require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/config" module Experiment # This is the class behind the command line magic. # It is possible to use it programatically, though. # @see # @example For documentation on the CLI run # experiment -h class Runner attr_reader :options # If you are using this programmatically you need to set these params correctly: # @param [Array] arg Typically the name of the experiment the operation # needs to operate on. # @param [Struct, OpenStruct] opt an options object that should respond according # to the CLI. def initialize(arg, opt) @arguments, @options = arg, opt end # Generates a new experiment condition # Usage of the -m flag for writing a hypothesis is recommended def generate dir = "./experiments/" + @arguments.first Dir.mkdir(dir) + "/" + @arguments.first + ".rb", "w") do |req_file| req_file.puts "# ## #{as_human_name @arguments.first} ##" req_file.puts "# "+@options.description.split("\n").join("\n# ") req_file.puts req_file.puts req_file.puts "# The first contious block of comment will be included in your report." req_file.puts "# This includes the reference implementation." req_file.puts "# Override any desired files in this directory." Dir["./app/**/*.{rb,o,dll,so,bundle}"].each do |f| next if File.basename(f) == 'extconfig.rb' p = File.expand_path(f).split("/") - File.expand_path(".").split("/") req_file.puts "require \"#{p.join("/").gsub(/\.(rb|o|dll|so|bundle)$/, "")}\"" end req_file.puts "\nclass #{as_class_name @arguments.first} < MyExperiment\n\t\nend" end + "/config.yaml", "w") do |f| f << "---\nexperiment:\n development:\n compute:\n" end end # generate a new project in the current directory def new_project require 'fileutils' dir = "./" + @arguments.first Dir.mkdir(dir) %w[app config experiments report results test tmp vendor].each do |d| Dir.mkdir(dir + "/" + d) end basedir = File.dirname(__FILE__), "config", "config.yaml"), "w") do |f| f << "---\nenvironments:\n development:\n compute:\n" end, ".gitignore"), "w") do |f| f << "tmp/*" end FileUtils::cp File.join(basedir, "generator/readme_template.txt"), File.join(dir, "README") FileUtils::cp File.join(basedir, "generator/Rakefile"), File.join(dir, "Rakefile") FileUtils::cp File.join(basedir, "generator/experiment_template.rb.txt"), File.join(dir, "experiments", "experiment.rb") end # Lists available experiments def list puts "Available experiments:" puts " " + Dir["./experiments/*"].map{|a| File.dirname(a) }.join(", ") end # Generates 2 files in the report directory # method.mmd which sums up comments from experimental conditions # data.csv which sums all results in a table def report dir = "./report/" + "method.mmd", "w") do |f| f.puts "# Methods #" Dir["./experiments/*/*.rb"].each do |desc| if File.basename(desc) == File.basename(File.dirname(desc)) + ".rb""\n").each do |line| if m = line.match(/^\# (.+)/) f.puts m[1] else break end end f.puts f.puts end end end require 'csv' require "yaml" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/stats" + "/data.csv", "w") do |csv| data = {} Dir["./results/*/results.yaml"].each do |res| d = YAML::load_file(res) da = {} d.each do |k, vals| da[k.to_s + " mean"], da[k.to_s + " sd"] = Stats::mean(vals), Stats::standard_deviation(vals) vals.each_with_index do |v, i| da[k.to_s + " cv:" + i.to_s] = v end end array_merge(data, da) end do |key| # calculate stats a = data[key] [key] + a end.transpose.each do |row| csv << row end end end # runs experiments passed as arguments # use the -o option to override configuration def run require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base" require "./experiments/experiment" $: << "./" Experiment::Config::init @options.env = Experiment::Config.get :cross_validations, 5 if if @options.distributed require "drb/drb" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/work_server" puts "Running in distributed mode. Run other machines with:\nexperiment worker --address #{local_ip}\n" Notify::init @arguments.length *, STDOUT, Experiment::Config::get(:growl_notifications, true) ws = @arguments, @options, local_ip Notify::done return true else Notify::init @arguments.length *, @options.quiet ? false : STDERR, Experiment::Config::get(:growl_notifications, !@options.quiet) @arguments.each do |exp| require "./experiments/#{exp}/#{exp}" cla = eval(as_class_name(exp)) experiment = :normal, exp, @options! end Notify::done end end # Creates an IRB console useful for debugging experiments # Loads up the environment for the condition passed def console cla = as_class_name(@arguments.first) if @arguments.length == 1"./tmp/irb-setup.rb", 'w') do |f| f.puts "# Initializes the environment for IRb." f.puts "Experiment::Config::init #{@options.env.inspect}" f.puts "$: << '#{File.expand_path(".")}/'" if @arguments.length == 1 f.puts "require 'experiments/#{@arguments.first}/#{@arguments.first}'" f.puts "def experiment" f.puts " @experiment ||= #{cla}.new :normal, #{@arguments.first.inspect},{@options.marshal_dump})" f.puts "end" f.puts "experiment #load up the configs" else f.puts 'Dir["./app/**/*.{rb,o,so,dll,bundle}"].each{|e| require e.gsub(/\.(rb|so|o|dll|bundle)$/, "") }' f.puts "Experiment::Config::load '', #{options.opts.inspect}" end end irb = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(:?mswin|mingw)/ ? 'irb.bat' : 'irb' libs = " -r irb/completion" libs << " -r #{File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base"}" libs << " -r./experiments/experiment" libs << " -r ./tmp/irb-setup.rb" puts "Loading #{@options.env} environment..." exec "#{irb} #{libs} --simple-prompt" end # Starts a Worker implementation. It requires an --address option # of it's master server and will recieve tasks (experiments and # cross-validations) and compute them. def worker require "drb/drb" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base" $: << "./" Experiment::Config::init @options.env loop do @server_uri="druby://#{@options.master}:8787" connect Notify::init 0, STDOUT, false, @master while item = @master.new_item #puts item exp = @master.experiment item require "./experiments/experiment" require "./experiments/#{exp}/#{exp}" cla = eval(as_class_name(exp)) experiment = :slave, exp, @options experiment.master = @master.instance item! 0 end end end private require 'socket' def connect begin puts "Connecting..." DRb.start_service @master = DRbObject.new_with_uri(@server_uri) @master.ready? rescue sleep 10 connect end end def local_ip orig, Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup, true do |s| s.connect '', 1 s.addr.last end ensure Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = orig end def array_merge(h1, h2) h2.each do |key, value| h1[key] ||= [] h1[key] << value end end def as_class_name(str) str.split(/[\_\-]+/).map(&:capitalize).join end def as_human_name(str) str.split(/[\_\-]+/).map(&:capitalize).join(" ") end end end