module Padrino module Mailer ## # Handles MIME type declarations for mail delivery. # module Mime ## # Returns Symbol with mime type if found, otherwise use +fallback+. # +mime+ should be the content type like "text/plain" # +fallback+ may be any symbol. # # Also see the documentation for {MIME_TYPES}. # # @param [String] mime # The mime alias to fetch (i.e 'text/plain'). # @param [Symbol] fallback # The fallback mime to use if +mime+ doesn't exist. # # @example # Padrino::Mailer::Mime.mime_type('text/plain') # # => :plain # Padrino::Mailer::Mime.mime_type('text/html') # # => :html # # This is a shortcut for: # # Padrino::Mailer::Mime::MIME_TYPES.fetch('text/plain', :plain) # def self.mime_type(mime, fallback=:plain) MIME_TYPES.fetch(mime.to_s.downcase, fallback) end ## # List of common mime-types, selected from various sources # according to their usefulness for an email scope. # # You can add your own mime types like: # # Padrino::Mailer::MIME_TYPES.merge!("text/xml" => :xml) # MIME_TYPES = { "text/html" => :html, "text/plain" => :plain, "text/xml" => :xml } end end end