## 1.0.3 - 6-Apr-2021
* Added a Gemfile.
* Added a cert.
* Added a crypt-fog.rb file for convenience.
* Updates to the gemspec, including rubygems.org metadata.
* The VERSION constant is now frozen.
* Documentation files are now in markdown format.
* Fixed the fogenc binary perms so that it's executable by default.
* Assumes you're on Ruby 2.x or later by now.

## 1.0.2 - 2-Nov-2014
* Changed license to Artistic-2.0.
* Some gemspec and Rakefile updates.
* Test file renamed to test_crypt_fog.rb.
* Some updates to the README.

## 1.0.1 - 1-Aug-2007
* Changed 'quickenc' to 'fogenc'
* Now includes a Rakefile with tasks for installation and testing.
* There are now comments in the source, though they are still obfuscated.
* Some doc updates.

## 1.0.0 - 12-Jun-2005
* Moved project to RubyForge.
* Removed the 'doc' directory.  Because the documentation is so short, that
  information is now in the README file, which is rdoc friendly.
* Some test suite cleanup and added tests.
* Made documents rdoc friendly.
* Simplified install.rb.
* Removed INSTALL file.  That information is now included as part of the
  README file.
* Added a gemspec.

## 0.1.0 - 30-Jul-2003
- Initial release