#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'thor' require 'rtanque' require 'rtanque/runner' require 'octokit' class RTanqueCLI < Thor include Thor::Actions BOT_DIR = 'bots' source_root(File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__)) desc "start :x3 ...", "Starts match with given bots" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Start an RTanque match. Provide as arguments paths to the brains. Note that multiple of the same bot can be loaded by appending ':x' to the path. Eg 'bot/my_bot:x2' There exist a few sample bots to help get started: \x5 * sample_bots/keyboard (special bot controlled with keyboard: a/s/d/f and arrow keys) \x5 * sample_bots/seek_and_destroy \x5 * sample_bots/camper LONGDESC method_option :width, :aliases => '-w', :default => 1200, :type => :numeric, :banner => 'width of window' method_option :height, :aliases => '-h', :default => 700, :type => :numeric, :banner => 'height of window' method_option :max_ticks, :aliases => '-m', :default => Float::INFINITY, :type => :numeric, :banner => 'max ticks allowed per match' method_option :teams, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :banner => 'true to do a team based match based on tank names' method_option :gui, :default => true, :type => :boolean, :banner => 'false to run headless' method_option :gc, :default => true, :type => :boolean, :banner => 'disable GC (EXPERIMENTAL)' method_option :quiet, :aliases => '-q', :default => false, :type => :boolean, :banner => 'disable chatter' method_option :seed, :default => Kernel.srand, :type => :numeric, :banner => 'random number seed value' def start(*brain_paths) Kernel.srand(options[:seed]) runner = RTanque::Runner.new(options[:width], options[:height], options[:max_ticks], options[:teams]) brain_paths.each { |brain_path| begin runner.add_brain_path(brain_path) rescue RTanque::Runner::LoadError => e say e.message, :red exit false end } self.print_start_banner(runner) unless options[:quiet] self.set_gc(options[:gc]) { runner.start(options[:gui]) } self.print_runner_stats(runner) unless options[:quiet] end desc "new_bot ", "Creates a new bot" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Helper to create a basic brain template in the bots directory LONGDESC def new_bot(bot_name) @bot_name = bot_name @bot_class_name = Thor::Util.camel_case(bot_name) template('templates/bot.erb', "#{BOT_DIR}/#{Thor::Util.snake_case(bot_name)}.rb") end desc "get_gist ...", "Downloads files from given gist ids into #{BOT_DIR} directory" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Helper to download tanks from github gists for easier sharing. Gists can be both 'secret' and 'public'. LONGDESC method_option :force, :aliases => '-f', :default => false, :type => :boolean, :banner => 'overwrite existing file without prompt' def get_gist(*gist_ids) gist_ids.each { |gist_id| self.download_gist(gist_id, options) } end protected def print_start_banner(runner) self.print_stats{ |table| # print options options.each { |opts| table << [set_color(opts[0], :yellow), opts[1].to_s] } # print bots table << [set_color('Bots', :green), runner.match.bots.map { |bot| bot.name }] } end def print_runner_stats(runner) say '='*30 self.print_stats{ |table| table << [set_color('Ticks', :blue), runner.match.ticks.to_s] table << [set_color('Survivors', :green)] + runner.match.bots.map { |bot| "#{bot.name} [#{bot.health.round}]" } } end def set_gc(gc = true) if gc yield else GC.disable begin yield ensure GC.enable end end end def download_gist(gist_id, options) gist = Octokit.gist(gist_id) gist.files.values.map do |gist_file| gist_path = "#{BOT_DIR}/#{gist.user.login}.#{gist_id}/#{gist_file.filename}" create_file(gist_path, gist_file.content, options) end end def print_stats(indent = 2, &block) self.print_table([].tap(&block), :indent => indent) end end RTanqueCLI.start