require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) describe "halt plugin" do it "should still have halt return rack response as argument given it as argument" do app(:halt) do |r| r.halt [200, {}, ['foo']] end body.must_equal "foo" end it "should consider string argument as response body" do app(:halt) do |r| r.halt "foo" end body.must_equal "foo" end it "should consider integer argument as response status" do app(:halt) do |r| r.halt 300 end status.must_equal 300 end it "should consider other single arguments similar to block bodies" do app(:bare) do plugin :halt plugin :json route do |r| r.halt({'a'=>1}) end end body.must_equal '{"a":1}' end it "should consider 2 arguments as response status and body" do app(:halt) do |r| r.halt 300, "foo" end status.must_equal 300 body.must_equal "foo" end it "should handle 2nd of 2 arguments similar to block bodies" do app(:bare) do plugin :halt plugin :json route do |r| r.halt(300, {'a'=>1}) end end status.must_equal 300 body.must_equal '{"a":1}' end it "should consider 3 arguments as response" do app(:halt) do |r| r.halt 300, {'a'=>'b'}, "foo" end status.must_equal 300 header('a').must_equal 'b' body.must_equal "foo" end it "should consider an array as a rack response" do app(:halt) do |r| r.halt [300, {'a'=>'b'}, ["foo"]] end status.must_equal 300 header('a').must_equal 'b' body.must_equal "foo" end it "should handle 3rd of 3 arguments similar to block bodies" do app(:bare) do plugin :halt plugin :json route do |r| r.halt(300, {'a'=>'b'}, {'a'=>1}) end end status.must_equal 300 header('a').must_equal 'b' body.must_equal '{"a":1}' end it "should raise an error for too many arguments" do app(:halt) do |r| r.halt 300, {'a'=>'b'}, "foo", 1 end proc{req}.must_raise(Roda::RodaError) end it "should raise an error for single argument not integer, String, or Array" do app(:halt) do |r| r.halt('a'=>'b') end proc{req}.must_raise(Roda::RodaError) end end