require_relative "../../../spec/es_spec_helper" describe "index template expected behavior", :integration => true do let(:ecs_compatibility) { fail('spec group does not define `ecs_compatibility`!') } subject! do require "logstash/outputs/elasticsearch" allow_any_instance_of(LogStash::Outputs::ElasticSearch).to receive(:ecs_compatibility).and_return(ecs_compatibility) settings = { "manage_template" => true, "template_overwrite" => true, "hosts" => "#{get_host_port()}" } next end let(:elasticsearch_client) { get_client } before(:each) do # delete indices and templates require "elasticsearch" elasticsearch_client.indices.delete_template(:name => '*') # This can fail if there are no indexes, ignore failure. elasticsearch_client.indices.delete(:index => '*') rescue puts("DELETE INDICES ERROR: #{$!}") # Since we are pinned to ES client 7.x, we need to delete data streams the hard way... elasticsearch_client.perform_request("DELETE", "/_data_stream/*") rescue puts("DELETE DATA STREAMS ERROR: #{$!}") end context 'with ecs_compatibility => disabled' do let(:ecs_compatibility) { :disabled } before :each do @es = elasticsearch_client # cache as ivar for tests... subject.register subject.multi_receive(["message" => "sample message here"),"somemessage" => { "message" => "sample nested message here" }),"somevalue" => 100),"somevalue" => 10),"somevalue" => 1),"country" => "us"),"country" => "at"),"geoip" => { "location" => [ 0.0, 0.0 ] }) ]) @es.indices.refresh # Wait or fail until everything's indexed. Stud::try(20.times) do r = 'logstash-*') expect(r).to have_hits(8) end end it "permits phrase searching on string fields" do results = => "message:\"sample message\"") expect(results).to have_hits(1) expect(results["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["message"]).to eq("sample message here") end it "numbers dynamically map to a numeric type and permit range queries" do results = => "somevalue:[5 TO 105]") expect(results).to have_hits(2) values = results["hits"]["hits"].collect { |r| r["_source"]["somevalue"] } expect(values).to include(10) expect(values).to include(100) expect(values).to_not include(1) end it "does not create .keyword field for top-level message field" do results = => "message.keyword:\"sample message here\"") expect(results).to have_hits(0) end it "creates .keyword field for nested message fields" do results = => "somemessage.message.keyword:\"sample nested message here\"") expect(results).to have_hits(1) end it "creates .keyword field from any string field which is not_analyzed" do results = => "country.keyword:\"us\"") expect(results).to have_hits(1) expect(results["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["country"]).to eq("us") # partial or terms should not work. results = => "country.keyword:\"u\"") expect(results).to have_hits(0) end it "make [geoip][location] a geo_point" do expect(field_properties_from_template("logstash", "geoip")["location"]["type"]).to eq("geo_point") end it "aggregate .keyword results correctly " do results = => { "aggregations" => { "my_agg" => { "terms" => { "field" => "country.keyword" } } } })["aggregations"]["my_agg"] terms = results["buckets"].collect { |b| b["key"] } expect(terms).to include("us") # 'at' is a stopword, make sure stopwords are not ignored. expect(terms).to include("at") end end context 'with ECS enabled' do let(:ecs_compatibility) { :v1 } before(:each) do subject.register # should load template? subject.multi_receive(["message" => "sample message here")]) end let(:elasticsearch_cluster_major_version) do"version", "number" )&.split('.')&.map(&:to_i)&.first end it 'loads the templates' do aggregate_failures do if elasticsearch_cluster_major_version >= 8 # In ES 8+ we use the _index_template API expect(elasticsearch_client.indices.exists_index_template(name: 'ecs-logstash')).to be_truthy else # Otherwise, we used the legacy _template API expect(elasticsearch_client.indices.exists_template(name: 'ecs-logstash')).to be_truthy end end end end end