package; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.sql.SQLException; import jnr.ffi.LibraryLoader; import jnr.ffi.Platform; import jnr.ffi.Pointer; import jnr.ffi.Runtime; import jnr.ffi.provider.jffi.ArrayMemoryIO; import jnr.ffi.provider.jffi.ByteBufferMemoryIO; import org.embulk.spi.Exec; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class OCIWrapper { private static final String PLUGIN_NAME = "embulk-output-oracle"; private static OCI oci; private static BulkOCI bulkOci; private final Logger logger = Exec.getLogger(getClass()); private final Charset systemCharset; private Pointer envHandle; private Pointer errHandle; private Pointer svcHandle; private Pointer dpHandle; private Pointer dpcaHandle; private Pointer dpstrHandle; private TableDefinition tableDefinition; private int maxRowCount; private long totalRows; private int loadCount; private boolean errorOccured; private boolean committedOrRollbacked; public OCIWrapper() { // enable to change default encoding for test systemCharset = Charset.forName(System.getProperty("file.encoding")); synchronized (OCIWrapper.class) { if (oci == null) { oci = loadOCILibrary(); } if (bulkOci == null) { bulkOci = loadBulkOCILibrary(oci); } } } private OCI loadOCILibrary() {"OCI : Loading OCI library."); // "oci" for Windows, "clntsh" for Linux StringBuilder libraryNames = new StringBuilder(); for (String libraryName : new String[]{"oci", "clntsh"}) { try { return LibraryLoader.create(OCI.class).failImmediately().load(libraryName); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { } if (libraryNames.length() > 0) { libraryNames.append(" / "); } libraryNames.append(System.mapLibraryName(libraryName)); } throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError("Cannot find library: " + libraryNames); } private BulkOCI loadBulkOCILibrary(OCI oci) { String libraryName = "embulk-output-oracle-oci";"OCI : Loading " + libraryName + " library."); Platform platform = Platform.getNativePlatform(); File folder = getPluginRoot(); folder = new File(new File(new File(new File(folder ,"lib"), "embulk"), "native"), platform.getName()); File file = new File(folder, System.mapLibraryName(libraryName)); if (!file.exists()) {"OCI : Library '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' doesn't exist, so Java implementation is used instead."); return new PrimitiveBulkOCI(oci); }"OCI : Library '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' is found."); return LibraryLoader.create(BulkOCI.class).search(folder.getAbsolutePath()).failImmediately().load(libraryName); } private File getPluginRoot() { try { URL url = getClass().getResource("/" + getClass().getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"); if (url.toString().startsWith("jar:")) { url = new URL(url.toString().replaceAll("^jar:", "").replaceAll("![^!]*$", "")); } File folder = new File(url.toURI()).getParentFile(); for (;; folder = folder.getParentFile()) { if (folder == null) { String message = String.format("OCI : %s folder not found.", PLUGIN_NAME); throw new RuntimeException(message); } if (folder.getName().startsWith(PLUGIN_NAME)) { return folder; } } } catch (MalformedURLException | URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void open(String dbName, String userName, String password) throws SQLException { Pointer envHandlePointer = createPointerPointer(); // OCI_THREADED is not needed because synchronized in Java side. check("OCIEnvCreate", oci.OCIEnvCreate( envHandlePointer, /*OCI.OCI_THREADED |*/ OCI.OCI_OBJECT, null, null, null, null, 0, null)); envHandle = envHandlePointer.getPointer(0); // error handle Pointer errHandlePointer = createPointerPointer(); check("OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR)", oci.OCIHandleAlloc( envHandle, errHandlePointer, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, 0, null)); errHandle = errHandlePointer.getPointer(0); // service context Pointer svcHandlePointer = createPointerPointer(); check("OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX)", oci.OCIHandleAlloc( envHandle, svcHandlePointer, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, 0, null)); // logon // dbName should be defined in 'tnsnames.ora' or a form of "host:port/db" check("OCILogon", oci.OCILogon( envHandle, errHandle, svcHandlePointer, userName, userName.length(), password, password.length(), dbName, dbName.length())); svcHandle = svcHandlePointer.getPointer(0); Pointer dpHandlePointer = createPointerPointer(); check("OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX)", oci.OCIHandleAlloc( envHandle, dpHandlePointer, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, 0, null)); dpHandle = dpHandlePointer.getPointer(0); } public void prepareLoad(TableDefinition tableDefinition, int bufferSize) throws SQLException { this.tableDefinition = tableDefinition; check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_BUF_SIZE)", oci.OCIAttrSet( dpHandle, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, createPointer(bufferSize), 4, OCI.OCI_ATTR_BUF_SIZE, errHandle)); int numRows = Math.max(bufferSize / tableDefinition.getRowSize(), 