2014.03.28 - version 0.6.3 * Added get_cloud_service_properties method, which returns all cloud service properties (embed-detail=true), including info about all VMs * Added winrm_http_port and winrm_https_port to get_virtual_machine method to allow the users to configure custom ports for winrm-http and winrm-https * Checks if any ports are in use before adding a role in the existing cloud service * Auto generate public port for add role. * Fix issue https://github.com/WindowsAzure/azure-sdk-for-ruby/issues/130 2014.03.15 - version 0.6.2 * Restart Virtual Machine * Add disk to Virtual Machine * Add/Update Virtual Machine endpoints * Delete Virtual Machine endpoint 2014.02.18 - version 0.6.1 * Fixed http redirection error * Add a new role to existing deployment * Add support for including VMs in availability sets 2013.12.02 - version 0.6.0 * Add the following service management API * Virtual Machine * Virtual Machine Image * Virtual Network * Cloud Service * Storage * Sql Database * Location and Affinity Group 2013.04.25 - version 0.5.0 * First release * Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0 support * Storage support: Blob, Table and Queue * Service Bus support: Queue, Topic/Subscription