en: lita: handlers: digitalocean: credentials_missing: >- client_id and api_key must be set in Lita's configuration to use the DigitalOcean commands. error: "DigitalOcean API error: %{message}" format: Format help: ssh_keys: add_key: do ssh keys add NAME PUBLIC_KEY add_value: Adds a new SSH key. delete_key: do ssh keys delete ID delete_value: Delete the SSH key with the given ID. edit_key: "do ssh keys edit ID [name=NAME] [public_key=PUBLIC_KEY]" edit_value: Change the NAME and/or PUBLIC_KEY of the SSH key with the given ID. list_key: do ssh keys list list_value: Lists all SSH keys. show_key: do ssh keys show ID show_value: Shows the public key for SSH key with the given ID. ssh_keys: add: created: "Created new SSH key: %{message}" delete: deleted: "Deleted SSH key: %{key_id}" edit: updated: "Updated SSH key: %{message}" list: empty: No SSH keys have been added yet.