$LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "..") require 'rubygems' require 'toaster/util/config' require 'toaster/util/docker' include Toaster $service_port = 8385 if !$service_port puts "INFO: Configuring service." # global initializations require "toaster/test/test_runner" $test_runners = {} class MyThreadOut def write(out) local_out = Thread.current[:stdout] if local_out then local_out.write out else STDOUT.write out end end def flush() local_out = Thread.current[:stdout] if local_out then local_out.flush else STDOUT.flush end end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) local_out = Thread.current[:stdout] if local_out then local_out.send(name, *args, &block) else STDOUT.send(name, *args, &block) end end end $stdout = MyThreadOut.new ## capture stdout using thread-local variable require 'stringio' module Kernel def capture_stdout(&block) out = StringIO.new Thread.start do begin Thread.current[:stdout] = out block.call ensure Thread.current[:stdout] = STDOUT end end.join return out.string end end ## def execute(cmd, silent=false) puts "Executing command: #{cmd}" if !silent output = `#{cmd}` retval = $? puts "return code: #{retval}, output: \n#{output}" if !silent return retval end # Start the actual server and create RPC bindings require "xmlrpc/server" require "toaster/api" class ToasterAppService < XMLRPC::Server def initialize(*args) super(*args) @app = Toaster::ToasterApp.new @methods = ["chefsolo", "clean", "download", "exec", "lxc", "proto", "runchef", "runtest", "runtests", "testinit", "time" ] @methods.each do |method| add_handler(method) { |*args| exception = nil out = capture_stdout do begin @app.send(method, *args) rescue Object => ex exception = ex end end if exception puts "#{exception} - #{exception.backtrace.join("\n")}" puts "stdout: #{out}" puts "-----" raise exception end out } end end def start() serve() end def self.service_started?() output = `ps aux | grep -v "ps aux" | grep ruby | grep toaster_app_service` return output.strip != "" end def self.start_service() if !service_started?() dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) Util.write("/tmp/toaster.service.loop.sh", "#!/bin/bash\n " + "cd #{dir}\n " + "while [ 1 ]; do\n " + "ruby toaster_app_service.rb do_start_service -v\n " + "done", true) `chmod +x /tmp/toaster.service.loop.sh` cmd = "cd #{dir} && screen -m -d bash /tmp/toaster.service.loop.sh" puts "INFO: Starting test service in the background (using screen), using port #{$service_port}." `#{cmd}` else puts "INFO: Another test service instance is already running on this host." end end end if ARGV.include?("do_start_service") puts "Starting service on port #{$service_port}" Toaster::Config.init_db_connection() server = ToasterAppService.new($service_port, "") # client = ToasterApp.new() # client.runtest("2285f8539f6c48873") # client.runtests("88056bebc7e384cac") server.start end