logger af_logger( end def to_s components = [] if enabled components << "ENABLED" else components << "DISABLED" end components << "DOWN!" if marked_down components << "id: #{id}" components << "address: #{server_address}" components << "name: \"#{server_name}\"" unless server_name.blank? components << "pool size: #{thread_pool_size}" components << "last checked schedules: #{last_checked_schedules_at}" components << "last seen: #{last_seen_alive_at}" return "::Naf::Machine<#{components.join(', ')}>" end def correct_server_address? server_address.present? and IP_REGEX =~ server_address end def mark_checked_schedule self.last_checked_schedules_at = save! end def mark_alive self.last_seen_alive_at = save! end def mark_up self.marked_down = false save! end def mark_down(by_machine) self.marked_down = true self.marked_down_by_machine_id = self.marked_down_at = save! end def is_stale?(period) # if last_seen_alive_at is nil then the runner has not been started yet -- hold off # claiming it is stale until the runner is run at least once. self.last_seen_alive_at.present? && self.last_seen_alive_at < ( - period) end def mark_processes_as_dead(by_machine) ::Naf::RunningJob.where(created_at: ( - Naf::HistoricalJob::JOB_STALE_TIME) where("request_to_terminate = false"). started_on(self).each do |job| marking_at = machine_logger.alarm "#{} marking #{job} as dead at #{marking_at}" job.request_to_terminate = job.historical_job.request_to_terminate = true job.marked_dead_by_machine_id = job.historical_job.marked_dead_by_machine_id = job.marked_dead_at = job.historical_job.marked_dead_at = marking_at job.historical_job.finished_at = marking_at!! end end def mark_machine_down(by_machine) marking_at = machine_logger.alarm "#{} marking #{self} as down at #{marking_at}" self.marked_down = true self.marked_down_by_machine_id = self.marked_down_at = marking_at save! mark_processes_as_dead(by_machine) end def affinity return ::Naf::Affinity. where(affinity_classification_id:, affinity_name: end def short_name_if_it_exist short_name || server_name end def pickle(pickler) pickler.generic_pickle(self, nil, [ :created_at, :updated_at, :last_checked_schedules_at, :last_seen_alive_at, :marked_down, :marked_down_by_machine_id, :marked_down_at ]) end def hostname if server_name.present? server_name else server_address end end private def check_blank_values self.short_name = nil if self.short_name.blank? self.server_name = nil if self.server_name.blank? self.server_note = nil if self.server_note.blank? self.log_level = nil if self.log_level.blank? end end end