16); check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_NUM_ROWS)", oci.OCIAttrSet( dpHandle, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, createPointer(numRows), 4, OCI.OCI_ATTR_NUM_ROWS, errHandle)); if (tableDefinition.getSchemaName() != null) { Pointer schemaName = createPointer(tableDefinition.getSchemaName()); check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_NAME)", oci.OCIAttrSet( dpHandle, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, schemaName, (int)schemaName.size() , OCI.OCI_ATTR_SCHEMA_NAME, errHandle)); } Pointer cols = createPointer((short)tableDefinition.getColumnCount()); check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_NUM_COLS)", oci.OCIAttrSet( dpHandle, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, cols, (int)cols.size(), OCI.OCI_ATTR_NUM_COLS, errHandle)); // load table name (case sensitive) Pointer tableName = createPointer("\"" + tableDefinition.getTableName() + "\""); check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_NAME)", oci.OCIAttrSet( dpHandle, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, tableName, (int)tableName.size() , OCI.OCI_ATTR_NAME, errHandle)); Pointer noIndexErrors = createPointer((byte)1); check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_NO_INDEX_ERRORS)", oci.OCIAttrSet( dpHandle, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, noIndexErrors, (int)noIndexErrors.size(), OCI.OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_NO_INDEX_ERRORS, errHandle)); Pointer columnsPointer = createPointerPointer(); check("OCIAttrGet(OCI_ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS)", oci.OCIAttrGet( dpHandle, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, columnsPointer, null, OCI.OCI_ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS, errHandle)); Pointer columns = columnsPointer.getPointer(0); for (int i = 0; i < tableDefinition.getColumnCount(); i++) { ColumnDefinition columnDefinition = tableDefinition.getColumn(i); Pointer columnPointer = createPointerPointer(); check("OCIParamGet(OCI_DTYPE_PARAM)", oci.OCIParamGet( columns, OCI.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, errHandle, columnPointer, i + 1)); Pointer column = columnPointer.getPointer(0); Pointer columnName = createPointer(columnDefinition.getColumnName()); check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_NAME)", oci.OCIAttrSet( column, OCI.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, columnName, (int)columnName.size(), OCI.OCI_ATTR_NAME, errHandle)); Pointer dataType = createPointer(columnDefinition.getDataType()); check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_DATA_TYPE)", oci.OCIAttrSet( column, OCI.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, dataType, (int)dataType.size(), OCI.OCI_ATTR_DATA_TYPE, errHandle)); Pointer dataSize = createPointer(columnDefinition.getDataSize()); check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_DATA_SIZE)", oci.OCIAttrSet( column, OCI.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, dataSize, (int)dataSize.size(), OCI.OCI_ATTR_DATA_SIZE, errHandle)); // need to set charset explicitly because database charset is not set by default. Pointer charsetId = createPointer(columnDefinition.getCharset().getId()); check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_ID)", oci.OCIAttrSet( column, OCI.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, charsetId, (int)charsetId.size(), OCI.OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_ID, errHandle)); if (columnDefinition.getDateFormat() != null) { Pointer dateFormat = createPointer(columnDefinition.getDateFormat()); check("OCIAttrSet(OCI_ATTR_DATEFORMAT)", oci.OCIAttrSet( column, OCI.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, dateFormat, (int)dateFormat.size(), OCI.OCI_ATTR_DATEFORMAT, errHandle)); } check("OCIDescriptorFree(OCI_DTYPE_PARAM)", oci.OCIDescriptorFree( column, OCI.OCI_DTYPE_PARAM)); } check("OCIDirPathPrepare", oci.OCIDirPathPrepare( dpHandle, svcHandle, errHandle)); // direct path column array Pointer dpcaHandlePointer = createPointerPointer(); check("OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY)", oci.OCIHandleAlloc( dpHandle, dpcaHandlePointer, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY, 0, null)); dpcaHandle = dpcaHandlePointer.getPointer(0); Pointer dpstrHandlePointer = createPointerPointer(); check("OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_STREAM)", oci.OCIHandleAlloc( dpHandle, dpstrHandlePointer, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_STREAM, 0, null)); dpstrHandle = dpstrHandlePointer.getPointer(0); Pointer maxRowCountPointer = createPointer(0); check("OCIAttrGet(OCI_ATTR_NUM_ROWS)", oci.OCIAttrGet( dpcaHandle, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY, maxRowCountPointer, null, OCI.OCI_ATTR_NUM_ROWS, errHandle)); maxRowCount = maxRowCountPointer.getInt(0);"OCI : DirectPathColumnArray.numRows = %,d", maxRowCount)); } public int getMaxRowCount() { return maxRowCount; } public void loadBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, ByteBuffer sizes, int