require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') describe Rhoconnect::EndpointHelpers do # Auth stub class class AuthTest; end class BrokenResource < ActiveRecord::Base include Rhoconnect::Resource end # Query stub class class Product < ActiveRecord::Base include Rhoconnect::Resource def self.rhoconnect_query(partition) [] end end def setup_auth_test(success) AuthTest.stub!(:do_auth).and_return(success) AuthTest.should_receive(:do_auth).with(@creds) Rhoconnect.configure do |config| config.uri = "" config.token = "token" config.authenticate = lambda {|credentials| AuthTest.do_auth(credentials) } end end before(:all) do @params = {'partition' => 'testuser', 'resource' => 'Product'} @creds = {'user' => 'john', 'pass' => 'secret'} end context "on Rails auth endpoint" do before(:each) do strio = mock("StringIO") strio.stub!(:read).and_return(JSON.generate(@creds)) @env = mock("env") @env.stub!(:body).and_return(strio) @env.stub!(:content_type).and_return('application/json') Rack::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@env) end it "should call configured authenticate block" do setup_auth_test(true) == [ 200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, [""] ] end it "should call configured authenticate block with 401" do setup_auth_test(false) == [ 401, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, [""] ] end it "should return true if no authenticate block exists" do Rhoconnect.configure do |config| config.uri = "" config.token = "token" end Rhoconnect.configuration.authenticate.should be_nil == [ 200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, [""] ] end it "should call authenticate block with empty params" do Rhoconnect::EndpointHelpers.authenticate('text/plain', '').should == [ 200, {"Content-Type"=>"text/plain"}, [""] ] end end context "on Create/Update/Delete/Query endpoints" do before(:each) do @strio = mock("StringIO") @env = mock("env") @env.stub!(:content_type).and_return('application/json') end it "should call query endpoint" do @strio.stub!(:read).and_return( {'partition' => 'testuser', 'resource' => 'Product'}.to_json ) @env.stub!(:body).and_return(@strio) Rack::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@env) code, content_type, body = code.should == 200 content_type.should == { "Content-Type" => "application/json" } JSON.parse(body[0]).should == { '1' => } end it "should fail on missing Rhoconnect::Resource" do @strio.stub!(:read).and_return( {'partition' => 'testuser', 'resource' => 'Broken'}.to_json ) @env.stub!(:body).and_return(@strio) Rack::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@env) code, content_type, body = code.should == 404 content_type.should == { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" } body[0].should == "Missing Rhoconnect::Resource Broken" end it "should fail on undefined rhoconnect_query method" do @strio.stub!(:read).and_return( {'partition' => 'testuser', 'resource' => 'BrokenResource'}.to_json ) @env.stub!(:body).and_return(@strio) Rack::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@env) code, content_type, body = code.should == 404 content_type.should == { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" } body[0].should == "error on method `rhoconnect_query` for BrokenResource: undefined method `rhoconnect_query' for BrokenResource:Class" end it "should fail on unknown exception" do @strio.stub!(:read).and_return( {'partition' => 'testuser', 'resource' => 'Product'}.to_json ) @env.stub!(:body).and_return(@strio) Rack::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@env) Product.stub!(:rhoconnect_receive_create).and_return { raise "error in create" } code, content_type, body = code.should == 500 content_type.should == { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" } body[0].should == "error in create" end it "should call create endpoint" do params = { 'resource' => 'Product', 'partition' => 'app', 'attributes' => { 'name' => 'iphone', 'brand' => 'apple' } } @strio.stub!(:read).and_return(params.to_json) @env.stub!(:body).and_return(@strio) Rack::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@env) code, content_type, body = code.should == 200 content_type.should == { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" } body.should == ['1'] end it "should call update endpoint" do params = { 'resource' => 'Product', 'partition' => 'app', 'attributes' => { 'id' => '123', 'name' => 'iphone', 'brand' => 'apple' } } @strio.stub!(:read).and_return(params.to_json) @env.stub!(:body).and_return(@strio) Rack::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@env) code, content_type, body = code.should == 200 content_type.should == { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" } body.should == ["123"] end it "should call delete endpoint" do params = { 'resource' => 'Product', 'partition' => 'app', 'attributes' => { 'id' => '123', 'name' => 'iphone', 'brand' => 'apple' } } @strio.stub!(:read).and_return(params.to_json) @env.stub!(:body).and_return(@strio) Rack::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@env) code, content_type, body = code.should == 200 content_type.should == { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" } body.should == ["123"] end end context "on Sinatra endpoints" do class EndpointTest include Sinatra::RhoconnectHelpers end it "should register endpoints for authenticate and query" do strio = mock("StringIO") strio.stub!(:read).and_return(@creds.to_json) req = mock("request") req.stub!(:body).and_return(strio) req.stub!(:env).and_return('CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json') Sinatra::RhoconnectEndpoints.stub!(:request).and_return(req) Sinatra::RhoconnectEndpoints.stub!(:params).and_return(@params) Rhoconnect::EndpointHelpers.stub!(:query) app = mock("app") app.stub!(:post).and_yield app.should_receive(:post).exactly(5).times app.should_receive(:include).with(Sinatra::RhoconnectHelpers) Sinatra::RhoconnectEndpoints.should_receive(:call_helper).exactly(5).times Sinatra::RhoconnectEndpoints.registered(app) end it "should call helper for authenticate" do app = app.should_receive(:status).with(200) app.should_receive(:content_type).with('text/plain') app.call_helper( :authenticate, 'application/json', @creds.to_json ).should == "" end it "should call helper for query" do app = app.should_receive(:status).with(200) app.should_receive(:content_type).with('application/json') result = app.call_helper( :query, 'application/json', @params.to_json ) JSON.parse(result).should == { '1' => } end end end