# This file is part of CPEE. # # CPEE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, # either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # CPEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # CPEE (file COPYING in the main directory). If not, see # . require 'riddl/server' require 'securerandom' require 'xml/smart' require 'base64' require 'uri' require 'redis' require 'json' require ::File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/value_helper' module CPEE module Instantiation SERVER = File.expand_path(__dir__ + '/../instantiation.xml') module Helpers #{{{ def load_testset(tdoc,cpee,name=nil) #{{{ ins = -1 uuid = nil XML::Smart.string(tdoc) do |doc| doc.register_namespace 'desc', 'http://cpee.org/ns/description/1.0' doc.register_namespace 'prop', 'http://riddl.org/ns/common-patterns/properties/1.0' srv = Riddl::Client.new(cpee, cpee + "?riddl-description") res = srv.resource("/") if name doc.find("/testset/attributes/prop:info").each do |e| e.text = name end end status, response, headers = res.post Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("info",doc.find("string(/testset/attributes/prop:info)")) if status == 200 ins = response.first.value uuid = headers['CPEE_INSTANCE_UUID'] params = [] res = srv.resource("/#{ins}/properties/values") ["handlerwrapper","positions","dataelements","endpoints","attributes","transformation"].each do |item| if doc.find("/testset/#{item}").any? params << Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("name",item) params << Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("content",doc.find("/testset/#{item}").first.dump) end end ["description"].each do |item| if doc.find("/testset/#{item}").any? params << Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("name",item) params << Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("content","" + doc.find("/testset/#{item}/desc:*").first.dump + "") end end status, response = res.put params ["handlers"].each do |item| doc.find("/testset/#{item}/handler").each do |han| #pp han.children.first url = han.attributes['url'] inp = "url=" + URI.encode_www_form_component(url) inp = inp + "&topic=" + han.children.first.attributes['topic'] inp = inp + "&" + han.children.first.qname.to_s + "=" + han.children.first.to_s status,body = Riddl::Client::new(cpee+ins+"/notifications/subscriptions/").post( [ Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("url",han.attributes['url']), Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("topic",han.children.first.attributes['topic']), Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new(han.children.first.qname.to_s,han.children.first.to_s) ] ) end end end end [ins, uuid] end #}}} private :load_testset def handle_waiting(cpee,instance,uuid,behavior,selfurl,cblist) #{{{ if behavior =~ /^wait/ condition = behavior.match(/_([^_]+)_/)&.[](1) || 'finished' @headers << Riddl::Header.new('CPEE-CALLBACK','true') cb = @h['CPEE_CALLBACK'] if cb cbk = SecureRandom.uuid srv = Riddl::Client.new(cpee, cpee + "?riddl-description") status, response = srv.resource("/#{instance}/notifications/subscriptions/").post [ Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("url",File.join(selfurl,'callback',cbk)), Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("topic","state"), Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("events","change") ] cblist.rpush(cbk, cb) cblist.rpush(cbk, condition) cblist.rpush(cbk, instance) cblist.rpush(cbk, uuid) cblist.rpush(cbk, File.join(cpee,instance)) end end end #}}} private :handle_waiting def handle_starting(cpee,instance,behavior) #{{{ if behavior =~ /_running$/ srv = Riddl::Client.new(cpee, cpee + "?riddl-description") res = srv.resource("/#{instance}/properties/values") status, response = res.put [ Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new('name', 'state'), Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new('value','running') ] end end #}}} private :handle_starting def handle_data(cpee,instance,data) #{{{ if data srv = Riddl::Client.new(cpee, cpee + "?riddl-description") content = XML::Smart.string('') JSON::parse(data).each do |k,v| content.root.add(k,v) end res = srv.resource("/#{instance}/properties/values/dataelements/") status, response = res.patch [ Riddl::Parameter::Complex.new('content','text/xml',content.to_s) ] end # rescue nil end #}}} end #}}} class InstantiateUrl < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ include Helpers def response cpee = @a[0] selfurl = @a[1] cblist = @a[2] status, res = Riddl::Client.new(@p[2].value).get tdoc = if status >= 200 && status < 300 res[0].value.read else (@status = 500) && return end if (instance, uuid = load_testset(tdoc,cpee,@p[0].value)).first == -1 @status = 500 else handle_data cpee, instance, @p[3]&.value handle_waiting cpee, instance, uuid, @p[1].value, selfurl, cblist handle_starting cpee, instance, @p[1].value send = { 'CPEE-INSTANCE' => instance, 'CPEE-INSTANCE-URL' => File.join(cpee,instance), 'CPEE-INSTANCE-UUID' => uuid, 'CPEE-BEHAVIOR' => @p[1].value } @headers << Riddl::Header.new('CPEE-INSTANTIATION',JSON::generate(send)) Riddl::Parameter::Complex.new('instance','application/json',JSON::generate(send)) end end end #}}} class InstantiateXML < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ include Helpers def response cpee = @a[0] behavior = @a[1] ? 'fork_ready' : @p[0].value data = @a[1] ? 0 : 1 selfurl = @a[2] cblist = @a[3] tdoc = if @p[data].additional =~ /base64/ Base64.decode64(@p[data].value.read) else @p[data].value.read end if (instance, uuid = load_testset(tdoc,cpee)).first == -1 @status = 500 else handle_data cpee, instance, @p[data+1]&.value handle_waiting cpee, instance, uuid, behavior, selfurl, cblist handle_starting cpee, instance, behavior send = { 'CPEE-INSTANCE' => instance, 'CPEE-INSTANCE-URL' => File.join(cpee,instance), 'CPEE-INSTANCE-UUID' => uuid, 'CPEE-BEHAVIOR' => behavior } Riddl::Parameter::Complex.new('instance','application/json',JSON::generate(send)) end end end #}}} class HandleInstance < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ include Helpers def response cpee = @a[0] selfurl = @a[1] cblist = @a[2] instance = @p[1].value srv = Riddl::Client.new(cpee, cpee + "?riddl-description") res = srv.resource("/#{instance}/properties/values/attributes/uuid") status, response = res.get if status >= 200 && status < 300 uuid = XML::Smart::string(response.first.value).root.text handle_data cpee, instance, @p[2]&.value handle_waiting cpee, instance, uuid, @p[0].value, selfurl, cblist handle_starting cpee, instance, @p[0].value return Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new("url",cpee + instance) end end end #}}} class ContinueTask < Riddl::Implementation #{{{ def response cpee = @a[0] cblist = @a[1] topic = @p[1].value event_name = @p[2].value notification = JSON.parse(@p[3].value) key = @r.last cb, condition, instance, uuid, instance_url = cblist.lrange(key,0,-1) orisend = { 'CPEE-INSTANCE' => instance, 'CPEE-INSTANCE-URL' => instance_url, 'CPEE-INSTANCE-UUID' => uuid, 'CPEE-STATE' => notification['state'] } send = orisend.dup if notification['state'] == condition cblist.del(key) srv = Riddl::Client.new(cpee, cpee + "?riddl-description") res = srv.resource("/#{instance}/properties/values/dataelements") status, response = res.get if status >= 200 && status < 300 doc = XML::Smart.string(response[0].value.read) doc.register_namespace 'p', 'http://riddl.org/ns/common-patterns/properties/1.0' doc.find('/p:value/*').each do |e| send[e.qname.name] = CPEE::ValueHelper::parse(e.text) end end Riddl::Client.new(cb).put Riddl::Parameter::Complex.new('dataelements','application/json',JSON::generate(send)) else Riddl::Client.new(cb).put [ Riddl::Header.new('CPEE-UPDATE','true'), Riddl::Parameter::Complex.new('dataelements','application/json',JSON::generate(send)) ] end end end #}}} def self::implementation(opts) opts[:cpee] ||= 'http://localhost:9298/' opts[:self] ||= "http#{opts[:secure] ? 's' : ''}://#{opts[:host]}:#{opts[:port]}/" opts[:cblist] = Redis.new(path: "/tmp/redis.sock", db: 14) Proc.new do on resource do run InstantiateXML, opts[:cpee], true if post 'xmlsimple' on resource 'xml' do run InstantiateXML, opts[:cpee], false if post 'xml' end on resource 'url' do run InstantiateUrl, opts[:cpee], opts[:self], opts[:cblist] if post 'url' end on resource 'instance' do run HandleInstance, opts[:cpee] if post 'instance' end on resource 'callback' do on resource do run ContinueTask, opts[:cpee], opts[:cblist] if post end end end end end end end