module ForestLiana describe Bootstrapper do before do allow(ForestLiana).to receive(:env_secret).and_return(nil) end describe 'setup_forest_liana_meta' do it "should put statistic data related to user stack on a dedicated object" do expect(ForestLiana.meta[:stack]) .to include(:orm_version) expect(ForestLiana.meta[:stack]) .to include(:database_type) end end describe 'models' do let(:application_models) do ForestLiana.models.reject do |model| rails_models.any? { |rails_model| model <= rails_model } end end let(:rails_models) { [ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata, ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration] } let(:expected_application_models) do [ Island, Location, Manufacturer, Owner, Product, Reference, Town, Tree, User, Driver, Car, ] end it 'should populate the models correctly' do expect(ForestLiana.models).to match_array(ForestLiana.models.uniq) expect(ForestLiana.models).to include(*rails_models) expect(application_models).to match_array(expected_application_models) end it 'should generate serializers for all models' do factory = instance_double(ForestLiana::SerializerFactory, serializer_for: nil) allow(ForestLiana::SerializerFactory).to receive(:new).and_return(factory) expected_application_models.each do |model| expect(factory).to have_received(:serializer_for).with(model).once end end it 'should generate controllers for all models' do factory = instance_double(ForestLiana::ControllerFactory, controller_for: nil) allow(ForestLiana::ControllerFactory).to receive(:new).and_return(factory) expected_application_models.each do |model| expect(factory).to have_received(:controller_for).with(model).once end end end describe 'generate_action_hooks' do schema = '{ "collections": [ { "name": "Island", "name_old": "Island", "icon": null, "is_read_only": false, "is_searchable": true, "is_virtual": false, "only_for_relationships": false, "pagination_type": "page", "fields": [ { "field": "id", "type": "Number", "default_value": null, "enums": null, "integration": null, "is_filterable": true, "is_read_only": false, "is_required": false, "is_sortable": true, "is_virtual": false, "reference": null, "inverse_of": null, "widget": null, "validations": [] }, { "field": "first_name", "type": "String", "default_value": null, "enums": null, "integration": null, "is_filterable": true, "is_read_only": false, "is_required": false, "is_sortable": true, "is_virtual": false, "reference": null, "inverse_of": null, "widget": null, "validations": [] }, { "field": "last_name", "type": "String", "default_value": null, "enums": null, "integration": null, "is_filterable": true, "is_read_only": false, "is_required": false, "is_sortable": true, "is_virtual": false, "reference": null, "inverse_of": null, "widget": null, "validations": [] } ], "segments": [], "actions": [ { "name": "foo", "type": "bulk", "base_url": null, "endpoint": "forest/actions/mark-as-live", "http_method": "POST", "redirect": null, "download": false, "fields": [], "hooks": { "load": false, "change": [] } } ] } ], "meta": { "liana": "forest-rails", "liana_version": "7.6.0", "stack": { "database_type": "postgresql", "orm_version": "" } } }' it "Should return actions hooks empty for the island collection" do bootstrapper = content = JSON.parse(schema) bootstrapper.instance_variable_set(:@collections_sent, content['collections']) bootstrapper.instance_variable_set(:@meta_sent, content['meta']) bootstrapper.send(:generate_action_hooks) expect(bootstrapper.instance_variable_get("@collections_sent").first['actions'].first['hooks']).to eq({"load"=>false, "change"=>[]}) end end end end