Fluentd: Open-Source Log Collector =================================== [](https://travis-ci.org/fluent/fluentd) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/fluent/fluentd/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/fluent/fluentd) [![CII Best Practices](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/1189/badge)](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/1189) [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Ffluent%2Ffluentd.svg?type=shield)](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Ffluent%2Ffluentd?ref=badge_shield) [Fluentd](https://www.fluentd.org/) collects events from various data sources and writes them to files, RDBMS, NoSQL, IaaS, SaaS, Hadoop and so on. Fluentd helps you unify your logging infrastructure (Learn more about the [Unified Logging Layer](https://www.fluentd.org/blog/unified-logging-layer)).

An event consists of *tag*, *time* and *record*. Tag is a string separated with '.' (e.g. myapp.access). It is used to categorize events. Time is a UNIX time recorded at occurrence of an event. Record is a JSON object. ## Example Use Cases Use Case | Description | Diagram -------- | ------------|:---------: Centralizing Apache/Nginx Server Logs | Fluentd can be used to tail access/error logs and transport them reliably to remote systems. | Syslog Alerting | Fluentd can "grep" for events and send out alerts. | Mobile/Web Application Logging | Fluentd can function as middleware to enable asynchronous, scalable logging for user action events. | ## Quick Start $ gem install fluentd $ fluentd -s conf $ fluentd -c conf/fluent.conf & $ echo '{"json":"message"}' | fluent-cat debug.test ## Development ### Prerequisites - Ruby 2.1 or later - git `git` should be in `PATH`. On Windows, you can use `Github for Windows` and `GitShell` for easy setup. ### Install dependent gems Use bundler: $ gem install bundler $ bundle install --path vendor/bundle ### Run test $ bundle exec rake test You can run specified test via `TEST` environment variable: $ bundle exec rake test TEST=test/test_specified_path.rb $ bundle exec rake test TEST=test/test_*.rb ## Running in Production Many enterprises run Fluentd in production to handle all of their logging needs. For enterprises requiring Security tested binaries, SLA-based support, architectural guidance, and enhanced plugin connectors see [Fluentd Enterprise](https://www.fluentd.org/enterprise). ## Fluentd UI: Admin GUI [Fluentd UI](https://github.com/fluent/fluentd-ui) is a graphical user interface to start/stop/configure Fluentd.

## More Information - Website: https://www.fluentd.org/ - Documentation: https://docs.fluentd.org/ - Project repository: https://github.com/fluent - Discussion: https://groups.google.com/group/fluentd - Slack / Community: https://slack.fluentd.org - Newsletters: https://www.fluentd.org/newsletter_signup - Author: Sadayuki Furuhashi - Copyright: 2011-2018 Fluentd Authors - License: Apache License, Version 2.0 ## Contributors: Patches contributed by [great developers](https://github.com/fluent/fluentd/contributors). [](https://github.com/fluent/fluentd)