rowCount) throws SQLException {"Loading %,d rows", rowCount)); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); check("OCIDirPathColArrayEntriesSet", bulkOci.embulk_output_oracle_OCIDirPathColArrayEntriesSet( dpcaHandle, errHandle, (short)tableDefinition.getColumnCount(), rowCount, new ByteBufferMemoryIO(Runtime.getSystemRuntime(), buffer), new ByteBufferMemoryIO(Runtime.getSystemRuntime(), sizes))); loadRows(rowCount); totalRows += rowCount; double seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0;"> %.2f seconds (loaded %,d rows in total)", seconds, totalRows)); } private void loadRows(int rowCount) throws SQLException { for (int offset = 0; offset < rowCount;) { check("OCIDirPathStreamReset", oci.OCIDirPathStreamReset( dpstrHandle, errHandle)); short result = oci.OCIDirPathColArrayToStream( dpcaHandle, dpHandle, dpstrHandle, errHandle, rowCount, offset); if (result != OCI.OCI_SUCCESS && result != OCI.OCI_CONTINUE) { check("OCIDirPathColArrayToStream", result); } loadCount++; check("OCIDirPathLoadStream", oci.OCIDirPathLoadStream( dpHandle, dpstrHandle, errHandle)); if (result == OCI.OCI_SUCCESS) { offset = rowCount; } else { Pointer loadedRowCount = createPointer(0); check("OCIAttrGet(OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT)", oci.OCIAttrGet( dpcaHandle, OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY, loadedRowCount, null, OCI.OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT, errHandle)); offset += loadedRowCount.getInt(0); } } } public void commit() throws SQLException { committedOrRollbacked = true; if (loadCount > 0) {"OCI : OCIDirPathLoadStream : %,d rows x %,d times.", totalRows / loadCount, loadCount)); }"OCI : start to commit."); try { check("OCIDirPathFinish", oci.OCIDirPathFinish(dpHandle, errHandle)); } finally { check("OCILogoff", oci.OCILogoff(svcHandle, errHandle)); svcHandle = null; } } public void rollback() throws SQLException { committedOrRollbacked = true;"OCI : start to rollback."); try { check("OCIDirPathAbort", oci.OCIDirPathAbort(dpHandle, errHandle)); } finally { check("OCILogoff", oci.OCILogoff(svcHandle, errHandle)); svcHandle = null; } } public void close() throws SQLException { if (dpHandle != null) { try { if (!committedOrRollbacked) { if (errorOccured) { rollback(); } else { commit(); } } } finally { freeHandle(OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_STREAM, dpstrHandle); dpcaHandle = null; freeHandle(OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_COLUMN_ARRAY, dpcaHandle); dpcaHandle = null; freeHandle(OCI.OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, dpHandle); dpHandle = null; freeHandle(OCI.OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, svcHandle); svcHandle = null; freeHandle(OCI.OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, errHandle); errHandle = null; freeHandle(OCI.OCI_HTYPE_ENV, envHandle); envHandle = null; } } } private Pointer createPointerPointer() { return new ArrayMemoryIO(Runtime.getSystemRuntime(), com.kenai.jffi.Type.POINTER.size()); } private Pointer createPointer(String s) { // not database charset, but system charset of client return Pointer.wrap(Runtime.getSystemRuntime(), ByteBuffer.wrap(s.getBytes(systemCharset))); } private Pointer createPointer(byte n) { Pointer pointer = new ArrayMemoryIO(Runtime.getSystemRuntime(), 1); pointer.putByte(0, n); return pointer; } private Pointer createPointer(short n) { Pointer pointer = new ArrayMemoryIO(Runtime.getSystemRuntime(), 2); pointer.putShort(0, n); return pointer; } private Pointer createPointer(int n) { Pointer pointer = new ArrayMemoryIO(Runtime.getSystemRuntime(), 4); pointer.putInt(0, n); return pointer; } private void freeHandle(int type, Pointer handle) { if (handle != null) { try { check("OCIHandleFree", oci.OCIHandleFree(handle, type)); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn(String.format("Warning (OCIHandleFree(%d)) : %s", type, e.getMessage())); } } } private void check(String operation, short result) throws SQLException { switch (result) { case OCI.OCI_SUCCESS: break; case OCI.OCI_ERROR: if (errHandle == null) { throwException("OCI : %s failed : %d.", operation, result); } ArrayMemoryIO errrCode = new ArrayMemoryIO(Runtime.getSystemRuntime(), 4); ArrayMemoryIO buffer = new ArrayMemoryIO(Runtime.getSystemRuntime(), 512); if (oci.OCIErrorGet(errHandle, 1, null, errrCode, buffer, (int)buffer.size(), OCI.OCI_HTYPE_ERROR) != OCI.OCI_SUCCESS) { throwException("OCI : %s failed : %d. OCIErrorGet failed.", operation, result); } String message = new String(buffer.array(), systemCharset); throwException("OCI : %s failed : %d. %s", operation, result, message); case OCI.OCI_INVALID_HANDLE: throwException("OCI : %s failed : invalid handle.", operation); case OCI.OCI_NO_DATA: throwException("OCI : %s failed : no data.", operation); default: throwException("OCI : %s failed : %d.", operation, result); } } private void throwException(String format, Object... args) throws SQLException { errorOccured = true; String message = String.format(format, args); logger.error(message); throw new SQLException(message); } }