# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe "Content pages", type: :feature do include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper let(:admin) { create :user, :admin, :confirmed } let(:organization) { admin.organization } before do switch_to_host(organization.host) end describe "Showing pages" do let!(:decidim_pages) { create_list(:static_page, 5, organization: organization) } before do visit decidim.pages_path end it "shows the list of all the pages" do decidim_pages.each do |decidim_page| expect(page).to have_css( "a[href=\"#{decidim.page_path(decidim_page)}\"]", text: decidim_page.title[I18n.locale.to_s].upcase ) end end end describe "Managing pages" do before do login_as admin, scope: :user visit decidim_admin.root_path click_link "Pages" end it "can create new pages" do within ".secondary-nav" do find(".new").click end within ".new_static_page" do fill_in :static_page_slug, with: "welcome" fill_in_i18n( :static_page_title, "#static_page-title-tabs", en: "Welcome to Decidim", es: "Te damos la bienvendida a Decidim", ca: "Et donem la benvinguda a Decidim" ) fill_in_i18n_editor( :static_page_content, "#static_page-content-tabs", en: "<p>Some HTML content</p>", es: "<p>Contenido HTML</p>", ca: "<p>Contingut HTML</p>" ) find("*[type=submit]").click end within ".callout-wrapper" do expect(page).to have_content("successfully") end within "table" do expect(page).to have_content("Welcome to Decidim") end end context "with existing pages" do let!(:decidim_page) { create(:static_page, organization: organization) } before do visit current_path end it "can edit them" do within find("tr", text: translated(decidim_page.title)) do page.find(".action-icon.action-icon--edit").click end within ".edit_static_page" do fill_in_i18n( :static_page_title, "#static_page-title-tabs", en: "Not welcomed anymore" ) fill_in_i18n_editor( :static_page_content, "#static_page-content-tabs", en: "This is the new <strong>content</strong>" ) find("*[type=submit]").click end within ".callout-wrapper" do expect(page).to have_content("successfully") end within "table" do expect(page).to have_content("Not welcomed anymore") end end it "can destroy them" do within find("tr", text: translated(decidim_page.title)) do page.find(".action-icon.action-icon--remove").click end within ".callout-wrapper" do expect(page).to have_content("successfully") end within "table" do expect(page).not_to have_content(translated(decidim_page.title)) end end it "can visit them" do within find("tr", text: translated(decidim_page.title)) do page.find(".action-icon.action-icon--preview").click end expect(page).to have_content(translated(decidim_page.title)) expect(page).to have_content(strip_tags(translated(decidim_page.content))) expect(current_path).to include(decidim_page.slug) end end end end