<% submission_path = @event.new_record? ? events_path : event_path(@event) %>
<%= semantic_form_for(@event, :url => submission_path) do |form| %> <%= form.inputs do %> <%= form.input :name, :hint => "the name of the event" %> <%= form.input :event_type, :hint => "conference, meeting, training, etc" %>
  • <%= form.input :start_date, :required => false, :as => :string, :input_html => { :value => @event.start_date.to_s } %>
  • <%= form.input :end_date, :required => false, :as => :string, :input_html => { :value => @event.end_date.to_s } %> <%= form.input :timezone, :as => :time_zone, :priority_zones => /^(Eastern|Central|Mountain|Pacific) Time/ %> <%= form.input :facilitators, :hint => 'eg Sally Resonant, DSM WRRC' %> <%= form.input :presenters, :hint => 'eg Jane Doe, DSM WRRC' %> <%= form.input :location, :required => false, :hint => 'eg Portland, Oregon USA or http://some.webinar.org', :label => 'Location' %> <%= form.input :description, :required => false, :label => 'Description' %> <% unless @event.new_record? %> <%= form.input :notes, :required => false, :label => 'Notes' %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= form.submit %> <% end %>
    <% content_for :javascript do %> <% end %>